in pursuance of any Act or Ordinance for fuch purpofe fpecially made and provided; and it fhall be as unlawful for any perfon poffeffed of any fuch public paper, manuscript or record, to withhold or detain the fame contrary to fuch order, as if the fame was withheld and detained against any Act or Ordinance of the Legislature, exprefly commanding the furrender and reftitution of the fame, to the proper Office to. which the fame might belong or appertain. DORCHESTER. Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforefaid, and paffed in Council under the Great Seal of the Province, at the Council chamber, in the caftle of St. Lewis, in the city of Quebec, the feventeeth day of April, in the thirtieth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of GreatBritain, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and fo forth, and in the year of our Lord, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety. To prevent for a limited Time the Exportation of Biscuit, Flour or Meal of any kind, also of Wheat, Pease, Barley, Rye and Oats. 66 [Expired.] ANNO TRICESIMO PRIMO GEORGII TERTII REGIS. CA P. I. AN ACT To explain and amend the Act intitled, " An A&t or Ordinance for promoting the Inland Navigation," and to promote the Trade to the Western Country. WHER WHEREAS it is expedient to the profperity of the Commerce which it was the intention of the faid Ordinance to encourage, that it be unclogged with any unneceffary impediments, be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor and the Legislative Council, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, that the Oath to the manifest of the Cargo of such vessels, trading to the Western Countries, which by the said Act are required to have Registers, shall fuffice as to fuch Articles as are not shipped upon the private Account of the Chief Navigator, if he shall fwear that the quantities and qualities are in his Manifeft ftated according to his Bills of Lading, and that the Manifeft doth exprefs the whole thereof, according to the best of his knowledge and belief, de les garder ou retenir en contravention à tel ordre, comme fi les dits papiers euffent été retenus en contravention d'aucun Acte ou Ordonance de la légiflation, qui ordoneroit expreffément la reddition des dits papiers à l'office convenable, dont ils peuvent dépendre. (Signé) DORCHESTER. Statué et ordonné par la fufdite autorité et paffé en Confeil fous le Sceau Public, de la Province, en la Chambre du Confeil au Château St. Louis, en la ville de Québec, le dixfeptième jour d'Avril, dans la trentiéme année du Règne de notre Souverain Seigneur GEORGE Trois, par la Grace de Dieu, Roi de la Grande Bretagne, de France et d'Irelande, Défenfeur de la foi, &c. &c. &e. et dans l'année de notre Seigneur, mil fept cens quatre-vingt-dix. Traduit par ordre de Son Excellence, F. J. CUGNET, S. F. ACTE Par ordre de Son Excellence (Signé) CA P. IX. J. WILLIAMS, G. C. L. ou ORDONANCE Qui défend, pour un tems limité, l'exportation du Biscuit, Fleur ou Farine d'aucune espéce, comme auffi celle du Bled, Pois, Orge, Seigle et Avoinnes. 66 Préambule. Qui explique et Amende l'Acte intitulé, "Acte où Ordonance qui En- Effet du ferment II. Et Undocumented Vefleis not expol on. Provifo. When the Cap tin halbe auf werable, belief, and likewife every article of trade on his private account or on account of any perfon whatfoever. II. And be it further enacted by the fame Authority, that, as often as the veffel may ed to Conticati be feized for not being documented as by the A&t is required, it fhall not expofe to confifcation either the Veffel or her Apparel and Furniture, or the Property therein, of any of the Shippers not being privy thereto or concerned therein, provided they fhall refpectively be His Majefty's good and faithful Subjects refiding within His Dominions; but for the prevention of Frauds in the Navigation and Commerce aforefaid, be it further enacted by the fame Authority, that, as often as any Veffel fhall be found failing on the interior Lakes or Rivers, from any part of His Majefty's Territories, not documented as by Law, directed, the Captain or Chief Navigator fhall not only be anfwerable to all and every Perfon and Perfons who may receive Lofs and Damage thereby, but fhall incur a Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds to His Majefty, to be fu ed for and recovered in any Court of Juftice within this Province, one third of which forfeiture fhall belong to the Perfon or Perfons fuing for the fame; and for the more fecure recovery thereof, fuch Captain or Chief Navigator fhall be detained and imprifoned until he fhall have entered into recognizance in double the faid Penalty, with two fufficient Sureties in the Judgment of one of the Judges of the Common Pleas of the District of the Port, Poft or, Place to which he may be brought, perfonally to appear in the Court of King's Bench, within one Year from the Date of fuch Recognizance, there to answer to any Suit to be brought against him for the faid Penalty, and to abide the Judgment of the faid Court. And incur a Fine of 2001. In cafe of Accharge, no Dam reafonable caufe ted in the Minuteo. No Licence for trading, neceffa ry. III. And be it alfo enacted by the fame authority, that whenever the Court, bequittal, or Diffore which any proceedings may be had for any fuch Seizure or Penalty, shall give mages or Colts, if Judgment for the acquittal of the property