GENERAL VON PODBIELSKI-in several despatches, from Ferrières Sep. 25, 1870, from Versailles, Oct. 8, 11 & 18, 1870, & Jan. 26, 1871. Vorwärts. (Forwards). Motto and nickname (Marschall Vorwärts) of MARSHAL BLUCHER (1742-1819). Treitschke, Deutsche Gesch. im 19 ten. Jahrh. (1879, vol. i., p. 504). The title is now used by a leading German socialistic journal. Was gemacht werden kann, wird gemacht. (What can be done, shall be done). COUNT WALLIS, Austrian Minister of Finance-in 1811, defending the order by which he reduced the bank-note by one-fifth of its face value. .. weibliches Gepäck. (.. female baggage). PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)—in the Reichstag, Mar. 14, 1877: "Es ist ein ausserordentlicher Vorzug für die Karriere, wenn Jemand ohne alles weibliche Gepäck sich durch die Welt schlagen kann." (It is a great advantage to a man to be able to fight his way through the world without female baggage). Cf. "He that hath a wife and children hath hostages to fortune, for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief."Bacon, Essay VIII (Of Marriage &c.). Wenn ich keinen Widerspruch ertragen könnte, dann könnte ich ja schon gar nicht mehr leben. (If I could bear no contradiction, then I could not live any longer). PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98) in the Reichstag, Nov. 26, 1884. Wenn ich König von Frankreich wäre, so drüfte ohne meine Erlaubniss kein Kanonenschuss in Europa fallen. (Were I king of France, not a shot should be fired in Europe without my permission). Attributed to FREDERICK II, OF PRUSSIA (1712-86). Wenn nicht, dann nicht! (If not, then not!) VON KOLLER, Prussian Minister, at the debate Dec. 15, 1894, in the Reichstag, as to the criminal prosecution of Liebknecht (b. 1826), for lèse-majesté (remaining seated while the Emperor was being cheered). Cf. Sinon, non ! Widerlegen kann ihn (Herrn Eugen Richter) Niemand, er behält doch Recht! (Nobody can refute him [Mr. Eugen Richter]; he is right). PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)—in the Prussian Chamber of Deputies, Feb. 4, 1881. wie Gott in Frankreich. (.. like God in France). MAXIMILIAN I (1459-1519)-on the authority of Zincgref-Weidner, Apophthegmata, (1693, p. 10). Maximilian, in familiar conversation with some of his courtiers about other lands and kingdoms, remarked, "If it were possible that I could be God and have two sons, the eldest would have to be God after me, and the second King of France." Wir Deutsche fürchten Gott, aber sonst nichts in der Welt! (We Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world!) PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)—at the conclusion of his speech on the treaty between Germany, Austria, nd Hungary, Oct. 7, 1879, delivered in the Reichstag Feb. 6, 1888. Cf. "Je crains Dieu, cher Abner, et n'ai point d'autre crainte." (I fear God, dear Abner, and have no other fear).Racine, Athalie. act I, SC. 1 (Joad). We fear the Lord, and know no other fear. Früchte nicht dadurch besch- PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)-in the North German Reichstag, May 21, 1869. Wir färben echt, wir färben gut, true we Wir farben's mit Tyrannenblut. (We colour colour good, we colour it* with tyrants' blood). From a political song of the year 1848, by August Brass, quoted in the Reichstag, May 10, 1895. Wir wollen die Waffen auf dem Fechtboden niederlegen, aber weggeben wollen wir sie nicht. (We will lay down our arms in the fencing-school, but we will not give them up). PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)—at *i.e. the banner of liberty. soirée, May 4, 1880, with reference to the "Kulturkampf." Zeitungsschreiber, ein Mensch, der seinen Beruf verfehl that. (The journalist, a man who has missed his vocation). Attributed to PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98), but no confirmation of it in this form has so far been discovered. The phrase seems to rest upon a sentence of his in a speech (Nov. 10, 1862) made on the occasion of the visit to the King of a deputation from Rügen, when Bismarck stated that the Government would offer every facility