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Law Publishers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.

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[In the press.
Davis on Registration, Parliamentary and Municipal. 2nd Ed.
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Plumptre's Principles of the Law of Simple Contracts. Post 8vo.
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A companion volume to Underhill on Torts.

Sir T. Erskine May's Parliamentary Practice. 8th Edition. 8vo. 21. 2s. cloth.

Denison and Scott's House of Lords Appeal Practice. 8vo. 16s. cloth.

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Roberts' Principles of Equity. 3rd Edition. 8vo. 18s. cloth. Fisher's Law of Mortgage and other Securities upon Froperty. 3rd Edition. 2 vols., royal 8vo. 60s. cloth.

Ball's Popular Conveyancer, with Precedents.


8vo. 10s. 6d

Hamel's Customs Laws, 1876. Post 8vo., 6s.; demy 8vo., 8s. 6d.


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*For complete Catalogue, see end of this Work.

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