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Entertainment events were arranged so they would not conflict with the more serious business of the Congress. Of course, there were many private functions which did not appear on the program and were not arranged for until after the visitors arrived in the city.

The police of Buffalo, street car conductors, and all others who were likely to come in contact with delegates to the Congress, were instructed to be more than ordinarily careful in directing strangers. The Boy Scouts of the city, banded together under an effective organization, were at the railroad stations, Congress Headquarters and meeting places to perform little services for the guests of the city; and from all reports the boys proved invaluable in many cases. They delivered messages, showed strangers to hotels or private homes where they stopped; and above all did not accept tips, in true Scout fashion.

Places of public interest, such as the libraries, University of Buffalo, the Albright Art Gallery, and the leading clubs, were thrown open to the visitors, and everywhere the same cordial, friendly spirit was shown. Historical points, such as the Milburn home where the late President McKinley died, were pointed out with the necessary explana

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tion. In fact, everything possible was done to let the delegates feel that they had the keys to the city, not merely in fancy, but in truth.

The first formal social function on the entertainment program took place on Monday evening of the Congress week. This was at the Twentieth Century Club, the leading woman's organization of Buffalo. This club does not merely afford a meeting place for its members and their friends, but has definite aims which are accomplished through lectures, musicales, etc. The prominent men and women of Buffalo's professional, business, social and political life met delegates to the Congress who are equally well known in the respective places from which they come, and a delightful evening, one that long will be remembered by those who were privileged to be there, was spent.

Tuesday afternoon of the Congress week no session was scheduled, and most of the visitors took a trip to the world-famed wonder, Niagara Falls. There they were thrilled and amazed at the appalling greatness of the mighty waterfall and the terror of the whirlpool.

The next evening, Wednesday, a demonstration was given in the armory of the Seventy-fourth regiment that pleased the thousands

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