for arriving at an understanding with the House of Delegates, "aber die oppositionelle Presse diesem Streben zu sehr entgegenwirke, indem sie zum grossen Teil in Händen von Juden und unzufriedenen, ihren Lebensberuf verfehlt habenden Leuten sich befinde" (but the Opposition press was working too strongly against this effort, inasmuch as it consisted in great part of Jews and discontents, people who had missed their vocation in life). Zwischen mich und mein Volk soll sich kein Blatt Papier drängen. (Between me and my people not a sheet of paper shall intrude). Derived from a speech of FRIEDRICH WILHELM IV (17951861), Apr. 11, 1847: Es drängt mich zu der feierlichen Erklärung dass ich nun und nimmermehr zugeben werde, dass sich zwischen unsern Herr Gott im Himmel und dieses Land ein beschriebenes Blatt, gleichsam als eine zweite Vorsehung eindränge. ... (I am impelled to declare..., that neither now nor ever will I allow a written leaf to intrude, like a second Providence, between our Lord in heaven and this land). GREEK SAYINGS *Αγγελλε τοίνυν, ὅτι Γάϊον Μάριον ἐν τοῖς Καρχηδόνος ἐρειπίοις φυγάδα καθεζόμενον εἶδες. (Go tell him that you have seen Caius Marius sitting in exile among the ruins of Carthage). CAIUS MARIUS (157-86 B.C.)— to an officer of the governor of Libya, Sextilius, who forbade him to land there (Plutarch, Lives: Marius, xl). ̓Αληθή λέγεις εἰ μὴ γὰρ σὺ τὴν πόλιν ἀπέβαλες, οὐκ ἂν ἐγὼ παρέλαβον. (Very true; for if you had not lost the city, I could never have recaptured it). FABIUS MAXIMUS (275-202 B.C.) -to Marcus Livius, who had been in command of Tarentum when Hannibal obtained possession of it. The latter held it until recaptured by the Romans. Marcus Livius told the Senate that he, and not Fabius, was the real author of the recapture of the town (Plutarch, Lives: Fabius Maximus, xxiii). ̓Αλλ ̓ αὐτὸ τοῦτο μάλιστα φιλοσοφίας ἴδιον, τὸν καιρὸν ἑκάστων ἐπίστασθαι. ('Tis the special province of philosophy to know the due season for everything). ARCESILAUS (B. C. 438-360)—(Diogenes Laertius, Lives: Arcesilaus, § 41). AMλos ¿yw. (A second self). ZENO (d.c. 260 B.C.)-on being asked who was a true friend. (Diogenes Laertius, Lives: Zeno, § 23). Commonly quoted in the Latin form, "alter ego." ̓Αλλ ̓ ἐγὼ οὐ καταγελῶμαι. (But I am not derided). DIOGENES, the Cynic (412-323 B.C.)-reply to one who told him that he was being derided; meaning that only those are really derided who are affected by ridicule. (Plutarch, Lives: Fabius Maximus, X.) Αλλ' οὐχ οὗτος πολέμιος ὢν ἡμέτερος ἐνταῦθα ἕστηκεν ; (Is not he that has his stand there my enemy?). EMPEROR AUGUSTUS (63 B.C.14 A.D.)-referring to a brazen statue of Brutus in the city of Milan (Plutarch, Lives: Dion & Brutus, V). phrase "A Pyrrhic victory." Cf. Wellington's words immediately after the battle (June 18, 1815) of Waterloo : I have never fought such a battle; and I hope never to fight such another.-Lt. Col. Williams, Life and Times of Wellington, vol. ii, p. 266. Amurath (Murad) II ( d. 1451) replied to those who congratulated him on the victory of Varna (1444) that two such victories would destroy his empire.' Ανθρωπε πολλὰ ἔχοντι τῷ γήρᾳ τὰ αἰσχρὰ μὴ προστίθει τὴν ἀπὸ τῆς κακίας αἰσχύνην. (My good fellow, old age is quite ugly enough without your adding the deformity of wickedness to it). CATO MAJOR (234-149 B.C.)-to an old man who was acting wrongly (Plutarch, Lives: Cato Major, 9). *Ανθρωπον ζητώ. (I am looking for a man). DIOGENES (412-323 B. C.)—having lighted a candle at noon, and being asked the reason why he did so (Diogenes Laertius, Lives: Diogenes, § 41). Phaedrus (Fabulae, bk. III, xix) attributes this saying to Æsop, who, when a busybody in the market place asked him what he was doing with a lighted torch at noon (which he was hurriedly carrying to light his master's fire) answered, "Hominem quaero, meaning that, had his interrogator been "a man," he would not have unseasonably made mirth of him." Cf.: Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.