A Treatise on the Law of Corporations, Volume 1 |
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Common terms and phrases
abbot action affembly aforefaid againſt aldermen alſo ancient anſwer bailiffs becauſe biſhop body borough bye law cafe caſe cauſe ceffor charter chofen citizens city of London clauſe common feal common law confent confequence conftitution corporation aggregate court cuſtom dean and chapter deed defendant diftinction ecclefiaftical election eſtabliſhed exerciſed exprefs faid fame fays feal fecond feems fhall fheriff fhew fhould fince firft firſt fome ftatute fubject fucceffor fuch fued fufficient fummons grant himſelf hofpital houſe iffue impleaded incorporated Juftice King King's lands leafe leaſe letters patent licence Lord mafter major mayor and burgeffes mayor and commonalty mortmain muſt neceffary obferved perfons plaintiff pleaded poffeffions poration prebendary preſcription preſent purchaſe purpoſe queftion quod Raym reaſon referved refpect refuſed rent ſaid ſcholars ſeems ſeveral ſhall ſpecial ſtated ſuch tenements thefe themſelves theſe thofe thoſe tion toll town ufually uſe uſually void words writ
Popular passages
Page 27 - Bounty (that is, the governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy).
Page 194 - London is, and from time whereof the memory of " man is not to the contrary, hath been an ancient...
Page 294 - Charter, shall for ever hereafter be one body corporate and politic in deed, fact and name, by the name and style " THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, IN AMERICA...
Page 25 - Of this are all hospitals for the maintenance of the poor, sick, and impotent; and all colleges both in our universities and out of them.
Page 122 - That from henceforth all leases, gifts, grants, feoffments, conveyances or estates to be made, had, done, or suffered by any master and fellows of any college, dean and chapter of any cathedral or collegiate church, master or guardian of any hospital...
Page 347 - An act to prevent papists from sitting in either house of parliament; which oaths and declaration the justices of peace at the general sessions of the peace, to be held for the county or place where such person shall live, are hereby required to tender and administer to such persons as shall offer themselves to take, make, and subscribe the same, and thereof to keep a register: and...
Page 333 - ... city for the time being or the major part of them, from time to time and at all times hereafter...
Page 118 - ... coverture or after, shall be good and effectual in the law against the lessors, their wives, heirs and successors, and every of them, according to such estate as is comprised and specified in every such indenture of lease, in like manner and form as the same should have been, if the lessors thereof, and every of them, at the time of the making of such leases, had been lawfully seised of the same lands, tenements and hereditaments comprised in such indenture, of a good, perfect and pure estate...
Page 197 - ... first had and obtained, according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, the said CD says, that the said A. B.
Page 16 - ... collectively, to act as a corporation, and then it is as vifible in the eye of the law, as any other right whatever, of which natural...