INTERROGATORIES, PRODUCTION, INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS AND DISCOVERY, AS WELL IN THE SUPERIOR AS IN THE INFERIOR COURTS. TOGETHER WITH AN APPENDIX OF THE ACTS, FORMS, AND ORDERS. BY WALTER S. SICHEL, M. A. AND WILLIAM CHANCE, M.A. BARRISTERS-AT-LAW. "I know of no head of law so vague and difficult to understand and STEVENS AND SONS, 119, CHANCERY LANE, Law Publishers and Booksellers. STEVENS AND SONS, 119, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. MARCH, 1883. Addison's Treatise on the Law of Contracts.-Eighth Edition. Law. Part II, Statute Law. By JOHN MACDONELL, M.A., Esq., Barrister-at- "Mr. Macdonnell has done his work thoroughly ad well. He has evidently bestowed great care and labour on his task, and has, therefore, produced a work which will be of real value to the practitioner."—Law Times. Prideaux's Precedents in Conveyancing.-With Disserta tions on its Law and Practice. Twelfth Edition. Thoroughly revised and adapted to the Conveyancing Acts, 1881, 1882, the Settled Land Act, 1882, the Married Women's Property Act, 1882, and the Bills of Sale Act, 1882. By FREDERICK PRIDEAUX, late Professor of the Law of Real and Personal Property to the Inns of Court, and JOHN WHITCOMBE, of Lincoln's Inn, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1883. Price 31. 10s. cloth. "The most useful work out on Conveyancing."-Law Journal. "The conciseness and scientific precision of these Precedents of the Future are at once pleasing and startling. The Valuable Dissertations on the law and practice, which have always formed a feature of these volumes, have been revised thoroughly."-Law Magazine. Humphry's Common Precedents in Conveyancing; to gether with the Conveyancing Acts, 1881-82, and the Settled Land Act, 1882, and other Acts to which the Precedents have been adapted, with an Introduction and Notes. Second Edition. By HUGH M. HUMPHRY, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. 1882. Price 12s. 6d. cloth. "A work that we think the profession will appreciate."-Law Times, December 23, 1882. Middleton's Statutes relating to Settled Estates, including the Settled Estates Act, 1877, and the Settled Estates Act Orders, 1878, and Settled Land Act, 1882, Improvement of Land Act, 1864, and the Limited Owners' Residences Act, 1870 and 1871. With Introduction, Notes and Forms. Third Edition, with Appendix of Rules and Forms under the Settled Land Act, 1882. By JAMES W. MIDDLETON, B.A., Barrister-at-Law. Royal 12mo. 1882. Price 7s. 6d. cloth. "Mr. Middleton's remarks are specially to be commended. The book is intended for the legal adviser and equity draftsman, and to these it will give considerable assistance."-Law Times. Pitt-Lewis' County Court Practice. A Complete Practice of the County Courts, including Admiralty and Bankruptcy, embodying the Acts, Rules, Forms and Costs, with Additional Forms and a Full Index. Second Edition, containing the County Courts (Costs and Salaries) Act, 1882, and the Important Legislation (as to Married Women's Property, Bills of Sale, Inferior Courts Judg. ments, &c., &c.) of the Session 1882. By G. PITT-LEWIS, of the Middle Temple and Western Circuit, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, sometime Holder of the Studentship of the Four Inns of Court, assisted by H. A. DE COLY AR, of the Middle Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. In 2 vols. Demy 8vo. 1883. Price 21. 10s. cloth. (Nearly ready.) "One of the best books of practice which is to be found in our legal literature."Law Times. "Mr. Pitt-Lewis has, in fact, aimed and we **All Standa are glad to say successfully-at what Chitty's Archbold' and practitioners in the High Court." *** See also Catalogue at end of this Work. STEVENS AND SONS, 119, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. Daniell's Practice of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, and on Appeal therefrom; being the Sixth Edition of Daniell's Chancery Practice, with alterations and additions, and References to a companion volume of Forms. By LEONARD FIELD, EDWARD CLENNELL DUNÑ, and THEODORE RIBTON, assisted by WILLIAM HENRY UPJOHN, Barristers-atLaw. Vol. I. (with Table of Cases and an Index). Demy 8vo. 1882. Price 21. 28. cloth. ***Volume II. in the press, and will be published shortly. "It is exactly what it professes to be, a concise and careful digest of the practice."—Solicitors' Journal, July 1, 1882. Morgan and Wurtzburg's Treatise on the Law of Costs in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice.-Being the Second Edition of Morgan and Davey's Costs in Chancery. With an Appendix, containing Forms and Precedents of Bills of Costs. By the Right Hon. GEORGE OSBORNE MORGAN, one of Her Majesty's Counsel, Her Majesty's Judge Advocate General, and E. A. 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"A good practical work."-Lav Times. Russell's Arbitration and Award. - A Treatise on the Power and Duty of an Arbitrator, and the Law of Submissions and Awards. With Lely's Law of Municipal Corporations.-The Municipal Corporation Act, 1882; the Enactments incorporated therewith, and a selection of Enactments supplementary_thereto. With Introduction, Explanatory Notes and Index. By J. M. LELY, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Editor of " Chitty's Statutes," &c., &c. Demy 8vo. 1882. (Just ready.) "The summary is tersely written, and the Notes appear to be to the point. Nothing required for the due understanding and working of the Acts seems to be absent."-Law Journal, December 9, 1882. Fithian's Bills of Sale Acts, 1878 and 1882: with an In troduction and Explanatory Notes, showing the changes made in the Law with respect to Bills of Sale, with Rules. By EDWARD W. FITHIAN, of the Middle Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law (Draftsman of the Bill of 1882). Royal 12mo. 1882. Price 5s. cloth. "We do not doubt that Mr. Fithian's book will maintain a high place among the most practically useful editions of the Bills of Sale Acts, 1878 and 1882."-Law Magazine. Smith's Married Women's Property Act, 1882; with an Introduction and Critical and Explanatory Notes, and Appendix containing the "A careful and useful little treatise December 9, 1882. Wigram's Justices' Note-Book, containing a Short Account of the Jurisdiction and Duties of Justices, and an Epitome of Criminal Law. By W. KNOX WIGRAM, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, J.P. Middlesex and Westminster. Third Edition. Corrected and Revised to December, 1882. Copious Index. Royal 12mo. 1883. Price 12s. 6d. cloth. With a "This is altogether a capital book. Mr. Wigram is a good lawyer and a good justices' lawyer." -Law Journal. * "We can thoroughly recommend the volume to magistrates."-Law Times. * ▲ Catalogue of Modern Law Works, Reports, &c., cloth lettered, price 6d. post free. INTERROGATORIES, PRODUCTION, INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS AND DISCOVERY, AS WELL IN THE SUPERIOR AS IN THE INFERIOR COURTS. TOGETHER WITH AN APPENDIX OF THE ACTS, FORMS, AND ORDERS. BY WALTER S. SICHEL, M. A. AND WILLIAM CHANCE, M.A. BARRISTERS-AT-LAW. "I know of no head of law so vague and difficult to understand and administer as Discovery."-LORD BRAMWELL. STEVENS AND SONS, 119, CHANCERY LANE, Law Publishers and Booksellers. |