MARRIAGES. Arrington Hudfon, elq. of Bleffingby, daughter of marquis Townshend. Captain Knox, of the first regiment of foot-guids, to mils Emma Williams, daughter to Thomas Williams, efq. M. P. Charles Pole, elq. fecond fon of fir Charles Pole, bart. to mifs F. M. Buller, daughter of Richard Buller, efq. of Crofby-Iquare. Sit Francis Henry Drake, bart. to miss Ann Frances Mateby, daughter of Thomas Mateby, elq. of Great St. Mary-le-boneArtet. wark, cooper. John Scott, of Shoreditch, oilman. Lucius Phillips, of Paddington-green, Schoolmitrefs. William Page, of Bath, perfumer. Martin's in the Fields, jeweller. William Lacy Moore, of Wood-ftreet, Spitalfields, broker. John Hall, of West Bromwich, Staffordshire, buckle chape maker. NOVEMBER 3. James Lamb, of I ewkefoury, in Gloucestershire, corn-dealer. Charles Jenks, of Newport, in Salop, grocer. John Ram, of Colchetter, in Effex, coal-merchant. apothecary Donald Stewart, of Wapping, taylor. Jeremiah Samuel Jordan, of Fleet-ftreet, bookfeller. Jofeph Perkins, of Cambridge, linendraper. Michael Satterthwaite, of Crake Cottonmills, in Lancashire, cotton spinner. John Goodtione, of Spalding, in Lincolnshire, hatter. John Kay, of Tidesley, in Lancaster, dealer. John Mascall the younger, of Afhford, in Kent, brewer. Julius Samuel Rich, and John Heapy, of Aldermanbury, Blackwell-hall-factors. William Mafon, of Bishopsgate-ftreet without, victualler. NOVEMBER 17. William Ganidge, of Newgate-ftreet, stationer. John Collinge, of Lambeth, in Surry, patent axletree-maker. Jane Dean, of Edmonton, linen-draper. Robert Tyrrell and William Tyrrell, of Enfield, tanners. Samuel Hathway, of Stockwell, Surry, butcher. Charles Vyfe, of Lothbury, London, money-fcrivener. Peter Francis Denedonsel, of Jamesstreet, St. George, Hanover-square, taylor. William Hartshorn, of Afhborne, in Derbyshire, maltster. Richard Andrews, of Giffing, in Nor folk, grocer. Charles Boucher, of Exeter, dyer. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. November 14, 1795. James Haigh, of Northowram, York- By the Standard Winchester Quarter of shire, worsted-stuff-manufacturer. James Hine, of Exeter, money scrive. Eight Busheis. INLAND COUNTIES. Ebenezer Romaine Callender, of Arm- Middlesex ley, in Leeds, nurseryman. John Atkins and Henry Seager, of Dud ley, in Worcestershire, cornfactors. George Clerke, of Cherry-tree-court, Aldersgate-ftreet, watchmaker. John Coombs, of Park-ftreet, Grofvenor square, victualler. William Adams, of Grafton-street, Surry Hertford Bedford Huntingdon Northampton Rutland Leicefter Jofeph Hill, of Wood-ftreet, Cheapfide, ironmonger. Warwick Wilts Wheats Rye. Barley. Oatsa s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 197 1046 536 1129 го 192 844 036 428 4 8 84 649 37 324 3 89 050 041 025 82 6 38 4229 NOVEMBER 24. John Kindell, of Liverpool, cabinet- Berks Oxford Bucks Brecon Montgomery Radnor 89 4 88 73 657 1794 832 30 822 $ and Cardigan 66 948 030 815 Pembroke 13511157 Glamorgan 76 0 36 10 20-10 Gloucester Somerfet 46 8 33 530 D 32 6239 Devon 97 4 31 1121 Cornwall Dorfet 33 334 Peck Loaf, 48. Ide Williams' Letters on the Scenes in France 1794, 12mo. 38. 6d. fewed. Mysterious Warnings, 4 vol. 12mo. 145. Fowler's Practice of the Exchequer upon Proceedings in Equity, 2 vol. 8t0.158. Home's Obfervations on the Treatment of Strictures in the Urethra, 8vo. 3s. 6d. fewed. Cruife's Effay on Ufcs, 8vo. gs. boards. PRICES of STOCKS, from OCTOBER 29, to NOVEMBER 26, 1795, both inclufives By ANTHONY CLARKE, Stock-Broker, No. 13, Sweeting's-Alley, Cornhill. Navy English Lot. Tie, 8 2. 13 19 0 67684 83 102 19 8 199 45. pr 2 13 19 6 68 83 102 19 8 4 3 684 8 200 1234 5 199 200 312 68 84 103 19 8 19 991 67 68a 84 103 18 8 20 165 67 68a7 844 103 18 8 199 2 89 84 103 18 67468 84 102 81 83 102 مرات ساري 66 67 99 67167 83 101 84 200 In the 3 per Cent. confols. the highest and lowest Price of each Day is given; in every other Article the highest Price only, the Long and Short Annuities excepted which are given within a fixteenth of the highest Price. In the different Funds that are shut, the Prices are given with the Dividend till the Days of Opening. |