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Court houfe where the caufe is to be adjudged. And that fuch Commiffions fhall or may be obtained and iffue and be executed, and have the like effect as directed by Law, refpecting Commiflions for examinations in remote places.

II. And for as much as the Judges of the Common Pleas are in the practice of making frequent Tournées or Cricuits in their Counties for the trial of fmall caufes not exceed-ing. Ten Pounds Sterling, and the examinations fo to be taken by Commiffion, may be fometimes conveniently executed by a fingle Judge of the Court where the caufe is triable. Be it further ordained by the fame authority, that the examinations, when taken before a fingle Judge of the Court in which the action is pending, after the manner and in the calcs for which a Commiffion might have been iffued for examining Witneffes within the County, but thirty miles from the Court-houfe thereof, fhall be as valid in the Law, as if taken by Commiflion or before two Judges in open Court. And that fuch remedy as the Law permits or may require, for compelling the attendance of Witneffes before the Court of Common Pleas in open Court. may be taken for compelling their attendances on the examinations hereby allowed to be taken, whether before Commiffioners or beforé a fingle Judge, any thing in any former Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithstanding.

HI. Provided always, and be it alfo ordained by the fame authority, that nothing. herein contained fhall be conftrued to authorize any one Judge to take such Examinations on the Circuit, who may not be competent to have cognizance of the caufe, and to hear and adjudge in the fame, in open Court, nor to authorize the giving in Evidence to a Jury, the depofitions taken by Commiffion within the County, where the trial by Jury, fhall be had, without the consent of both Parties entered upon the Minutes

of the Court.

IV. And provided alfo, and be it further ordained by the fame authority, that the fine upon a Witness for his default, in not attending to give Teftimony, fhall be at the difcretion of the Court where the caufe is pending, and fhall not exceed the fum of Ten Pounds Currency, and that the Court fetting fuch fine, fhall have authority to compel the Payment thereof by Procefs to any place in the Province, tho' the fame be not within the District or County where it fits, whether fuch default or contempt be to the Court, or to Commiffioners, or a fingle Judge in manner afore-mentioned. And the fame Process fhall be executed in any Diftrict by the Officers therein as the Process of the Court thereof may be ; but as the Court iffuing the fame fhall command, which fines fo recovered fhall be paid to the Receiver General for the ufe of the Crown, and without detriment to the right of a party injured by the default of a Witnefs to his remedy by private action at Law.


Enacted and. Ordained by the authority aforefaid, and paffed in Council under the Great Seal of the Province, at the Council-chamber in the caftle of St. Lewis, inthe city of Quebec, the Twenty-fourth day of February, in the Thirty-fecond Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the grace of GoD of GreatBritain, France and Ireland King, defender of the Faith, and fo forth, and in the Year of our LORD One thousand feven hundred and ninety-two.

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For fufpending the Seffions of the Court of King's Bench at Montreal, and to facili tate the Proceedings in Appeal Causes.

[Expired.] FINI S..

II. Et d'autant que les Juges des plaidoyers communs font en ufage de faire des tournées ou circuits fréquents dans leurs comtés, pour l'audition des petites causes n'excédant pas dix livres fterlings, et que l'examen à être ainfi pris par commiffion, peut-être quelque fois convenablement exécuté par un feul juge de la cour où la caufe peut-être plaidée. Qu'il foit de plus ordonné par la dite autorité, que l'examen ainfi pris devant un feul juge de la cour dans laquelle l'action eft pendante dans la maniere et dans le cas pour lesquels une commiffion pourroit avoir été émanée pour l'examen des témoins dans le comté, à trente miles de la cour d'icelui, fera auffi valide en Loi que s'il eut été pris par commiffion ou devant deux Juges en Cour ouverte et que tel remêde que la Loi permet ou peut réquerir pour obliger la présence des témoins devant la cour des plaidoyers communs en cour ouverte peut être pris pour obliger leur préfence à l'examen permis par la préfente, foit devant des commiffaires ou devant un feul Juge, nonobftant aucune chose dans aucune ancienne Loi, usage ou coutume à ce


III. Pourvû toujours et il eft auffi ordonné par la dite autorité, que rien y contenu ne fera entendu autorifer aucun Juge à prendre tel examen dans le circuit qui n'eft pas compétent pour prendre connoillance de la caufe, et pour entendre et juger en icelle, en cour ouverte, ni autorifer à produire en témoignage devant les jurés, les dépofitions prifes par commiffion dans le comté lorfque ce fera un procès par jurés, fans le confentement des deux parties infcrit dans les minutes de la cour.

