The Statutory Rules and Orders Revised: Being the Statutory Rules and Orders (other Than Those of a Local, Personal, Or Temporary Character) in Force on December 31, 1903 ...H.M. Stationery Office, 1904 - Administrative law |
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58 Vict aforesaid amount appear apply appointed Article asylum authorised person ballot paper Board of Trade borough councillors British ships C. L. Peel candidate carry certificate of registry clerk colour Commissioners committee copy County Borough County Council deemed direct election enacted entries Excellent Majesty explosive fees Government Board governor granted hackney carriage herein-after Ireland letters patent licence light locomotive London County Council London Gazette Lord Chancellor lunatic Majesty in Council marked marriage masters Merchant Shipping Act metropolitan borough Metropolitan Police District motor car notice Order in Council owner parish parties passenger patient payment port Privy Council purpose pursuance Queen's Most Excellent receipt recited registered building registrar in lunacy regulations relating repealed and consolidated respect returning officer sanitary authority schedule scheme solicitor Statutory Rules thereof thousand eight hundred tion United Kingdom vessel vote Water Board whereas by Section
Popular passages
Page 66 - ... dignity. And I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to his majesty, his heirs and successors, all treasons and traitorous...
Page 268 - I am directing my course to starboard." Two short blasts to mean, " I am directing my course to port.
Page 244 - ... abaft the beam on the starboard side ; and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles. (c) On the...
Page 247 - In fog, mist, falling snow, or heavy rainstorms, whether by day or night, the signals described in this Article shall be used as follows, viz.
Page 268 - Sailing vessels under way shall keep out of the way of sailing vessels or boats fishing with nets, or lines, or trawls. This Rule shall not give to any vessel or boat engaged in fishing the right of obstructing a fairway used by vessels other than fishing vessels or boats.
Page 265 - Nothing in these rules shall interfere with the operation of any special rules made by the Government of any nation with respect to additional station and signal lights for two or more ships of war or for vessels sailing under convoy...
Page 1 - ... any temporal or spiritual injury, damage, harm, or loss upon or against any person in order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrain from voting...
Page 263 - ... in a vertical line, one over the other, not less than 3 feet apart, and of such a character as to be visible all round the horizon at a distance of at least 2 miles...
Page 264 - The vessels referred to in this Article shall not be obliged to carry the lights prescribed by Article 4 (a) and Article 11, last paragraph. Art. 8. Pilot vessels, when engaged on their station on pilotage duty, shall not show the lights required for other vessels, but shall carry a white light at the masthead, visible all round the horizon, and shall also exhibit a flare-up light or flare-up lights at short intervals, which shall never exceed fifteen minutes.
Page 248 - In obeying and construing these Rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision, and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above Rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger.