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Fait, arrêté, et scellé quadruple, à l'Hôtel Consulaire de France, le 28 Octobre, 1828, répondant au 19 du mois lunaire de Prabi-il-tani, l'an 1244 de l'Hégire.


Le Consul-Général et Chargé d'Affaires du Roi,


(L.S.) Le Lieutenant de Vaisseau Commandant le Brick
de Sa Majesté, l'Aventure,


DECREE of Dom Miguel, as King of Portugal, dissolving the Three Estates of the Kingdom.-15th July, 1828.


THE General Cortes, which I ordered to be convoked in this City of Lisbon, by Letters of Summons, dated the 6th of May, of the present year, addressed to the Clergy, Nobility, and People, and to the Cities and Towns entitled to vote in Cortes, and represent these Kingdoms therein, having concluded the grave and important matters for which they were assembled, I declare the said Cortes terminated; and, as I feel obliged for the punctuality with which they were attended, and for the love, loyalty and deliberation with which they proceeded, I thank the Estates for the zeal they have shown, and I shall not fail on all occasions to honour and favour them.

Palace of our Lady of Ajuda, the 15th of July, 1828.

With the rubric of HIS MAJESTY.

NOTIFICATION of the Russian Admiral in the Black Sea, relative to the Blockade of the Bosphorus.-Odessa, 19th December, 1828.


LE Commerce est informé que l'Amiral Greig, Commandant de notre Flotte dans la Mer Noire, vient de recevoir l'ordre de déclarer le Bosphore en état de Blocus, et de ne laisser sortir de ce détroit ou y entrer, que les Vaisseaux qui le passeraient pour se rendre dans un des Ports Russes de la Mer Noire, ou qui, expédiés d'un de ces Ports, et n'étant par conséquent chargés ni de blé, ni de Contrebande de Guerre, auraient ce même détroit à traverser.

Les articles désignés sous le nom de Contrebande de Guerre sont les suivants;

Les armes, projectiles, poudre, salpêtre, souffre, ceinturons, gibernes, selles et brides.

Nous ferons incessamment connaître en détail, les dispositions que l'autorité croira devoir prendre pour la stricte observation du Blocus.

BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, for removing the Disabilities to which British Subjects of Free Condition, but of African birth or descent, are subject in the Island of Trinidad.-18th March, 1829.

At the Court at Windsor, the 18th of March, 1829;



WHEREAS by certain Laws and Ordinances heretofore made, by or under the authority of The Kings of Spain, before the cession to His Majesty of the Island of Trinidad, and by certain Laws, Ordinances, and Proclamations, made and issued by, or in the name, or under the authority of His Majesty, or His late Majesty King George the 3rd, by the Governors or Officers administering the Government of the said Island, His Majesty's Subjects of free condition, but of African birth or descent, are subjected to various civil or military disabilities in the said Island, to which His Majesty's Subjects of European birth or descent are not subject; and it is expedient that all such distinctions should be abolished and annulled; His Majesty is therefore pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that every Law, Ordinance, and Proclamation, or pretended Law, Ordinance, or Proclamation, in force within His Majesty's said Island of Trinidad, whereby His Majesty's Subjects of African birth or decent, being of free condition, are subject to any disabilities, civil or military, to which His Majesty's Subjects of European birth and descent are not subject, shall be, and the same and each of them are and is for ever repealed, abolished, and aunulled.

And The Right Honorable Sir George Murray, one of His Majesty's Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. C. C. GREVILLE.

ADDRESS of General Santa Cruz, on assuming the Executive Power of Bolivia.-Ayacucho, 24th May, 1829.



I AM here in the midst of you, in consequence of your invitation, with a heart wholly intent upon your felicity. Your misfortunes have awakened my sensibility, and have induced me to fly to your succour. I come to Bolivia, determined to sacrifice my ease and even my life, in return for the confidence which you have reposed in me.

