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1065] and certain Expressions made use of by Mr. Rose. APRIL 27, 1812.


in their minds the most melancholy ap- | surprized than when he heard that an inprehensions, and destroyed all hope of any jurious impression had been left upon the modification of the Orders in Council. minds of some individuals present at the They had imagined, that when so many | interview, for the deputation from Bir

memorials had been presented to ministers, some modification, at least, of those measures would have been made; but now, instead of these expectations being gratified, they were to understand that this country was finally committed to a contest with the enemy, which of them should bear privations the longer. The petitioners also proceeded to observe with pain and sorrow, that many persons in this country were possessed of sinecures and pensions to a large amount,-men who had fattened on the war which had reduced them to distress. They contrasted the situation of these pensioners with their own deplorable condition, and prayed that these sinecures and pensions might be abolished altogether, and their produce applied to carrying on the war.


sort of language might be called indelicate; but then the House should observe, that they were dealing with hungry men, who were very little removed from a starving situation. But whatever might be thought of some parts of this Petition, there was one conclusion which could not fail to strike every man, namely, that the number of the Petitions which the House had received afforded a melancholy proof of the extent of the distresses, and the pressure under which the manufacturing and commercial interests laboured. Some of them were against the East India • monopoly; others against the Orders in Council; and a third class, like the present, against the Orders, and also against Sinecure Places and Pensions. From all this he concluded, that the pressure on the various parts of the country was great, and almost intolerable. It was his opinion, however, that the petitioners would derive at least the most speedy relief from laying the axe to the commercial decrees of ministers.

On the question being put, that the Petition be brought up,

The Chancellor of the Exchequer reprobated the discussion of a question now which might be fully debated at its proper time to-morrow. This at least was neither a usual nor a convenient way of dispatching the business of parliament. He felt himself called upon to say a few words with regard to the expression so much talked of, which was said to have dropped from his right hon, friend. He never was more

mingham appeared perfectly satisfied with the reception afforded them. Taxing his own memory he had not the least trace of such a phrase as had been so often al. luded to, although it might have been ut. tered out of his hearing, or indeed if uttered within his hearing, he might not have noticed it. He positively denied that it could justify any such mischievous impression as that to which it had been distorted. It had been employed to exasperate the public mind, for the purpose of producing mischief; and he was sorry to see that gentlemen in that House thus gave countenance to such disgraceful attempts. It was exciting a still more outrageous spirit in those who were now employing themselves throughout the country in destroying all kinds of machinery. That was indeed laying the axe to the root, and abolishing the very means of future prosperity to the country, by which the pressure now complained of might be alleviated. Such sentiments as had just been listened to encouraged and promoted the feeling which produced these dismal scenes of devastation. He did not mean to make any charge upon gentlemen, whose duty it was to present Petitions put into their hands, but he would appeal to every man present at the interview alluded to (excepting the individual who had originated the statement) whether any thing passed which could be perverted into an expression of unkindness, harshness, or insensibility on the part of ministers. Whatever might have been the particular words employed, he would not take upon himself to determine, but he would bear positive testimony that in his right hon. friend's mind there was no feeling which could justify the distortion of phrase which had been attributed to him.

Mr. Tierney observed, that the most convenient mode would be for the right hon. gentleman to state what he really did say. It undoubtedly was fair that the right hon. gentleman should have an opportunity of explaining the construction he put upon the words said to have been employed. At present the sense applied to the metaphor seemed to be that which it bore, without any perversion. It must be admitted, that it conveyed no very pleasant idea to the minds of the petition


ers, when they were told that they were like a man with his head in a bucket of


Mr. Rose repeated, that he had not the most faint remembrance of having employed the language attributed to him. All he could say was, that in his mind there was nothing at all disrespectful to the gentlemen, or unfeeling to the individuals they represented. He was sorry not to see the hon. member for Warwickshire in his place, who would be able to state his recollection of the transaction. He was happy that the the present opportunity had been afforded him of disclaiming that which had been most unjustly attributed to him, viz. an insensibility to the complaints that had been urged. He thought the case of the manufacturers of Birmingham entitled to peculiar attention.

Mr. Brougham observed, that the figure of speech in which the right hon. gentleman had indulged, and which remained uncontradicted, had created a most melancholy impression.

Mr. Baring felt convinced that the expressions had been used; but from the manner in which the right hon. gentleman received those who waited upon him on business, he was convinced that there was no intention to insult or offend. He expressed his hope that the grievous complaints of the numerous petitioners, who had resorted to the House for redress, would be most seriously considered.

