(You are amusing yourself by re-making the bed of the Bourbons; you will not sleep in it.) Amis jusqu'aux autels (Friends as far as the altar.) By FRANCIS I (1494-1547) to HENRY VIII (1491-1547) who pressed him to renounce the pope's authority. Amis, souvenez-vous de Rocroy, de Fribourg et de Nordlingen! (Friends, remember Rocroy, Fribourg and Nordlingen!) The GREAT CONDE (1621-86) is credited with having thus addressed his soldiers before the battle of Lens (Aug. 20, 1648), but the authenticity of the words is doubtful. In Mme. de Motteville's account of Condé's harangue (cf. her Mémoires, No. 38 of the Collection Petitot, 2nd series) there are no such words. A moi Auvergne, voilà les ennemis. (Help, Auvergne, there's the enemy.) Attributed to the CHEVALIER D'ASSAS (1738-60) by Voltaire (Siècle de Louis XV, ch. 33) but said by Grimm (Mémoires inédits, vol. 1, p. 188) to have been uttered by sergeant DUBOIS, belonging to his company, in the night of Oct. 15-16, 1760, at Clostercamp, when both perished. Grimm's version is: "A nous, Auvergne, c'est l'ennemi." (Help, Auvergne, it is the enemy) Cf. also Lombard de Langres, Mémoires, bk. 2, ch. 10 (vol 1, pp. 330-4) and Mrs. Hemans' poem The Fall of d'Assas. A moi, mes amis, à moi! (Help, friends, help!) Last words of JEAN PAUL MARAT (1744-93). Hist. populaire de la France, 1863, vol. 4, p. 136. Other versions are: "A moi, ma chère amie (mon amie), à moi !" Carlyle's version is as follows: 66 A moi, chère amie, help dear!" The French Revolution. bk iv, ch. I. (Charlotte Corday.) Appuyez-moi contre cet arbre, et placez-moi de telle sorte que j'aie le visage tourné vers les ennemis. Jamais je ne leur ai tourné le dos ; je ne veux pas commencer en mourant, car c'est fait de moi. (Prop me up against this tree, and place me so that my face is turned towards the enemy. I have never turned my back to them; I don't want to begin when I am dying, for all is over with me.) Words used by the CHEVALIER BAYARD (1475-1524) when mortally wounded between Romagnano and Gattinara, Italy (Apr. 30, 1524.) Après nous le déluge! us the deluge !) (After MME. DE POMPADOUR (1721-64) to LOUIS XV after the battle of Rosbach (1757), to console the king. (p. xix of Essai sur la Marquise de Pompadour, by Desprez, prefacing Mémoires de Mme. du Hausset.) "A quoi bon vous tourmenter et vous rendre malade? après nous le déluge!" (What is the use of worrying and making yourself ill? after us the deluge!) He had said, alluding to the resistance made by Parliament: "Les choses, comme elles sont, dureront bien autant que moi." (Things as they are will last as long as I shall.) 66 Cf. "Il m'a raconté aussi que "peignant Mme. de Pompadour, le roy, après l'affaire de Rosbach, "arriva fort triste, elle luy dit: qu'il "ne falloit point qu'il s'affligeât, "qu'il tomberoit malade, qu'au "reste, après eux le déluge." (He told me also that, when painting Mme. de Pompadour, the king, after the battle of Rosbach arrived very downcast, she said to him that he ought not to upset himself, that he would be ill, that for the rest, after them the deluge.) Ch. Desmaze, Le Reliquaire de M. Q. de La Tour: Note de Mlle Fel sur de La Tour (1874, p. 62) Cf. “Ἐμοῦ θανόντος γαῖα μιχθήτω Tupi." ("When I am dead let earth with fire be mingled.") ANON. (Quoted by Suetonius, Nero, 38.) A quelle sauce voulez-vous être mangés? (With what sauce do you wish to be eaten?) Concluding words of lines under a caricature directed against CALONNE (1734-1802) circulated in the reign of Louis XVI (1754-93). Cf. Grimm's Correspondance, April, 1787. of A qui donc parle-t-il? (To whom does he speak, then ?) FREDERICK THE GREAT Prussia (1712-86) to D'ALEMbert. The king asked whether d'Alembert had seen the king of France (Louis XV) "Yes, when presenting to him my reception speech at the French Academy.". -"Well, what did he say to you?”