feized, or the dilcharge of the Party profe of Seizure or Pro- cuted, but fhall at the fame time caufe to be entered in the Minutes of the Court, that fecution be infer the Profecutor had reafonable caufe for making the Seizure or commencing the fame Suit, the Owner or Defendant fhall not recover any Damages or Cofts against any Perfons concerned in fuch Seizure or Profecution; and to the end that the Trade to the Western Districts and Indian Countries may be free and open to all Hi sMajefty's faithful Subjects in every Part of His Majefty's Inland Dominions and Territories whatfoever, be it enacted by the fame authority, that from and after the publication of this Act, it fhall not be neceffary for any of His Majefty's Subjects, carrying on Trade or other flated Refidents of this Province, to take out any where or from any Perfon or Perfons any Licence, Pafs, Permit or other Writing whatsoever, for going into or trading with the Indians or other inhabitants of the Western Countries, Dif tricts or Counties of this Province, or Territorics whatfoever, or for the carrying or conveying thither or elfewhere, in Boats, Battoes or Canoes, any Goods, Wares or Merchandize, or Provifions or other effects not fpecifically prohibited, or for returning with the fame or any Part thereof, or with the Produce in Beaver Furs or Skins, or Nor for the fale fuch other effects as may be legally carried, tranfported or imported, nor to subject Traders to take Licences for the fale of Strong Liquors to Indians, except at a fixed Residence in a fettled Part of the Province for keeping a House of Public Entertainment, as is required by an Act of Parliament paffed in the fourteenth Year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, "An Act to eftablish a Fund towards further defraying "the Charges of the adminiftration of Juftice and fupport of the Civil Government "within the Province of Quebec in America" any Law, Ordinance or Regulation of this Province; heretofore made or paffed, to the contrary notwithstanding. of Strong Li quors. Exception. Provife. IV. Provided Les valeate qui n'auront pas feront expofés à les papiers, être confilques Pourvû. ponfabic. II. Et qu'il foit de plus ftatué par la dite autorité, qu'autant de fois que le vaiffeau pourra être faifi pour ne s'être pas muni des papiers ordonnés par l'Acte, le Vaiffeau, ni fes Gréemens et Apparaux, ni ce qui appartient dans le dit Vaiffeau à aucuns des chargeurs qui n'en auront point connoiffance ou qui n'y feront point concernés, ne feront point confifqués, pourvû qu'ils feront refpectivement bons et fidels fujets de fa Majefté, résidens dans fes Domaines. Mais afin d'empêcher les fraudes dans la Navigation et le Commerce ci-deffus mentionés, qu'il foit de plus ftatué par la dite autorité, qu'autant de fois qu'aucun vaisseau fera trouvé faire voile fur les Lacs ou Riviéres intérieures, d'aucune partie des Territoires de fa Majefté, qui ne fera pas munî des pa- Lorique le Ca piers ordonnés par la Loi, le Capitaine ou le Conducteur, fera non feulement refpon- pitaine fera rellable envers toutes et chaque perfonnes qui pourront fupporter des pertes et dommages par cette contravention, mais encourra une amende de deux cens livres envers fa Majefté, qui fera pourfuivie et recouvrée dans aucune Cour de juftice dans cette Próvince, dont un tiers appartiendra à celui ou ceux qui auront pourfuivi pour icelle; et afin de la recouvrer plus fûrement, tel Capitaine ou Conducteur fera detenu et empiifonné, jufqu'à ce qu'il ait confenti une reconnoiffance ou obligation du double de la dite amende, conjointement avec deux cautions fuffifans, au jugement d'un des juges des Plaidoyers-c. mmuns du district, port, pofle on place, auxquels il aura été conduit, de paroître en perfonne dans la Cour du Banc du Roi dans l'efpace et terme d'une année, à compter de la date de telle reconnoiffance et obligation, pour y répondre à aucune pourfuite qui fera faite contre lui pour la dite amende, et attendre le jugement de la dite Cour. Et encourra une En cas de dé. ra point de dom. charge il n'y au mages re ouvrés la cafe raifun ou de la pour fuite eft inférée able de la faife dans les minutes. Point de Li pour faire le III. Et qu'il foit auffi ftatué par la dite autorité que toute fois que la Cour, devant qui telle procédure fera faite, quant à telle faifie ou amende, rendra fon jugement pour la décharge des effets faifis ou pour celle de la partie pourfuivie, et fera entrer fur les minutes de la Cour, que le pourfuivant avait une caule raifonable pour faire la faifie ou pour commencer la dite pourfuite, le propriétaire ou le défendeur ne pour ra recouvrer aucuns dommages ni frais contre aucunes perfonnes concernées dans telles faifies ou pourfuites. Et afin que le commerce dans les diftris d'Ouch et les Pais Sauvages, puille être libre et ouvert à tous les fidels fujets de fa Majeflé dans toute et chaque partie des Domaines et Territoires quelconques, qu'il foit ftatué par la dite autorité que depuis et après la publication de cet Acte, il ne fera point néceffaire pour aucuns fujets de fa Majefté qui font le commerce et pour autres réfidens fence néceffaire dans cette Province, de prendre nulle part, ni d'aucune perfonne ou perfonnes commerce. aucune licence, permiffion ou autre écrit quelconque, pour aller et commercer avec les Sauvages ou autres habitans des Païs, Diftricts ou Comtés d'Oucft de cette Province ou Territoires