Bathurst, Earl, 501, 856, 1041, | Grenville, Lord, 462, 503, 661, Boringdon, Lord, 36, 53, 55 Byron, Lord, 642 Clancarty, Earl of, 155, 398, 400 Derby, Earl of, 1041 509 Douglas, Marquis of, 54 Eldon, Lord, sce Lord Chan- Erskine, Lord, 62, 69 Fitzwilliam, Earl, 107, 245, 320, Gloucester, Duke of, 506 695, 1077, 1079 Grey, Earl, 52, 59, 60, 73, 107, Grimston, Viscount, 51, 55 Hardwicke, Earl of, 507 Kenyon, Lord, 514 Lansdowne, Marquis of, 55, 156, 460, 508, 1133 Lauderdale, Earl of, 52, 108, 235, 246, 247, 262, 267, 323, 501, 1041, 1080, 1084, 1131 267, 322, 323, 324, 504, 628, Lord Chancellor, (Eldon) 53, Melville, Viscount, 107, 108 Norfolk, Duke of, 247, 320, 500, Redesdale, Lord, 395, 599, 858 Selkirk, Earl of, 603 Suffolk, Earl of, 398 Chancellor of the Exchequer | Hume, W. 192, 251 (Right Hon. Spencer Perce- Cochrane, Lord, 22, 170, 172, Courtenay, T. P. 144, 147, 1163, Craig, Mr. 493 Creevey, Thomas, 112, 122, 259, Croker, J. W. 171, 176, 181 Curwen, J. C. 240, 251, 273, 277 Dillon, H. A. 221, 934, 1073 Duigenan, Dr. Patrick, 486, 492, Dundas, W. 1159 Eden, G. 110, 157, 160, 162, Elliot, W. 342, 348,478, 866 Fitzgerald, Maurice (Knight of Fuller, J. 318, 363,947 Gascoyne, Isaac, 114, 231, Gibbs, Sir Vicary, see Attorney Giddy, Davies, 135, 148, 199 Grattan, Henry, 243, 244, 728, 1039 Huskisson, W. 302, 317, 318, 1150 Hutchinson, C. H. 367, 488, 717 Johnstone, George, 14, 282, 499 Keene, Whitshed, 1075 Lamb, W. 147, 352, 393 1120 Long, C. 102, 373, 393 439, 1162 Magens, D. 295 Manning, W. 13, 16 Martin, Henry, 103, 194 Marryatt, J. 14, 18, 35, 211, 360, Sutton, Manners, 375 440, 841 Mathew, Montague, 1073 Milton, Lord, 845 Montgomery, Sir H. 278 Moore, Peter, 97, 171, 251 Tarleton, General, 113, 439, 1059, 1073, 1139 Taylor, W. 497 Mordaunt, Sir Charles, 430, 434, Thompson, T. 148, 294 1105 Morris, E. 196 Newport, Sir John, 34, 119, 120, Ossulston, Lord, 97 Parnell, Henry, 233, 241, 244, Piggott, Sir Arthur, 186 Pole, William Wellesley, 3, 32, Pole, Sir Charles, 22, 170, 410 Popham, Sir Home, 18 Robinson, F. J. 180, 180, 792 Romilly, Sir Samuel, 101, 384, Rose, George, 113, 115, 124, END OF VOL. XXII. Thompson, Sir Thomas, 177 Thornton, H. 13, 141, 199, 416, 1124 Tierney, G. 10, 12, 17, 129, 142, Turton, Sir Thomas, 97, 495 Vansittart, Nicholas, 499 Wallace, Thomas, 231 Wilberforce, W. 103, 186, 190, Wrottesley, H. 141, 146, 1120, 1141 Wynn, C. W. 121, 139, 147, Yorke, C. 22, 170, 172, 181, 310, 409, 877, 1073 Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterboro Courte |