Arnould, Sophie: 94, 97, 157. Artemi-ia: 218. Arthur III (duke of Brittany) V. Richemont, Comte de. Aurelius, Marcus: 220. Axel. V. Oxenstiern, Count. Babington, Anthony: 63. Barbour. Dr: 68. Barentin, 122. Barère de Vieuzac, Bertrand: 111, 130, 132, 153. Barnave, P.1. M.: 88, 142, 186. Barré, Isaac: 68. Barrot, O.: 90, 107. Bart, J: 186. Bassompierre, maréchal de : 180. Baudin, J. B. V: 186. Bautru, G.: 100, 156, 188. Bayard, chevalier: 83, 85, 110, Bayle, Pierre: 180. Beaconsfield, Earl of. V. Disraeli, Beard, Dr. G.M.: 34. Beaufort, Cardinal Henry: 33. Biron, General Armand Louis de 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, Blucher: 204, 207. Bohun, Humphrey de, Earl of Boieldieu: 150. Boileau, N. 90, 118, 123, 164, Bois-Reymond, E. du: 242. Bolingbroke, Viscount Henry St. 112, 138, 171. Boulay de la Meurthe 92. Bourdaloue, L.: 89, 107, 115. Bourdon: 148. Bourmont, General: 142- Boves, Geoffrey de : 87. Bowen, Lord Charles: 4, IT, 32, 39, 56, 72, 78, 80. Boyle, Robert : 74. Brantôme, B.: 118. Brébeuf, 117. Buckingham, Duke of, & Normanby V. Sheffield, John. Buckle, H.T.: 51. Bucknill, Dr.: 3. Buffon, 136, 144, 148. Bunyan, John: 78. Burke, Edmund : 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 24, 32, 33, 35, 36, 40, 43, Butler, Benjamin Franklin: 29. Byron, Lord 16, 23, 31, 41, 47, 50, Charles V 124, 134, 178, 187. Charles VI: 128. Charles VII 106, 141, 160. Charles IX: 120, 132, 168, 187. Chateaubriand, F. R. vicomte de : 92. Chatham, Earl of. V. Pitt, Wm., Chatillon, G. de: 169. Chaulnes, duc de: 84. Chénier, A: 165. Chesterfield, Lord: 17, 19, 28, 56, |