A Manual of the Practice and Evidence in Actions and Other Proceedings in the County Courts, Including the Practice in Bankruptcy, with an Appendix of Statutes and Rules |
Common terms and phrases
20 Vict 31 Vict above-named action adjudged Admiralty affidavit aforesaid Agricultural Holdings England amount annexed appear application appointed assessors Barrister at Law cause certificate chattels claim clear days cloth copy costs County Courts Act court holden court of holden Court of Justice damages Dated this day day of 18 debt deceased default summons defendant's delivered district documents Edition entitled execution creditor executor or administrator fees filed forthwith garnishee give notice given hearing hereby high bailiff High Court Inner Temple issued Journal judgment-summons Judicature Act jurisdiction landlord levied Lincoln's Inn ment Middle Temple paid into court party payment person plaint plaintiff possession Post 8vo Practice proceedings recover reference registrar replevin respect return-day rules schedule Seal Sect served society solicitor statement Statutes Take notice tenant therein thereof tion treatise trial trustees unless warrant of execution Whereas
Popular passages
Page 51 - Any notice, if served by post, shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of the post...
Page 298 - If the name of any person is without sufficient cause entered in or omitted from the register of members of any company under this act, or if default is made or unnecessary delay takes place in entering on the register the fact of any person having ceased to be a member...
Page 87 - B.TTLE 1. the singular number shall include the plural, and words importing the plural number shall include the singular number, and words importing the masculine gender shall include females, and the following terms shall (if not inconsistent with the context or subject matter) have the respective meanings hereinafter assigned to them, that is to say: " The Act " shall mean the Bankruptcy Act, 1869 : " Court " shall mean the court having jurisdiction in the matter :
Page 102 - Where persons are sued as partners in the name of their firm the writ shall be served either upon any one or more of the partners or at the principal place within the jurisdiction of the business of the partnership upon any person having at the time of service the control or management of the partnership business there...
Page 98 - ... deem just for placing the defendant on the record on the same footing in regard to costs as other parties having a common interest with him in the matters in question.
Page 169 - ... which may there be found, or such part, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy this execution and the costs of making and executing the same, and to pay what you shall have so levied to the Registrar of this Court, and make return of what you have done under this warrant, immediately upon the execution thereof.
Page 13 - And at the trial or hearing of any such cause, suit, or proceeding, the judge, at the rcqiiest of either party, shall make a note of any question of law raised at such trial or hearing, and of the facts in evidence in relation thereto, and of his decision thereon...
Page 221 - NOTICE. — The goods and chattels are not to be sold until after the end of five days next following the day on which they were seized, unless they be of a perishable nature, or at the request of the said...
Page 41 - ... it shall be lawful for Her Majesty from time to time, by Order in Council, to...
Page 205 - Execution was levied. [Ifame, address, and description of claimant}, you are hereby summoned to appear at a court to be holden at on the day of 18 , at the hour of in the noon, to...