PLEADINGS, not to be amended or delivered in the long vacation, 29. pleading "malice," 79. pleading "notice," 80. pleading "implied contract," 80. pleading "documents," 80. pleading matters arising during action, 80. PLEAS, “in abatement," and "new assignments," abolished, 78. allegations of fact in to be dealt with specifically, 44. to be delivered within three weeks of defence, or last of de- REPRESENTATIVE capacity of plaintiff or defendant to be SERVICE, in actions to recover land, 6. in admiralty actions "in rem," 6, 7. not to be required when defendant by his solicitor agrees to of notice in lieu of writ, 4. on corporation, hundred or inhabitants, according to statute, 6. on infant, 5. on lunatic, 5. on partners, 5. date of, to be indorsed within three days, 4. Out of jurisdiction, 7, 8. application for leave to effect, to be supported by affidavit, 8. Within the jurisdiction, writ for, may be concurrent with one for service out of, and SET-OFF, amendment of, 42. effect of, 31. distinct grounds of, to be stated separately and distinctly, 32. to be stated specifically, 31. SOLICITOR, not entering appearance in pursuance of his undertaking, to be to declare whether writ issued or not by his authority, 13. SPECIAL CASE, 85-87. SPECIAL INDORSEMENT, 2, 3. See INDORSEMENT. SPECIAL JURY, notice of, 52. STATEMENT OF CLAIM, being dispensed with, and writ being specially indorsed, delivery of, without its being required, 22. further, time for the delivery of, 23. may be delivered at any time after writ issued and before ap- not to be delivered more than six weeks after appearance, to be delivered within six weeks of appearance, if defendant to distinguish distinct claims, 23. to name county or place where plaintiff proposes to try, if not to state specifically the relief claimed and show if it is for dis- STATEMENT OF DEFENCE, amendment of, 41. may be delivered within eight days after appearance, although separate defences to be stated separately in, 29. to be delivered to plaintiff, 28. to be delivered within eight days after statement of claim or where leave given to defend, 29. STATUTES, list of:- 1 & 2 Vict. c. 110 (Insolvent Debtors), ss. 14, 15...90. 3 & 4 Vict. c. 82 (Stock, Judgments), s. 1...90. 5 Vict. c. 5 (Court of Exchequer), s. 5...91. 8 & 9 Vict. c. 20 (Railways Clauses), s. 138...6. 13 & 14 Vict. c. 35 (Court of Chancery), 87. 15 & 16 Vict. c. 76 (Common Law Procedure), ss. 16, 170...6. 15 & 16 Vict. c. 86, s. 42...71. 25 & 26 Vict. c. 89 (Companies Act, 1862), s. 64...6. 30 & 31 Vict. c. 131 (Companies Act, 1867), s. 37...13. 32 & 33 Vict. c. 47, s. 5...6. 36 & 37 Vict. c. 66 (S. C. J. Act, 1873), s. 24, sub-sect. 3...74. s. 30...56. 38 & 39 Vict. c. 77 (S. C. J. Act, 1875) s. 20...56. THIRD PARTIES, questions between defendant and, 32. TRIAL, defendant not being present at, plaintiff may prove his case so defendant's application to change place of, 48. different modes of, 56. entry for, elsewhere than in London or Middlesex, 52. by jury, 56. directions by judge as to mode of, 58. new, motion for, 59. non-appearance at, setting aside judgment for, 57. plaintiff not appearing at, defendant may prove his counter- claim, or, if none, dismiss action, 57. plaintiff's application to change place of, 47. UNDERTAKING to appear, 11. VACATION, LONG, no pleadings to be amended or delivered in the, 29. VENUE, local, abolished, 23. WRIT OF SUMMONS and Indorsement, 1, 2, 3. See INDORSEMENT. concurrent, may be issued, 3. concurrent, to bear teste the same day as original, 3. for service out of jurisdiction, not to issue without leave, 3. may be renewed from time to time, 9. renewed, production of, marked with seal, to be evidence of to bear date the day of issue, 1. FINIS. C. F. Roworth, Printer, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane. "Now for the Laws of England (if I shall speak my opinion of them without "partiality either to my profession or country), for the matter and nature of them, "I hold them wise, just and moderate laws: they give to God, they give to Cæsar, "they give to the subject what appertaineth. It is true they are as mixt as our "language, compounded of British, Saxon, Danish, Norman customs. And surely "as our language is thereby so much the richer, so our laws are likewise by that "mixture the more complete."-LORD BACON. LONDON: 7, FLEET STREET, E. C. |