IV. Et pourvû auffi et il eft de plus ordonné par la dite autorité, que l'amende encourue par un témoin pour fon défaut en ne fe préfentant point pour rendre témoignage, fera à la difcretion de la Cour où la caufe eft pendante et n'excédera pas la fomme de dix livres courans, et que la Cour infligeant telle amende, aura autorité de contraindre le paiement d'icelle, par ordre dans aucun endroit de la Province, quoique ce ne foit pas dans le diftrict ou comté où elle fiége, foit que tel défaut ou mépris foit envers la cour, ou envers les Commiffaires, ou envers un feul Juge dans la maniere fusmentionée. Et le même ordre fera exécuté dans aucun diftrici par les officiers en icelui comme l'ordre de la cour d'icelui peut l'être, et tel que la cour qui l'aura émané l'ordonnera, lefquelles amendes ainfi recouvertes feront payées au receveur général pour l'ufage de la Couronne et fans préjudice au droit de la partie grévée par le défaut d'un témoin pour fon remêde par action civile en Loi.


ALURED CLARK E. Satué et ordonné par la fufdite autorité et paffé en Confeil fous le Sceau Public de la Province, en la Chambre du Confeil, du Château St. Louis, en la ville de Québec, le vingt-quatrième jour de Février, dans la trente-deuxième année du Règne de fa Majefté GEORGE Trois, par la Grace de DIEU, Roi de la Grande Bre-tagne, de France et d'Irlande, Défenfeur de la foi, &c. &c. &c, et dans l'année de notre Seigneur mil fept cens quatrevingt-douze.

Traduit par ordre de Son Excellence, le Lieutenant Gouverneur.

P. A. DE BONNE, A. S. & T. F..


Ordonnance pour fufpendre les Seffions de la Cour du banc du Roi à Montreal et pour faciliter les procédures dans les Caufes en apel,


E IN I S..

An Ordinance, for eftablishing courts of civil judicature in the province of QUEBEC.-[Repealed by
Prov. Stat. 34. GEO. III. Cap. 6th. Sec. 38.]

To regulate the proceedings in the courts of civil judicature in the province of QUEBEC.-[Expired.]
For afcertaining damages on protested bills of exchange, and fixing the rate of intereft in the province of
QUEBEC.-in force.]-[Vide Prov. Stat. 34. GEO. III. c. 2d.]

For regulating the markets of the towns of Quebec and Montreal.[in force]

For establishing courts of criminal jurifdiction in the province of Quebec.-[Repealed by Prov. Stat. 34.

GEO. III. Cap. 6th. Sec. 38.]

Declaring what shall be deemed a due publication of the ordinances of the Province.-[Expired.]-[Vide

Prov. Stat. 34. GEO. III. Cap. 1ft.]

To prevent the felling of ftrong liquors to the Indians in the province of Quebec, as alfo to deter perfons

from buying their arms or cloathing, and for other purposes relative to the trade and intercourfe with

the faid Indians.-[in force.]—Explained and amended by Ordinance 31ft. GEO. III. Cap. ft.]

For regulating the militia of the province of Quebec, and rendering it of more general utility, towards

the prefervation and fecurity thereof.-[Repealed by Prov. Stat. 34. GEO. III. Cap. 4th. Sec. 31.]

For regulating the currency of the Province.-[in force.]

Concerning bakers of bread in the towns of Quebec and Montreal.-[in force.]

For repairing and amending the public highways and bridges in the province of Quebec.-[in force.]

Empowering the Commiffioners of the peace to regulate the prices to be paid for the carriage of goods,

and the passage of ferries in the province of Quebec.-[in force.]

For preventing accidents by fire.-[in force.]--Amended by Ordinance 30th. GEO. III. Cap. 7th.]

For preventing perfons leaving the Province without a pass.—[in force.]

To empower the Commiffioners of the peace to regulate the police of the towns of Quebec and Montreal,

for a limited time.-[in force.]-[Continued by several ordinances amended and made perpetual by ordi-

nance 31ft. GEO. III. Cap. 3]

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Ordonnance, qui établit les Cours civiles de Judicature en la Province de QUEBEC-[Rappellée par le
Stat. Prov. 3ine GEO. III. Cap, 6. Sec. 38.]

Qui règle les formes de procéder dans les Cours civiles de Judicature établie dans la Province de QUE-
BEC-Expirée ]

Qui fixe les dommages fur les Lettres de Change proteflées, et le prix des Intérèts dans la Province de
QUEBEC.-[en force.]-[Vide Stat. Prov. 34. GEO. III. Cap. 20.]

