The Medico-chirurgical Review, and Journal of Practical Medicine

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1835 - Medicine

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Page 520 - Tout fait quelconque de l'homme, qui cause à autrui un dommage, oblige celui par la faute duquel il est arrivé, à le réparer. » Art. 1383. : « Chacun est responsable du dommage qu'il a causé non seulement par son fait, mais encore par sa négligence ou par son imprudence.
Page 523 - Sont exceptées: 1° les dispositions rémunératoires faites à titre particulier, eu égard aux facultés du disposant et aux services rendus; 2° Les dispositions universelles, dans le cas de parenté jusqu'au quatrième degré inclusivement, pourvu toutefois que le décédé n'ait pas d'héritiers en ligne directe; à moins que celui au profit de qui la disposition a été faite, ne soit lui-même du nombre de ces héritiers.
Page 60 - In febrile diathesis, or predisposition, from whatever cause — obstructed perspiration, undue excitement by stimulating liquors, overloading the stomach with food — fear, anger, or whatever depresses or disturbs the nervous system — the villous coat becomes sometimes red and dry, at other times, pale and moist, and loses its smooth and healthy appearance ; the secretions become vitiated, greatly diminished, or entirely suppressed...
Page 426 - Rapid succession, or uninterrupted alternation of insulated ideas and evanescent and unconnected emotions ; continually repeated acts of extravagance ; complete forgetfulness of every previous state ; diminished sensibility to external impressions ; abolition of the faculty of judgment; perpetual activity.
Page 250 - Every kind of ulcer of the genitals, of whatever form or appearance, is curable without mercury. This I consider to be established as a fact, from the observation of more than...
Page 427 - A chronic disease, manifested by deviations from the healthy and natural state of the mind, such deviations consisting either in a moral perversion or a disorder of the feelings, affections and habits of the individual, or in intellectual derangement, which last is sometimes partial, namely, in monomania, affecting the understanding only in particular trains of thought; or general, and accompanied with excitement, namely, in mania or raving madness ; or, lastly, confounding or destroying the connections...
Page 60 - At other times, irregular, circumscribed, red patches, varying in size or extent, from half an inch to an inch and a half in circumference, are found on the internal coat. These appear to be the effect of congestion in the minute blood vessels of the stomach. There are, also, seen at times, small aphthous crusts, in connection with these red patches.
Page 426 - Moral insanity, or madness consisting in a morbid perversion of the natural feelings, affections, inclinations, temper, habits, moral dispositions, and natural impulses, without any remarkable disorder or defect of the intellect or knowing and reasoning faculties, and particularly without any insane illusion or hallucination.
Page 60 - The fluid so discharged, is absorbed by the aliment in contact, or collects in small drops and trickles down the sides of the stomach to the more depending parts, and there mingles with the food or whatever else may be contained in the gastric cavity.
Page 523 - Les docteurs en médecine ou en chirurgie, les officiers de santé et les pharmaciens qui auront traité une personne pendant la maladie dont elle meurt, ne pourront profiter des dispositions entre-vifs ou testamentaires qu'elle aurait faites en leur faveur pendant le cours de cette maladie. Sont exceptées: 1°...

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