Fellow Citizens!-All America has been astonished at your misfortunes. The events which have taken place in Bolivia, are a disgrace to Liberty. On passing the boundary of your Territory, I have entered a Country entirely disorganized, its Laws sunk into oblivion, its repose interrupted, its Inhabitants mutually jealous and hostile to each other, and in short, all the branches of its administration thrown into disorder. Such are the melancholy circumstances in which I find Bolivia on my induction into office. Happy shall I be, if I succeed in fulfilling my duties, and in accomplishing all the good which you expect from me.

Fellow Citizens!-The most salutary measures are scarcely sufficient to remedy the evils you have suffered, and which still threaten you. I am, however, resolved to adopt them. Authorized by circumstances, and by your own will, which has invited me to rescue you from certain destruction; I shall prepare the way for your felicity, and shall overcome, to the best of my ability, the difficulties which may present themselves. Remember that I cannot attach myself to the party interests which have distracted you. One principle alone shall actuate me;— that of promoting the welfare of the Nation. My administration shall be impartial, my policy frank and unvarying, and my conduct consistent. Avoiding the two extremes which are equally destructive to good Government,-oppression and weakness,—I shall respect your rights, sustaining with my blood the sacred cause of national independence. I shall never regard persons, but things; and all my efforts shall be directed to the general good. Compatriots-let there be no more disunion. I am come amongst you to be the centre of all parties. Come and repose in my bosom, where you will find patriotism and good faith. I do not wish to hear of your divisions and past excesses. Tell me only that you are Bolivians, and that you know how to obey the Laws. I promise you on my part, that I will grant you repose; I will establish your destinies on the firmest basis of public happiness; and you will have the surest guarantees that no one will violate them with impunity. Bolivians-this is the most auspicious occasion which can be offered, to show yourselves a respectable and happy Nation. Let it not pass unprofitably.

Palace of the Government,


in La Paz of Ayacucho, 24th May, 1829.

NOTIFICATION of the Lieutenant-Governor of Gibraltar, respecting the discontinuance of the British Blockade of Tangier.-22d January, 1829.


By His Excellency Sir George Don, &c.

WHEREAS, it has been officially announced to me that, pursuant to His Majesty's Instructions, the Senior Officer of His Majesty's Ships of War in the Bay of Tangier has raised the Blockade of that Port, in consequence of the happy termination of the question which led to its establishment; I do, therefore, hereby publickly make known, that the Blockade of the Port of Tangier, notified by my Proclamation of November 24, 1828,* has been raised.


General and Lieutenant-Governor.

Given at Gibraltar, this 22nd day of January, 1829.


By Command,

S. R. CHAPMAN, Civil Secretary.

NOTIFICATION of the British Government, relative to the French Blockade of Algiers.-Foreign Office, September 13th 1828.


Foreign Office, 13th September, 1828.

In reply to your letter of the 21st ult, requesting to be informed whether the Blockade of Algiers+ is still enforced by the French Government, I am directed by the Earl of Aberdeen to acquaint you, that it appears, by a Despatch received from His Majesty's Ambassador at Paris, that the French Government, far from being disposed to relax the Blockade of that Port, have directed an additional Naval Force to be stationed off it, for the purpose of enforcing it with the greatest strictness.

Messrs. Longridge & Co.

I am, &c.


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LOI de France, portant Réglement définitif du Budget de l'Exercice, 1827.

Au Chateau de Saint-Cloud, le 26 Juillet, 1829. CHARLES, par la grâce de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre, à tous présens et à venir, salut.

Nous avons proposé, les Chambres ont adopté, nous avons ordonné et ordonnons ce qui suit:

§ ler. Des Annulations de Crédits.

ART. Ier. Les Crédits ouverts par les Lois des 21 Mai, et 6 Juillet, 1826, et 6 Août, 1828, aux Ministères ci-après, pour les services de l'Exercice, 1827, sont réduits d'une somme totale de 6,630,257 francs, restée disponible et sans emploi sur ces Crédits; savoir;

[blocks in formation]

Guerre.-Achats de terrains et frais de construction de Magasins

[blocks in formation]

Remises aux Receveurs des Finances sur les antici

pations de versemens des Contributions directes.. 155,278

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646 229,881

A reporter, Francs 5,154,006

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