Mr. Lyttelton suggested, that if the right hon. gentleman could not deny the precise expression, at least he could disclaim the policy which might be supposed to dictate it.

Lord Milton objected to the words, as containing a comment on the system government intended to pursue with regard to the Orders in Council.

Mr. Rose observed, that to-morrow would be the more fit time for the explanation required.

The Petition was then brought up, and read; setting forth,

"That the petitioners have been credibly informed, and do believe that the right hon. George Rose did lately, in a conference between his Majesty's Chancellor of the Exchequer and certain master manufacturers of the town of Birmingham, compare the situation of the people of England and France to that of two men hold ing their heads in a vessel of water, and trying which can longest endure the pain

of suffocation; and that the petitioners cannot, without great alarm, hear of this type or comparison as illustrating the effects of a war which his Majesty's ministers have from time to time promised to terminate, by the subjugation and re|straint of France; and that, though the above-mentioned comparison too aptly typifies the condition of the petitioners, all whose means of livelihood are alarmingly curtailed by the events of war, and by the process of taxation, and many of whom are reduced to the extreme of want, it is by no means applicable to the right hon. George Rose, and divers others similarly circumstanced, who, by the emoluments of the offices which they hold under government, and the possession of considerable pensions and salaries of sinecure places, are much at their ease in the midst of public calamity; and praying the House to pass a Bill for appropriating, during the future continuance of the war, the salaries of all sinecure offices, and all unmerited and extravagant pensions, to public purposes, which Bill, the petitioners humbly conceive, by tending in a degree to equalize the pressure of the times, will at once tranquillize the general feeling, and accelerate to this country the acquisition of the blessings of peace."

Ordered to lie upon the table.

DEFAULTERS' NAMES CALLED OVER-AND A MEMBER ORDERED INTO CUSTODY.) The order of the day for attendance of the several members who had not appeared to the Call of the House being read, the names of several members were called over, who answered in their places, and were excused. On the name of the right hon. William Fitzgerald being called, he did not appear, and the Speaker enquired whether any member had been requested to answer for the right hon. member's absence.

Mr. Pole said, that he believed the right hon. member was in Ireland.

General Mathew said, that he did not at all doubt but that the right hon. gentleman was in Ireland, where, during the discussion of the late important question, he ought not to have been. He expressed his hope, that the House would not excuse the absence of the right hon. gentleman.

Mr. Ellison thought the hon. general might have been a little more lenient in his observations.

General Mathew did not understand why the right hon. gentleman should have been allowed to fight shy of the Catholic | not a day in which orders took precedence

question. Notwithstanding what had been said by the hon. gentleman opposite, he still hoped the right hon. member would not be excused.

Sir W. W. Wynn did not see there was even a pretence laid before the House for the absence of the right hon. member. He should move, That he be taken into the custody of the Serjeant at Arms.

Mr. Pole rose again and said, he was absolutely certain that the right hon. gentleman would have been in his place had he not met with some unforeseen accident. However, he confessed that he had re- ceived no letter from the right hon. member.

Mr. Eden urged the propriety of the motion.

Mr. R. Ward deprecated the harshness

of notices?

The Speaker said, that questions of thanks to our fleets or armies always were allowed to take precedence of every other business.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer then spoke to the following effect:- Sir, from the opportunity which on former occasions I have had of collecting the sentiments of the House on the course of proceeding with respect to questions similar to that which I am about to submit to their consideration, I agree with you, Sir, that the House will always be disposed to give to them an undoubted priority. It gratifies me, however, to be enabled to assure the noble lord, that in my view of the present subject, it will not be necessary for me to detain the House at any

with which the gentlemen opposite seemed | considerable length; anticipating as I do,

to wish to have the right hon. member treated. He should move an amendment to the motion, That the right hon. gentleman be ordered to attend in his place on this day se'nnight.

Mr. Herbert opposed the amendment. The right hon. member had appeared in his place almost every day until the approach of the Catholic question.

