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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bathurst, Earl, 501, 856, 1041, | Grenville, Lord, 462, 503, 661,
1081, 1150, 1132

Boringdon, Lord, 36, 53, 55
Buckinghamshire, Earl of, 320,
502, 1078

Byron, Lord, 642

Clancarty, Earl of, 155, 398, 400
Darnley, Earl of, 56, 60, 153,
264, 857

Derby, Earl of, 1041
Donoughmore, Earl of, 452, 459,


Douglas, Marquis of, 54
Downshire, Marquis of, 641

Eldon, Lord, sce Lord Chan-

Erskine, Lord, 62, 69
Essex, Earl of, 106

Fitzwilliam, Earl, 107, 245, 320,

Gloucester, Duke of, 506

695, 1077, 1079

Grey, Earl, 52, 59, 60, 73, 107,
148, 150, 248, 264, 321, 322,
324, 460, 502, 503, 856, 1080

Grimston, Viscount, 51, 55
Grosvenor, Earl, 23, 29, 106,
151, 261

Hardwicke, Earl of, 507
Harrowby, Earl of, 67
Holland, Lord, 54, 58, 149, 150,
157, 246, 269, 270, 324, 399,
699, 856, 1042, 1048, 1080,
1081, 1085, 1129, 1130

Kenyon, Lord, 514
King, Lord, 1082

Lansdowne, Marquis of, 55, 156,

460, 508, 1133

Lauderdale, Earl of, 52, 108,

235, 246, 247, 262, 267, 323,

501, 1041, 1080, 1084, 1131
Liverpool, Earl of, 27, 52, 57,
104, 106, 107, 149, 150, 235,

267, 322, 323, 324, 504, 628,
856, 1042, 1079, 1081, 1085,
1129, 1130

Lord Chancellor, (Eldon) 53,
54, 55, 69, 400, 688, 858

Melville, Viscount, 107, 108
Moira, Earl of, 87, 653
Montrose, Duke of, 502
Morton, Earl, 269, 270
Mountjoy, Lord, 61
Mulgrave, Lord, 58, 60, 85

Norfolk, Duke of, 247, 320, 500,

Redesdale, Lord, 395, 599, 858
Rosslyn, Earl of, 1134

Selkirk, Earl of, 603
Sidmouth, Viscount, 1133
Stanhope, Earl, 234, 323, 393,
858, 1084

Suffolk, Earl of, 398
Sussex, Duke of, 530
Wellesley, Marquis, 505, 606
Westmoreland, Earl of, 52

[blocks in formation]

Chancellor of the Exchequer | Hume, W. 192, 251

(Right Hon. Spencer Perce-
val) 4, 11, 17, 104, 116, 120,
121, 122, 124, 127, 136, 143,
145, 147, 161, 168, 172, 181,
184, 185, 191, 192, 194, 206,
230, 233, 239, 255, 257, 258,
259, 260, 261, 275, 278, 279,
292, 304, 307, 309, 311, 319,
343, 373, 387, 417, 422, 434,
440, 444, 447, 451, 500, 955,
1065, 1070, 1075, 1076, 1111,
1112, 1115, 1121, 1124, 1148,
1151, 1169, 1177

Cochrane, Lord, 22, 170, 172,
181, 1158

Courtenay, T. P. 144, 147, 1163,
1175, 1178

Craig, Mr. 493

Creevey, Thomas, 112, 122, 259,
422, 1059, 1145

Croker, J. W. 171, 176, 181
Curtis, Sir W. 1119

Curwen, J. C. 240, 251, 273,


Dillon, H. A. 221, 934, 1073
Dugdale, Mr. 1105

Duigenan, Dr. Patrick, 486, 492,
495, 744

Dundas, W. 1159

Eden, G. 110, 157, 160, 162,
183, 184, 186

Elliot, W. 342, 348,478, 866
Ellison, R. 145

Fitzgerald, Maurice (Knight of
Kerry) 31, 481, 491, 708
Folkestone, Viscount, 5, 8, 165,
172, 319, 360, 450, 452, 497
Foster, J. Leslie, 910
Fremantle, W. 134, 301, 319,
364, 1137

