Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the King's Bench Practice Court: With the Points of Practice Decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Mich. Term, 1830 to [Michaelmas Term, 1841] ...S. Sweet, 1834 - Civil procedure |
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the King's Bench Practice Court ... Great Britain Bail Court No preview available - 2015 |
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the King's Bench Practice Court ... Great Britain Bail Court No preview available - 2015 |
Common terms and phrases
affidavit allocatur allowed amend amount appear application arrested assignees assizes assumpsit attorney award bail bail-bond BAYLEY brought capias cause of action ceedings charged cited claim cognovit contended contrà copy counts creditor custody dant declaration defendant defendant's delivered demurrer distringas entered entitled error execution executor fendant given granted ground held Hilary Term indorsed Interpleader irregularity issue Judge jury King's Bench liable Lord LYNDHURST Mansel Master ment Middlesex motion nonsuit notice of trial objection obtained a rule officer paid paid into Court party PATTESON pay the costs payment of costs person plaintiff pleaded present rule proceedings residence Rule absolute Rule discharged rule nisi rule of Court Rule refused rule to shew scire facias security for costs Serjt served sheriff shewed cause shewn signed statute sued sufficient sworn taken TAUNTON taxation taxed term tiff tion verdict witnesses writ of summons
Popular passages
Page 315 - The plaintiff, after the delivery of a plea of payment of money into court, shall be at liberty to reply to the same, by accepting the sum so paid into court in full satisfaction and discharge of the cause of action in respect of which it has been paid in, and he shall be at liberty in that case to tax his costs of suit...
Page 763 - An Act for the Abolition of Fines and Recoveries, and for the Substitution of more simple Modes of Assurance...
Page 823 - ... and is hereby made incapable to maintain or prosecute any action or suit in any Court of Law or Equity for any fee, reward, or disbursement on account of prosecuting, carrying on, or defending any such action, suit, or proceeding...
Page 243 - No application to set aside process or proceedings for irregularity shall be allowed unless made within a reasonable time, nor if the party applying has taken a fresh step after knowledge of the irregularity.
Page 314 - ... and this he is ready to verify; wherefore he prays judgment if the plaintiff ought further to maintain his action.
Page 291 - No original writ of summons shall be in force for more than six months from the day of the date thereof, including the day of such date...
Page 307 - Provided also, that in all cases in which a plea puis darrein continuance, is now by law pleadable, in Bane or at Nisi Prius, the same defence may be pleaded, with an allegation that the matter arose after the last pleading, or the issuing of the jury process, as the case may be.
Page 745 - ... to pay into court a sum of money by way of compensation or amends, in such manner and under such regulations as to the payment of costs and the form of pleading, as...
Page 420 - Interest in the Subject Matter of the Suit, but that the Right thereto is claimed or supposed to belong to some Third Party who has sued or is expected to sue for the same, and that such Defendant does not in any Manner collude with such Third Party...
Page 802 - ... superior courts, shall otherwise order, be liable to pay costs to the defendant in case of being nonsuited, or a verdict passing against the plaintiff, and in all other cases in which he would be liable, if such plaintiff were suing in his own right upon a cause of action accruing to himself; and the defendant shall have judgment for such costs, and they shall be recovered in like manner.