Mr. Brand expected that the right hon. gentleman opposite, who had moved the call of the House, would have been the first to move the right hon. member into custody. As to the amendment, there was not the least doubt but that the right hon. member would be in his place on that day se'nnight. He was one of the lords of the Treasury, and materially connected with Ireland; and he certainly knew not why the presence of such a member should not have been enforced on the important question lately under consideration. If the House had the least regard for its dignity, it must order the right hon. member into custody.

the unanimous concurrence of all who hear me, in the motion with which I shall have the honour to conclude. Sir, I have so frequently, during the short period of the last eighteen months, had the happiness to submit to this House a motion similar to the present, that I am justified, from my experience on those occasions, in confidently expecting that not a single dissenting voice will be raised against my present proposition. We may differ in opinion, Sir, on the general question of the manner in which the war on the peninsula has been conducted; we may even differ in opinion on the probable effect of the late or of any other splendid achievement of our brave troops-but it is impossible that we should differ in opinion on the able conduct of our general, and on the gallantry of our officers and men, with reference to the recent occurrrence, in which these qualities have been so successfully and so gloriously exhibited.The House will recollect that at no great distance of time antecedent to the late distinguished achievement, the capture of Ciudad Rodrigo took place. Immediately after that capture, lord Wellington me

The Speaker then put the question, and as the House was about to divide, Mr. Ward withdrew his amendment, and the original motion was carried in the affirma-ditated the direction of his forces towards tive.

VOTE OF THANKS TO THE EARL OF WELLINGTON, &c. FOR THE CAPTURE OF BADAJOZ.] The Chancellor of the Exchequer rose to move the Thanks of the House to the earl of Wellington, and the army under his command

Lord Milton spoke to order; he wished to know from the chair, whether this was

that fortress, the acquisition of which it is now our object to acknowledge. The arrangements for that purpose were made with great expedition by the noble and gallant lord during the time that he kept his head-quarters; and so completely were the enemy deceived by the celerity and the secrecy of those arrangements, that they were evidently unapprized of the intended movement until it was too late for be able to collect a force adequate to the defeat of the object which the British army had in view. As soon as his preparations were complete, lord Wellington proceeded to Badajoz. He arrived at Elvas on the 11th of March. On the 16th he invested Badajoz. On the 17th he broke ground, and pushed forward his operations with all the rapidity which the utmost exertions of the officers and soldiers of his brave army enabled him to do. The House are in possession of the details immediately subsequent, from the pen of the noble and gallant officer himself; and I am sure that any attempt of mine to re-state them, will but tend to weaken the effect which they are calculated to produce. It appears, however, that the fire from the second parallel opened on the 31st of March; and that practicable breaches having been effected in two of the bastions of the fortress, on the 6th, at night, lord Wellington gave orders to proceed to the storm. The plan on that occasion was, that lieutenant general Picton should attack the castle by escalade with the 3d division that major Wilson, with a guard from the 4th division, should attack the ravelin of St. Roque; and that the hon. major general Colville at the head of the 4th division, and the light division under lieutenant colonel Barnard, should attack the breaches in the bastions. Lieutenant general Leith, with the left brigade of the division under major general Walker, was to make a false attack upon two of the out-works. This feigned attack was not expected to take effect, but directions were given to turn it into a real attack, if circumstances should prove favourable. At ten o'clock at night, the attack commenced. The exertions of the troops on that occasion were never exceeded. They had to contend against an able general, who commanded a powerful garrison, not exhausted by the casualties and privations of a long siege, but capable of making a determined resistance to their assailants, and prepared by every means to give to that resistance the best chance of success. The conflict continued for above two hours, during which period the enemy resisted with a gallantry which it is due to them to say, was as glorious as that of their assailants. It is undoubtedly true, that the assailants were exposed to infinitely greater danger; but we owe it to the enemy to acknowledge that they de

them to entertain any hope that they might | fended themselves with the utmost spirit

and determination, and in such a manner as to produce no inconsiderable effect. While this dreadful conflict was going on in the breaches, general Picton succeeded in his escalade, and established himself in the castle. Major Wilson carried the ravelin of St. Roque. Major-general Leith pushed forward major-general Walker's brigade, which converting the feigned into a real attack, and aided by the 38th regiment, and the 15th Portuguese regiment, forced the barrier on the road of Olivença, and escaladed the bastion of St. Vicente. Our troops being thus established in the castle, which commands all the works of the town, and the 4th light division being formed again for the attack of the breaches, all resistance ceased, and at day-light next morning, an unconditional surrender took place. Sir, in calling the attention of the House to these gallant and distinguished exploits, it is impossible for me not to advert to the loss which our brave army sustained. The House must be aware, however, that in the attack by storm of such a fortress as Badajoz, the loss must certainly be severe. The House must also be aware, how important it was to lose no time in the achievement of the object. If we consider the advance of Soult, with a view to attempt the relief of Badajoz, we may easily conceive, that had the assault been delayed, in order to render the breaches more practicable, a much heavier loss might have been sustained by the double effort that would then have been necessary to repel the advancing army on the one hand, and to reduce the fortress on the other. Sir, I shall forbear from dwelling, with particular distinction, on the names of any of the gallant officers who acquitted themselves so nobly in this most brilliant affair, because they are so numerous, the instances of heroic gallantry were so general (as, indeed, the list of casualties but too sufficiently testifies), that it would be in vain for me to attempt to do justice to all, and I am unwilling, by omitting any, to expose myself to the charge of invidiousness. I conceive that the House must be fully impressed with the importance of this operation. What the ultimate result may be, it is impossible accurately to predict; but there is every reason to believe that the British movement towards Badajoz, attracting the notice of marshal Soult, gave to the Spaniards in the south of Spain, the means of approaching Seville,