-Ecclesiastes, ch. 7, v. 28. ̓Ανίκητος εἶ, ὦ παῖ. (You are to invincible, my son). DELPHIC ORACLE-reply Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) before he started on an expedition A SPARTAN-when invited to hear a man imitate the nightingale (Plutarch, Lives: Lycurgus, xx). The same reply to the same question is attributed to Agesilaus (id., Agesilaus, xxi). AUTòs epa. (Himself said it). Saying among the DISCIPLES of PYTHAGORAS ZACYNTHIUS (6 cent. B.C.), referring to him. (Diogenes Laertius, Lives: Pythagoras, § 46). Commonly quoted in the Latin form "Ipse dixit." Baotiks. (Like a king). PORUS (A. 4th cent. B.C.)—to Alexander the Great, on the former being captured and asked how he wished to be treated (327 B.C.). Alexander then enquired if he had nothing else to ask, and Porus replied that everything was comprised in these words (Plutarch, Lives: Alexander, 1x). Βέλτιον· πλείονας γὰρ νικήσομεν. (So much the better, for then we shall conquer more). PELOPIDAS (d.' 364 B.C.)—when told that Alexander, the tyrant, was advancing to meet him with a great force (Plutarch, Lives: Pelopidas, 32). βέλτιόν ἐστιν ἅπαξ ἀποθανεῖν ἢ ἀεὶ προσδοκᾶν. (It is better to die once for all than constantly to live in expectation of death). Cf. JULIUS CAESAR (100-44 B.C.)— Plutarch, Lives: Casar, Ivii). "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once"-Shakspere, Julius Cæsar, act ii, sc. 2. (Cæsar) Βραδέως ἐγχείρει τοῖς πραττομένοις· δ δ ̓ ἂν ἕλῃ, βεβαίως τηρῶν διάμενε. (Be slow to put your hand to an undertaking, but, when you have done so, maintain it and persevere with it to the end). BIAS, one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (A. c. 550 B. C.) (Diogenes Laertius, Lives: Bias, § 87). Γίνεται τοίνυν δ βούλομαι· βούλομαι γὰρ Αθηναίους τοῦτο λαλεῖν, ἵνα μή τι χεῖρον περὶ ἐμοῦ λέγωσι. (Just what I wanted has happened, then; for I wish the Athenians to gossip about this, that they might not say something worse about me). ALCIBIADES (450-404 B.C.)— when reproached by his friends for having cut off his dog's tail, and told that all Athens was sorry for the dog (Plutarch, Lives: Alcibiades, ix). Γλώττης κρατεῖν, καὶ μάλιστα ἐν ovμжоoiw. (Rule your tongue, especially at a feast). CHILO (d. B.C. 597)-(Diogenes Laertius, Lives: Chilo, § 69). Γνῶθι σαυτόν. (Know thyself). THALES (636-546 B.C.)-(Diogenes Laertius, Lives: Thales, § 40). Also attributed to Chilo, and to Phemonoes. Διὰ τοῦτο δύο ὦτα ἔχομεν, στόμα δὲ ἓν, ἵνα πλείω μὲν ἀκούωμεν, ἥττονα δὲ λέγωμεν. (The reason of our having two ears but only one mouth is that we may hear the more and speak the less). ZENO (d. c. 260 B.C.)-(Diogenes, Laertius, Lives: Zeno, § 23). Δία τούτων ἔξω λόγος οὐκ ἐκπορεύεται. (Through this no words go out.) At the Spartan public dinners it was the custom for the oldest person present, pointing to the door, to say xii. the above words to each man on entering. Plutarch, Lives: Lycurgus, Cf. "Tell no tales out of school." (English Proverb). Δός μοι ποῦ στῶ καὶ κινῶ τὴν γῆν. (Give me a standpoint, and I can move the earth). ARCHIMEDES (c. 287-212 B.C.) referring to the immense power of the lever. (Pappus Alexandrinus, Collectio lib. viii., 11, Prop. 10). Another version of Archimedes' saying is given in Plutarch's Life of Marcellus ($xiv) : εἰ γῆν εἶχεν ἑτέραν, ἐκίνησεν ἂν ταύτην μεταβὰς εἰς ékeivηy (if he had another earth, by going into it he could remove this one). The lever of Archimedes' is hence used proverbially. Δοτέον Φωκίωνι ταύτην τὴν χάριν. (We must grant this favour to Phocion). ANTIPATER (390-319 B.C.) to Craterus, taking him by the hand. Phocion's request to the first-named was that he should remain where he was and arrange terms of peace. Craterus did not approve of this. (Plutarch, Lives: Phocion, xxvi). Ἐγὼ γὰρ καὶ ταύτην εὐτυχῆ ποιήσω Ρωμαίοις τὴν ἡμέραν. (Well, I will make it a happy day for the Romans!) LUCULLUS (c. 109-c. 57 B.C.) referring to the 6th October, which was considered an unlucky day. (Plutarch, Lives: Lucullus, xxvii). Ἐγὼ δὲ πολλῷ χρόνῳ. (I take a long time.) ZEUXIS (b. c. 450 B.C), hearing Agatharchus, the painter, boast how rapidly he could produce a picture. (Plutarch, Lives: Pericles, xiii). Ἐγὼ μὲν ἐβουλόμην παρὰ τούτοις είναι μᾶλλον πρῶτος ἢ παρὰ Ρωμαίοις δεύτερος. (I would |