CHAP. V. 1775Battle of Three was discovered in its execution, the concurrence of too many In this unfortunate enterprize General Thompson and Colonel Irwin, second in command, with about two hundred men, were made prisoners; and from twenty to thirty were CHAP. V. 3775 Evacuation of killed. The loss of the enemy was extremely inconsider The whole military force in Canada now amounted to about eight thousand men, but of this not one half were fit for duty. The rest were in hospitals, principally under the small-pox. About two thousand five hundred effectives were with General Sullivan at the Sorel. The whole were in a state of total insubordination, much harassed with fatigue, and dispirited by their late loses, by the visible superiority of the enemy, and by the apprehension that their retreat would be entirely cut off. Under all these discouraging circumstances General Sullivan formed the rash determination of defending the post at Sorel; and was only induced by the unanimous opinion of his officers, and a conviction that the troops would not support him, to abandon it a few hours before the enemy took possession of it. The same causes drew him reluctantly from Chamblee, and St. John's; but he resolved to remain at the Isle Aux Noix till he should receive orders to retreat. He had been joined at St. John's by General Arnold, who had crossed over at Longueille just in time to save the garrison of Montreal from falling into the hands of the enemy. The Isle Aux Noix is a low unhealthy place, badly supplied Annual Reg. and MSS. with water, where the troops were so universally seized with fevers, as to compel General Sullivan to retire to the Isle La Motte, where he received the orders of General Schuyler to embark on the lakes for Crown Point. The armed vessels on the Sorel and St. Lawrence were destroyed, and the fortifications of Chamblee and St. John's set on fire. All the baggage of the army, and nearly all the military stores were saved. The British army, during this whole retreat, had followed close in the rear, and taken possession of the different posts the Americans had occupied, immediately after they were evacuated. On the Sorel the pursuit stopped. The Americans had the command of the lake, and the British General deemed it prudent to wrest it from them before he advanced further. To effect this, it was necessary to construct a number of vessels, which required time and labour. Meanwhile General Gates was ordered to take the command of this army, which was directed to be reinforced with six thousand militia. Of these, three thousand were to be furnished by Massachussetts, fifteen hundred by Connecticut, seven hundred and fifty by New Hampshire, and the same number by New York. Thus terminated the enterprize against Canada. against Canada. It was a bold, and at one period promised to be a successful effort to CHAP. V. 1775 VOL. II. 3 A annex CHAP. V. 1775. success. annex that extensive province to the United Colonies. The dispositions of the Canadians greatly favoured the measure, and had Quebec fallen, there is reason to believe the whole colony would have entered cordially into the union. Had a few incidents turned out fortunately, had Arnold been able to reach Quebec a few days sooner, or to have crossed the St. Lawrence on his first arrival; or had the gallant Montgomery not fallen in the assault of the thirty-first of December; it is probable the expedition would have been crowned with complete But the radical causes of failure, putting fortune out of the question, were to be found in the lateness of the season, when the troops were assembled, in a defect of the preparations necessary for such a service, and still more in the shortness of the time for which the men were enlisted. A committee of Congress appointed to enquire into the causes of the miscarriages in Canada, reported, "that the short enlistments of the continental troops in Canada, have been one great cause of the miscarriages there, by rendering unstable the number of men engaged in military enterprizes, by making them disorderly and disobedient to their officers, and by precipitating the commanding officers into measures which their prudence might have postponed, could they have relied on a longer continuance of their troops in service. "That the want of hard money had been one other great cause of the miscarriages in Canada rendering the supplies of necessaries difficult and precarious, the establishment of proper magazines absolutely impracticable, and the pay of the troops of but little use to them. "That "That a still greater, and more fatal source of misfortunes has been the prevalence of the small-pox in that army; a great proportion whereof has thereby been usually kept unfit for duty." A committee was also appointed to enquire into the conduct of General Wooster, which acquitted him of all blame. But had the expedition been crowned with the most complete success, the practicability of maintaining the country is very much to be doubted. Whilst General Montgomery lay before Quebec, and counted on obtaining posssession of the place, he extended his views to its preservation. His plan re quired a permanent army of ten thousand men, strong fortifications at Jaques Cartier, and the rapids of Richlieu, and armed vessels in the river above the latter place. With this army, and these precautions, he thought the country might be defended, but not with an inferior force. Experience has fully demonstrated the utter impossibility of keeping up such a force at that time, at such a distance from the strong parts of the union. The want of specie alone had there not been other causes powerfully co-operating with it, would have forced the Americans to evacuate the country, unless the Canadians could have been prevailed on to consider themselves as principals in the war, and to give paper money the same currency which it received in the United Colonies. CHAP. V. 1775. |