and there can be little doubt but to this circumstance, general Ballasteros is indebted for the opportunity of marching into Seville, in consequence of the destitute state of defence into which it necessarily fell. I repeat, Sir, that it is impossible to anticipate the consequences of all these proceedings, but I feel justified in auguring most favourably from them, and in cherishing the expectation that they will be productive in the south of Spain of events in the highest degree auspicious to the common cause. The House and the country will, I trust, find some consolation for the severe loss which this glorious acquisition has occasioned, in the important effect which it is calculated to produce on the character, and probable result, of the awful contest in which we are engaged. It is but just that we should express the gratitude which we feel to those by whom such great national advantages have been obtained; and I therefore move you, Sir, in the first instance, "That the Thanks of this House be given to general the earl of Wellington, for the great ability and military skill manifested by him in the recent siege of Badajoz, by which that important fortress has been wrested from the possession of the enemy."

The question being put from the chair, Lord Milton rose to set himself right with the House. When he got up before, his intention was by no means to oppose the vote of thanks.

General Tarleton was of opinion that this last exploit of lord Wellington had done great honour to himself and the British army. Under all the circumstances, he believed that no general in the universe but himself would have attempted the capture of Badajoz; and that no troops in the universe but British, would have succeeded in that attempt.

Colonel Dillon was a little apprehensive that the results in the south of Spain expected from the capture of Badajoz might not come to pass so easily as was expected. Sir Joseph Yorke did not think that the motion went far enough in rewarding the illustrious commander of the army in Spain. He was of opinion, that the highest dignity the country had to bestow would fall short of rewarding his merits. Why should not the gallant commander have a marshall's staff, and be put at the head of the military administration of the country? General Mathew said, that he scarcely ever offered himself to the House with more pleasure than on the present occa(VOL. XXII.)

❘sion, concurring as he did for the first time, and probably for the last, with the right hon. gentleman who made the motion. He had also to offer his humble thanks to the right hon. gentleman the Speaker, for permitting him to speak on this occasion; a permission, by the bye, which he was unfortunate enough to be unable to obtain during a late important debate, when he was most anxious to deliver his sentiments. He repeated that he was most happy to concur in the present motion of the right hon. gentleman, because it was a grateful duty to add his weak praises to the general voice of applause, because nothing could give him more pleasure than to speak the eulogy of many dear friends and countrymen who had fallen on this glorious occasion. He agreed with the gallant admiral that the motion did not go far enough. He would not attempt to recapitulate the exploits, or to count the glories of lord Wellington: they were known to his country-they were felt by Europe-they were bright before the world, and would retain a splendour lasting to all time. It was sufficient to say, that he had been victorious wherever honour and his country called him; and that, like Marlborough, he had never been beaten. To no general was lord Wellington second, and almost all had he surpassed. Was it not therefore right, that this conspicuous man,-this man so gifted by nature, and so favoured by fortune-should by his country be pre-eminently distinguished? Was it not right that his gallant army, of whom he was not more the commander, than the father and the friend, should through him be magnificently rewarded? To this army, which so adored and idolized their commander, the country owed much; and how could that debt better be discharged than by dignifying to the utmost extent that commander? He would recommend the same measures to be adopted towards lord Wellington, as had been taken with respect to lord Nelson. The navy felt itself identified with lord Nelson; and the army would, he was sure, feel itself raised by every elevation of their chief. It was a source of considerable satisfaction to himself, that about 20 years ago, he had served in the same regiment with lord Wellington; and the noble lord had since gained no victory in which he did not sympathise, nor gathered a laurel for his brow which he did not delight to see him wear. But there was a trait in the character of (3Z)

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