- "He did not speak to Sire." me, then made the above remark. Chamfort, Euvres choisies, p. 69. (A. Houssaye.) Frederick Aucun fiel n'a jamais empoisonné ma plume. (No gall has ever poisoned my pen.) Euvres de Crébillon, 1818, vol 1, p. 13 of introduction and vol 2, p. 339. In the speech (in rime) by CRÉBILLON (1674-1762) at his reception by the French Academy, Sep. 27, 1731. Au nom de Dieu, Sire, faites la paix pour la France, moi je meurs. (In the name of God, Sire, make peace for France, I am dying.) Revue des Deux Mondes, April 15, 1857, p. 904. Dying words of MARSHAL LANNES, duc de Montebello (1769-1809) to NAPOLEON. Mortally wounded at Essling, May 22, 1809; died nine days after. The words, as reported in the Moniteur, were "Sire, je meurs avec la conviction et la gloire d'avoir été votre meilleur ami. (Sire, I die with the conviction and the glory of having been your best friend). the MARQUIS de Pastor ET(17561840). Aux yeux d'un sage, les amis qui se refroidissent sont comme des meubles, qu' on change quand ils s'usent. (In a wise man's eyes, friends who grow old are like furniture that is renewed when worn out.) FONTENELE (1657-1757). Avec quatre aunes de drap, le roi peut faire en deux minutes un homme comme vous; et il faut un effort de la nature et vingt ans de travail pour faire un homme comme moi. (With four ells of cloth the king can make a man like you in two minutes; and it requires an effort of nature and 20 years' work to make a man like me.) LEKAIN (1728-78)-to an officer who sought to humiliate him. See You have not to do with Holbein &c. Avez-vous lu Baruch? (Have to you read Baruch ?) L. Racine, Euvres, vol. 5, p. 156. LA FONTAINE (1621-95), whom Racine had ient a copy of the Bible which included the lesser prophets, said to him: C'était un beau génie que ce Baruch; qui était il?" (That Baruch was a great genius; who was he?) The question has become proverbial, to express astonishment at anything which has greatly struck anyone. A votre âge Napoléon était mort et vous ne serez que le Sieyès, d'une constitution mort-née. (At your age Napoleon was dead, and you will only be the Sieyes of a still-born constitution.) Journal Officiel, Débats parlementaires, p. 1636. Words addressed by M. FLOQUET, president of the Council, to GENERAL Béni serait le jour qui . . (Blessed would be the day that . . . ) In a letter from GENERAL. (then Colonel) BOULANGER (1837-91), dated May 8, 1880, to the DUC D'AUMALE on the latter relinquishing command of the 7th corps. "Je serai toujours fier d'avoir servi un chef tel que vous, et béni serait le jour qui me rappellerait sous vos ordres." (I shall always be proud of having served under such a chief as yourself, and blessed would be the day that would again place me under your orders.) Bien, nous n'aurons pas besoin de sable. (Good, we shan't want any sand [to blot with].) JUNOT (1771-1813)-at the siege of Toulon (1793), Napoleon had just finished dictating a letter to Junot, (then only a sergeant) when a bullet covered it with earth, causing the above remark. Bois ton sang, Beaumanoir, la soif te passera. (Drink thy blood, Beaumanoir, the thirst will pass off.) Reply made by GEOFFREY DE BOVES to JEAN DE BEAUMANOIR, who, wounded, and tormented by thirst, asked for drink. Combat between thirty English and thirty Bretons (March 27, 1351). La Bataille de trente Anglais et de trente Bretons. Bon roi, roi avare. J'aime mieux être ridicule aux courtisans que lourd au peuple. (An avaricious king is a good king. I prefer being ridiculous to the courtiers than oppressive to the people.) Saying of LOUIS XII (1462-1515). He added: Le menu du peuple est la proye du gentilhomme et du soldat, et ceux-ci sont la proye du diable. (The lower classes are the prey of the gentleman and the soldier, and these are the prey of the devil) Brûler n'est pas répondre. (Burn ing is not replying.)-Moniteur, Jan. 10, 1794, p. 446. Words quoted by CAMILLE DESMOULINS (1762-94) to ROBESPierre, Jan. 7, 1794.-"“ C'est fort bien dit, Robespierre; mais je te répondrai comme Rousseau: Brûler n'est pas répondre. (It is very well said, Robespierre; but I shall answer with Rousseau that Burning, etc.). Grimm (under date Sep. 15, 1762) says that a brochure entitled Mes doutes sur la mort des jésuites has been burnt by order of Parliament, but that the author [said to be the Abbé de Caveirac] says, "Brûler n'est pas répondre." Ça fait tant de plaisir et ça coûte si peu. (That gives so much pleasure, and costs so little.) Saying derived from a remark by Mlle. GAUSSIN (d. 1767, aged 56), a celebrated actress of the ComédieFrançaise. "" Que voulez-vous? cela leur fait tant de plaisir, et il m'en coûte si peu." (Under date Jan. 30, 1762)-Bachaumont, Mémoires, vol. I, p. 