Population of the United States, the State of New-York and the Cities of New-York and Brooklyn. Compiled from the several Official Censuses of the United States and of the State of New-York. COINAGE OF THE UNITED STATES. Statement exhibiting the Coinage of the United States for each year, from the organization of the Mint and Branches to the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877. Compiled from the Official Report of the Director of the Mint. Total Coinage,. $983,159,695 00 $208,872,291 40 $12,884,703 55 $1,204,916,689 95 COINAGE OF THE MINT AND BRANCHES. Summary Exhibit of the Coinage of the United States from the organization of the Mint and Branches to the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877. Philadelphia,..... 1793, $485,744,637 50 $131,594,959 60 $12,884,703 55 Entire Coinage $630,224,300 65 Total,. 37,424,425 00 San Francisco,......... 1854, 436,142,157 00 1870, 9,959,590 00 69,913,093 CO 5,048,641 50 6,115,929 00 473,566,582 00 20,048,143 80 $983,159,695 00 $208,872,291 40 $12,884,703 55 $1,204,916,689 95 COINAGE OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE YEAR 1877. Statement of Coinage executed at the Mints of the United States during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877. DENOMINATION. Philadelphia. Mint United States, Total. Value. San Francisco. Mint United States, Carson. Value. Pieces. Value. Pieces. GOLD. Double Eagles,. 489,700 $9,794,000 1,623,000 $32,460,000 84,385 $1,687,700 2,197,085 $43,941,700 Eagles,... 120 1,200 5,500 55,000 5,620 56,200 Half Eagles,.. 180 900 6,500 32,500 6,887 34,435 13,567 67,835 Three Dollars,. 1,488 4,464 ... 1,488 4,464 Quarter Eagles,. 312 780 2,000 5,000 2,312 5,780 Dollars,.... 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 BARS MANUFACTURED AT THE MINTS AND ASSAY OFFICES OF THE UNITED STATES. Statement of Bars manufactured at the Mints and Assay Offices of the United States during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877. DESCRIPTION. Philadelphia. San Francisco. $64,265 85 $72,705 13 2,249,668 50 $3,972,866 96 $4,109,837 94 $567,705 99 $567,705 99 $5,076 56 $5,076 56 $80,040 54 $3,972,866 96 $80,040 54 $140,800 23 $10,361 33 3,053,653 15 $140,800 23 $10,361 33 $7,163,491 09 SILVER. $74,441 96 11,957 13 $387,885 92 $659,609 28 Sterling Bars, 53,359 88 Unparted Bars,...... 426,917 06 $6,886 02 $16,280 18 $6,886 02 $16,280 18 $7,919,645 25 $574,592 01 $21,356 74 $11,892,512 21 $170 95 $62,163 11 $170 95 $62,163 11 $80,211 49 $202,963 34 $21 14 $21 14 $10,382 47 113,978 32 53,359 88 512,438 46 Statement of Bars manufactured at the Mints and Assay Offices from their organization to the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877. $253,413,928 90 $82,785,001 48 $5,922,836 23 $9,940,773 16 $39,850,607 06 $14,876,473 24 $256,237 56 $352,062,539 77 $54,983,317 86 $407,045,857 63 * Opened as an Assay Office October 23, 1876. + Including $142,259 24 Sterling Silver. 6,822 70 377,237 13 16,280 18 140,800 23 514,176 03 5,076 56 62,163 11 H 6$,455,389 48 24,543,783 44 9,777,141 84 87,820 81 202,963 34 520,998 73 |