Portant Réglement pour les marchés dans les villes de Québec et de Montréal.-[en force ]






Qui établit les Cours de Jurifdiction Criminelle en la Province de QUEBEC.-[Rappellée par le Stat. Prov.
34ne GEO. III. Cap. 6. Sec. 38.

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Qui déclare comment feront duement publiées les Ordonnances dans cette Province de QUEBEC.-[EX-
piré.]-[Vide Stat. Prov. 34. GEO. III. Cap. 1.



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For further continuing an Ordinance made the twenty-ninth day of March, in the feventeenth year of His Majefty Reign, intituled, " An Ordinance for regulating the Militia of the Province of Quebec, and rendering it of more general utility towards the prefervation and fecurity thereof."-[Expired.]

To prohibit, for a limited time, the exportation of wheat, peafe, oats, bifcuit, flour or meal of any kind; alfo of horned cattle: and thereby to reduce the prefent high price of whe. and flour.-[Expired.] Defcribing the perfons who fall be deemed Forefallers, Regrators and Ingroffers in this Province, and inflicting punifliments upon those who fhall be found guilty of fuch offences.-[Expired.]

For the regulation and eflablishment of Fees -[Expired.]

For regulating all fuch perfons as keep horfes and carriages to let and hire, for the accommodation of travellers, commonly called and known by the name of Maitres de Pofte.-[in force. --Continued by feve al Ordinances and Acts; amended and made perpetual by Prov. Stat. 35th. GEO. III. Cap. 7. Sec. 1. For altering, fixing and cftablishing the Age of Majority.-[in force.]

For fecuring the Liberty of the Subject, and for the prevention of Imprisonments out of this Province. [in force-[Vide Piov. Stat. 34. GEO. III. Cap. 6. Sec. 37.]









To regulate the proceedings in the courts of civil judicature, and to establish TRIALS by JURIES in actions of a commercial nature and perfonal wrongs to be compenfated in damages.-[in force.] Concerning Land Surveyors, and the admcafurement of Lands.-[in force.]



Concerning Advocates, Attornies, Solicitors and Notaries, and for the more eafy collection of His Majefty's Revenues.-[in force ]-[Amended by Ordinance, 27th. GEO. III. Cap. 11th.]


For granting a limited civil power and jurifdiction to his Majefty's juftices of the peace in the remote parts of this Province.-[Repealed by Prov. Stat. 34. GEO. III. Cap. 6. Sec. 38.]


To prevent the exportation of unmerchantable flour, and the falfe taring of bread and flour cafks. [in force.]


For continuing an Ordinance made the ninth day of March, in the twentieth Year of his Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Ordinance for the regulation and establishment of Fees."--[Expired.]

For further continuing an Ordinance made the twenty-third day of April, in the feventeenth year of His
Majefty's Reign, intituled, "An Ordinance to impower the Commiffioners of the Peace to regulate the
"Police of the Towns of Quebec and Montreal, for a limited time."-[Expired.]

For further continuing an Ordinance made the twenty-ninth day of March in the feventeenth year of
His Majefty's Reign, intituled, " An Ordinance for regulating the Militia of the Province of Quebec,
"and rendering it of more general utility towards the prefervation and fecurity thereof."-(Expired.)
For further continuing an Ordinance made the ninth day of March in the twentieth year of His Majesty's
Reign, intituled, An Ordinance for the regulation and establishment of fees."(Expired.)

For further continuing an Ordinance made the ninth day of March, in the twentieth year of His Majel
ty's Reign, intituled, "An Ordinance for regulating all fuch perfons as keep Horfes and Carriages to
let and hire for the accommodation of Travellers, commonly called and known by the name of
"Maîtres de Pofte."-(Expired.)

To regulate the proceedings, in certain cafes, in the Court of King's Bench, and to give the fubject the
benefit of Appeal from Large Fines.(in force.Vide Prov. Stat. 34. GEO. HII. Cap. 6.)
For better regulating the Militia of this Province, and rendering it of more general utility towards the
prefervation and fecurity thereof.-(Repcaled by Prov. Stat: 34. GEO. III. Cap. 4. Sec. 31.)

For quartering the troops upon certain occafions, in the country parishes, and providing for the convey-
ance of effects belonging to government.-(in force.)-(Extended to the Militia when embodied &c. by
Proy. Stat. 34. GEO. III. Cap. 4, Sec. 30.

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