34 note a (1777). Also mentioned in Grimm's Correspondance, June 15, 1767, and Jan. 1778. Ça ira. (That will succeed). See (La Révolution française, pp. 513-29, June 4, 1899). Title of a Revolutionary song (1790), in France, the authorship of which is uncertain. By some it is attributed to DUPUIS (1742-1809), by others to LADRÉ, a street singer. The tune was taken from the Carillon National (air de contredanse), composed by BÉCOURT. It is said that the expression is derived from a saying of FRANKLIN (1706-90), who, when asked what would become of the American Republic, answered, "Ga ira, ça ira.". Chronique de Paris, May 4, 1792, p. 499. Franklin's words are given as "Ça ira, ça tiendra" (That will succeed, that will last), in G. de Cassagnac's Histoire des Girondins, etc. (E. Dentu) vol. I, p. 373. Camille, tu ne m'en veux pas; nous avons dès le commencement défendu la même cause; je fais des vœux pour que tu n'en sois pas la victime ainsi que moi. (Camille, thou art not angry with me; we have defended the same cause from the beginning; I pray that thou mayest not be the victim of it as well as I.) BARNAVE (1761-93) to CAMILLE DESMOULINS, after being condemned to death by the revolutionary tribunal (1793): Car tel est notre plaisir. (For such is our pleasure.) Formula appended to edicts, proclamations, orders, etc., of French monarchs, and first used in the reign (1461-83) of Louis XI. Suppressed in the reign (1830-48) of Louis-Philippe. The phrase underwent various modifications in suc cessive reigns. Another form, often quoted, is "Car tel est notre bon plaisir," and there are instances of its use in the reign of Louis XVI. in 1787-8. Catilina est aux portes de Rome DE et l'on délibère! (Catilina is at the gates of Rome and you are deliberating!) Honoré Gabriel Riquetti, COMTE MIRABEAU (1749-91)—in a speech to the Constituent Assembly. See Hannibal ad portas. Ce fanfaron de crimes. (This boaster of crimes.)-St. Simon, Mémoires, vol. vi., p. 268. (Hachette). LOUIS XIV (1638-1715)—of his nephew, the duc d'Orléans, afterwards Regent of France. Ce gros garçon gâtera tout. (This fat fellow will spoil all.) LOUIS XII. (1462-1515)—of his son-in-law, the comte d' Angoulème (afterwards Francis I.), who borrowed large sums on the strength of his royal relationship. See François Ier., apres tout &c. Cela fera un bel effet. (That will have a fine effect.)-Derniers momens, p. 258. GENERAL C.-F. DE MALET (17541812) on the road to the scaffold, when passing the place des Invalides, Paris, referring to the dome of the Hôtel des Invalides, then being gilded. Cela ne va pas; cela s'en va. (It doesn't go; it's going away.) FONTENELLE (1657-1757), when dying, was asked "Comment cela va-t-il?" (How goes it?) and replied as above-a jeu de mots. Cela ne va pas si vite, Père Joseph. (Not so fast as that, Father Joseph.) CARDINAL RICHELIEU (15851642) to PERE JOSEPH à propos of a military expedition, the latter making troops move on a map with. out taking obstacles into account. "Cela ne va pas si vite, Père Joseph; où passeront les troupes?" (Not so fast as that, Father Joseph; where will the troops pass?) Ce livre est un ramas de chefsd'œuvres. (This book is a heap of master-pieces.) VOLTAIRE (1694-1778), when Frederick II (1712-86) was praising them, had said that not one of La Fontaine's fables would escape criticism if judged calmly. On reading them, however, he impatiently threw down the book saying the above words. Ce mâtin-là remue tout Paris quand il prêche. (That rascal stirs all Paris when he preaches). Said of BOURDALOUE (1632-1704) by a woman of the people, on seeing the crowd flocking to hear him preach. Ce n'est pas moi qu'il faut pleurer, c'est la mort de ce grand homme. (It isn't for me that you should weep, but for the death of this great man.) Mémoires de Saint Hilaire, 1766, vol. i, p. 205. SAINT HILAIRE, lieutenantgeneral of artillery-to his son. A bullet took off Saint Hilaire's arm and mortally wounded TURENNE, who fell dead (1675). Ce n'est pas parler en roi. (That is not speaking like a king.) BERNARD PALISSY, (1510-90) had embraced the Protestant faith and King Henry III, wishing to save him from the Leaguers, visited him in his prison to persuade him to be converted. "Sire," replied Palissy, vous m'avez dit plusieurs |