quelconques, ou pour porter ou transporter dans ces endroits ou autre part en Chaloupes, Batteaux ou Canots, aucuns effets ou marchandifes ou provifions ou autres effets qui ne font pas fpécialement prohibés, et pour revenir avec tels effets ou aucune partie d'iceux, ou avec le produit en caftor, fourrures ou peaux, ou tels autres effets qui peuvent être légalement portés, tranfportés ou importés, ni affujétir les commerçans à prendre des licences pour vendre des liqueurs fortes aux Sauvages, excepté lorfqu'ils auront une réfidence fixe dans une partie établie de la Province pour tenir une auberge, comme il eft requis par un A&te du Parlement paflé dans la quatorziéme année du règne de fa Majefié, intitulé A&te qui établit un "fonds pour défraier plus amplement les charges de l'adminiftration de la juftice et "le foutien du Gouvernement civil dans la Province de Québec en Amérique.". Nonobftant aucune Loi, Ordonance, ou Réglement de cette Province à ce contraires. IV. Pourvû toujours néanmoiss. et qu'il foit ftatué par la dite Autorité qu'il fera et pourra être légal pour fon Excellence le Gouverneur ou Commandant en Chef Comment le pour C c Ni pour la vente des liqueurs Exception. Pourvû. commerce pour Provile. may be restrained. IV. Provided always nevertheless, and be it enacted by the fame authority, that it fhall and may be lawful for His Excellency the Governor or Commander in Chief for How the Trade the time being, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Majesty's Council, to reftrain the Trade and Commerce to any Part or Place of the faid Western Countries and Inland Territories, and regulate the fame with any of the Indian Tribes or Nations, or other Inhabitants thereof, and likewife to refrain and regulate the fale and diftribution of Spirituous Liquors, in all Forts and Garrifons, and other Places where Indians refort, and of Arms, Ammunition and other warlike or naval Stores, when and fo often as the Public Safety and Peace may require, declaring the fame from time to time by Proclamation under the Great Seal. V. And in order to prevent the Accidents that happen to Canoes, the Property therein, and the Navigators thereof, in the dangerous Pallage down the Rapids of the Outawais of Great River, between the lower Carrying-place of the Chaudiere and the Allumets, by reason of perfons felling Spirituous Liquors to the Canoe-men, thereby intoxicating them, and rendering them incapable to conduct and manage the Canoes in the faid Rapids, to the great Injury of the Trade, and the rifk of the lives of the Navigators; be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, that every Perfon who shall be convicted before No Liquors to be any one or more Juftices of the Peace, upon the Oath of the Informer and one more credible Witness, of having fold or given any Spirituous Liquors to any Canoe-inan in ing down the Rahis Paffage down the Outawais or Great River, between the lower Carrying-place of the Chaudiere and the Place called the Aliumets, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Pounds, and lofe the benefit of his Licence, if any he has. for felling Spirituous Liquors, which Penalty may be faed and recovered fummarily before one or more Juftices of the Peace and applied as aforefaid. fold or given to pids in the Outawais River. The Ordinance of 1777, not to affe&t Perfons. VI. And whereas it is made penal to fettle in the Indian Villages without Licence, by an Act or Ordinance of this Province, paffed in the feventeenth Year of His Majel ty's Reign, intituled, "An Ordinance to prevent the fulling of Strong Liquors to Indians in the Province of Quebec, as alfo to deter Perfons from buying their Arms or Cloathing, and for other Purpoles relative to the Trade and Intercourfe with the faid "Indians." Be it further enacted by the fame authority, that nothing in the faid Act fhall be deemed to affect fuch as are lawfully employed in the Inland Commerce, or fuch emplyed the as refert to this Province with the Intention bona fide of fettling the Waste Lands of the In and Comor the'e Crown, and who are in the courfe to conform to the Regulations by the Government for that Purpose made and established, and fhall fo declare upon Oath, when thereunto required, or to any other His Majefty's liege Subjects, but to fuch only as not being His Majelly's Subjects fhall arrive at any Port, Poft or Place where any Magiftrate may refide, and fhall not within twenty-four hours thereafter take the Oath of Allegiance to the British Crown, being required, and fhali refufe to take the Oath in this Claufe first aforementioned, fuch Defaulter fhall incur a Penalty of Ten Pounds, and may be committed: and proceeded against as concerned in illicit Trade. merce fetting on the Weft Lands of the Crown. Provifo, VII. Provided always nevertheless, that it fhall be lawful to all perfons to pass and. repafs any Part of this Province, with a Permiffion under the Signature of fuch Perfon Refpecting Paf. as fhall be authorized to grant the fame, by any Inflrument to be iffued by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being, under his Hand and Seal at Arms, fuch Perfon conforming to the Conditions, Regulations and Terms in his Permiffion prefcribed or expreffed. Provo. jasing VIII. Provided alfo, that nothing in this or the aforementioned A&t fhall be conflrued to extend to any Vellel navigating without a Manifeft, Pafs or Clearance, from the Head of |