Fuller, J. 318, 363,947

Gascoyne, Isaac, 114, 231,
1057, 1141

Gibbs, Sir Vicary, see Attorney

Giddy, Davies, 135, 148, 199
Giles, D. 205

Grattan, Henry, 243, 244, 728,


[blocks in formation]

Huskisson, W. 302, 317, 318,


Hutchinson, C. H. 367, 488, 717

Johnstone, George, 14, 282, 499

Keene, Whitshed, 1075
Kenrick, W. 101

Lamb, W. 147, 352, 393
Latouche, Robert, 493
Lockhart, J. 110, 145, 147, 382,


Long, C. 102, 373, 393
Lyttleton, W. 181, 257, 421,

439, 1162

Magens, D. 295

Manning, W. 13, 16

Martin, Henry, 103, 194

[blocks in formation]

Marryatt, J. 14, 18, 35, 211, 360, Sutton, Manners, 375

440, 841

Mathew, Montague, 1073

Milton, Lord, 845

Montgomery, Sir H. 278

Moore, Peter, 97, 171, 251

Tarleton, General, 113, 439,

1059, 1073, 1139

Taylor, W. 497

Mordaunt, Sir Charles, 430, 434, Thompson, T. 148, 294


Morris, E. 196

Newport, Sir John, 34, 119, 120,
145, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191,
198, 232, 241, 244, 252, 255,
256, 257, 278, 279, 285, 371,
374, 401, 447, 452, 494, 499,
716, 1113

Ossulston, Lord, 97
Owen, J. 161, 826

Parnell, Henry, 233, 241, 244,
255, 279, 303, 486, 717, 1114
Perceval, Spencer, see Chan -
cellor of the Exchequer

Piggott, Sir Arthur, 186
Plomer, Sir Thomas, see Solici-
tor General

Pole, William Wellesley, 3, 32,
35, 204, 232, 234, 239, 242,
243, 253, 256, 257, 290, 484,
708, 1114

Pole, Sir Charles, 22, 170, 410
Ponsonby, George, 133, 140,
161, 170, 208, 288, 292, 310,
315, 319, 348, 417,715, 1009,
1012, 1113, 1151

Popham, Sir Home, 18

Robinson, F. J. 180,



Romilly, Sir Samuel, 101, 384,
389, 935, 947

Rose, George, 113, 115, 124,
167, 193, 317, 318, 416, 429,
434, 447, 450, 1062, 1063,
1067, 1097, 1121, 1158


Thompson, Sir Thomas, 177

Thornton, H. 13, 141, 199, 416,


Tierney, G. 10, 12, 17, 129, 142,
143, 161, 361, 440, 447, 1063,
1066, 1112, 1177

Turton, Sir Thomas, 97, 495

Vansittart, Nicholas, 499
Vereker, Colonel, 493
Vernon, G. V. 830

Wallace, Thomas, 231
Ward, J. W. 120, 1064
Ward, Robert, 1075
Westerne, С. С. 173
Wharton, Richard, 302, 304,
317, 365, 1142
Whitbread, Samuel, 21, 96, 98,
121, 126, 138, 144, 167, 180,
258, 260, 261, 305, 309, 310,
318, 319, 354, 360, 418, 420,
431, 439, 445, 448, 449,984,
1112, 1113, 1122

Wilberforce, W. 103, 186, 190,
359, 383, 1119, 1122
Wilson, G. 159
Wood, Sir Mark, 1076, 1145
Wortley, Stuart, 1039

Wrottesley, H. 141, 146, 1120,


Wynn, C. W. 121, 139, 147,
162, 185, 318, 332, 383, 1076,
1146, 1177

Yorke, C. 22, 170, 172, 181,

310, 409, 877, 1073
Yorke, Sir Joseph, 21

Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterboro Courte
Ficet-Street, London.





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