O that thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, Thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round Of service, in thy Saviour's holy home. Studies in Modernism - Page 328by Alfred Fawkes - 1913 - 468 pagesFull view - About this book
 | 1905 - 726 pages
...are but ingredients in our * Keden uud Aufsiitze, ii. 233. t Ib'. ii. 250. TOL. CCII. NO. CCOCXIIt. 0 nature. Now, as ever, the average man prefers tutelage...passage into the unknown. ' 0 that thy creed were Bound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome ' wrote Newman before his secession. And... | |
 | Arminianism - 1839 - 1092 pages
...of the " Mother of Harlots." The writer in the " Lyra Apostolica," just quoted, says, — •• O that thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch, and varied round Of service, in thy Saviour's holy home. 1 cannot walk the... | |
 | Theology - 1836 - 746 pages
...once given. Or is it sent at seasons rare And then flits back to Heaven ? 3.— THE LATIN CHURCH. O THAT thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round Of service, in thy SAVIOUR'S holy home. I cannot walk the city's... | |
 | 1836 - 742 pages
...once given, Or is it sent at seasons rare And then flits back to Heaven ? 3.—THE LATIN CHURCH. О THAT thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round Of service, in thy SAVIOUR'S holy home. But the wide porch... | |
 | Edward Bouverie Pusey - Government, Resistance to - 1838 - 476 pages
...lost Church ! to mock the throes Of thy free child, thou cruel-natured Rome!" — Ibid. 171. 43. " O that thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round / Of service, in thy Saviour's holy home." — Ibid. 172. EXTRACTS... | |
 | Lyra - 1838 - 270 pages
...Church ! to mock the throes Of thy free child, thou cruel-natured Home ! CLXXIV. THE GOOD SAMARITAN. O that thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, Thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round Of service, in thy Saviour's holy home. I cannot walk the city's... | |
 | Edward Bouverie Pusey - Anglo-Catholicism - 1839 - 200 pages
...lost Church! to mock the throes Of thy free child, thou cruel-natured Rome !"— Ibid. 171. 43. " O that thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round Of service, in thy Saviour's holy home." — Ibid. 172 EXTRACTS... | |
 | Edward Bouverie Pusey - Justification (Christian theology). - 1839 - 290 pages
...lost Church ! to mock the throes Of thy free child, thou cruel-natured Rome !" — Ibid. 171 . 43. " O that thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round Of service, in thy Saviour's holy home." — Ibid. 172. EXTRACTS... | |
 | Edward Bouverie Pusey - Oxford movement - 1839 - 282 pages
...womb, lost Church! to mock the throes Of thy free child, thou cruel-natured Rome!"—Ibid. 171. 43. " O that thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round Of service, in thy Saviour's holy home."—Ibid. 172. EXTRACTS... | |
 | Peter Placet (pseud.) - 1844 - 104 pages
...Mother Church of Rome ! Why has thy heart Beat so untruly towards thy northern child?'' — p. 229. " 0 that thy creed were sound ! For thou dost soothe the heart, thou Church of Rome, By thy unwearied watch and varied round Of service, in thy Saviour's holy home." — p. 230. J Bishop... | |
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