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Aliens, Denizens, and Naturalization.
[There has been no statute passed on the subjects of this class since the last Alien act
7 G. 4, c. 54.]
Statutes relating to the Clergy.
[No. I. ] 1 and 2 W. IV. c. 38.-An Act to amend and render more effectual an
Act passed in the Seventh and Eighth Years of the Reign of his late Majesty, in-
tituled ""
An Act to amend the Acts for building and promoting the building of
additional Churches in populous Parishes."
[ No. II. ] 2 & 3 W. IV. c. 61.-An Act to render more effectual an Act passed
in the Fifty-ninth Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled "An
Act to amend and render more effectual an Act passed in the last Session of Par-
liament, for building and promoting the building of additional Churches in popu-
lous Parishes."
[ No. III. ] 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 30.—An Act to exempt from Poor and Church Rates
all Churches, Chapels, and other Places of Religious Worship.
[ No. IV. ] 5 & 6 W. IV. c. 30.-An Act for protecting the Revenues of vacant
Ecclesiastical Dignities, Prebends, Canonries, and Benefices without Cure of Souls,
and for preventing the Lapse thereof, during the pending Inquiries respecting the
State of the Established Church in England and Wales.
See also post, Part V. Class I.
[No. I. ] 11 G. IV. c. 18.-An Act to render valid Marriages solemnized in certain
Churches and Chapels.
[No. II. ] 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 45.-An Act to declare valid Marriages solemnized at
Hamburgh since the abolition of the British Factory there.
[No. III. ] 4 & 5 W. IV. c. 28.-An Act to amend the Laws relative to Marriages
celebrated by Roman Catholic Priests and Ministers not of the Established Church
in Scotland.
[ No. IV. ] 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 102.—An Act to repeal certain penal Enactments
made in the Parliament of Ireland against Roman Catholic Clergymen for cele-
brating Marriages contrary to the Provisions of certain Acts made in the Parlia-
ment of Ireland.
[ No. V. ] 5 & 6 W. IV. c. 54.-An Act to render certain Marriages valid, and to
alter the Law with respect to certain voidable Marriages.
Parent and Child.
[There has been no recent statute on this subject. ]
[ No. I. ] 1 W. c. 21.-An Act to improve the Proceedings in Prohibition and on
Writs of Mandamus.
[ No. 11. ] 2 and 3 W. IV. c. 69.-An Act to prevent the Application of Corporate
Property to the purposes of Election of Members to serve in Parliament.
[No. III. 2 and 3 W. IV. c. 80.-An Act to authorize the identifying of Lands
and other Possessions of certain Ecclesiastical and Collegiate Corporations. 23
[ No. IV. ] 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 31-An Act to enable the Election of Officers of Cor-
porations and other Public Companies now required to be held on the Lord's Day
to be held on the Saturday next preceding, or on the Monday next ensuing.
[ No. V. ] 5 & 6 W. 4, c. 76.-An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal
Corporations in England and Wales.
Miscellaneous Statutes.
[ No. I. ] 1 W. IV. c. 46--An Act to alter and amend the Law relating to Illusory
[ No. 11. ] 1 W. IV. c. 47.-An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws for
facilitating the Payment of Debts out of Real Estate.
[ No. III. ] 1 W. IV. c. 60.-An Act for amending the Laws respecting Convey-
ances and Transfers of Estates and Funds vested in Trustees and Mortgagees;
and for enabling Courts of Equity to give effect to their Decrees and Orders in
certain cases.
[ No. IV. ] 3 & 3 W. IV. c. 104.-An Act to render Freehold and Copyhold Es
tates Assets for the Payment of Simple and Contract Debts
[No. V. ] 3 and 4 W. IV. c. 105.-An Act for the Amendment of the Law relat- ing to Dower.
[ No. VI. ] 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 106.-An Act for the Amendment of the Law of Inhe-
[ No. VII.] 4 & 5 W. IV. c. 23.—An Act for the Amendment of the Law relative to
the Escheat and Forfeiture of Real and Personal Property holden in Trust. 105
[No. VIII. ] 4 & 5 W. IV. c. 29.—An Act for facilitating the Loan of Money
upon Landed Securities in Ireland.
[ No. IX. ] 4 & 5 W. IV. c. 30.-An Act to facilitate the Exchange of Lands lying
[No. I.] 2 & 3 W. IV. c 41.-An Act to facilitate the Recovery of Tithes in certain
cases in Ireland, and for Relief of the Clergy of the Established Church. 116
[ No. II. ] 2 & 3 W. IV. c, 100.-An Act for shortening the time required in
Claims of Modus Decimandi, or Exemption from or Discharge of Tithes.
[ No. III. ] 2 & 3 W. IV. c. 119.-An Act to amend three Acts passed respectively in the Fourth, Fifth, and in the Seventh and Eighth Years of the reign of his late
Majesty King George the Fourth, providing for the establishing of Compositions of Tithes in Ireland, and to make such Compositions permanent.
[ No. IV. ] 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 100.-An Act for the Relief of the owners of Tithes in
Ireland, and for the amendment of an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament,
intituled An Act to amend three Acts passed respectively in the Fourth, Fifth,
and in the Seventh and Eighth Years of the reign of his late Majesty King George
the Fourth, providing for the establishing of Compositions for Tithes in Ireland,
and to make such Compositions permanent.
[No. V. ] 4 & 5 W. IV. c. 83.-An Act to amend an Act passed in the Third Year
of His present Majesty, intituled "An Act for shortening the Time required in
Claims of Modus Decimandi, or exemption from or Discharge of Tithes". 118
[No. VI. ] 5 & 6 W. IV. c. 74.-An Act for the more easy Recovery of Tithes 120
[No. VII.] 5 and 6 W. IV. c. 75.-An Act for the Amendment of the Law as to
the Tithing of Turnips in certain Cases.
[ No. VIII. ] 5 and 6 W. IV. c. 79.-An Act to suspend until after the sixth day
of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, proceedings for recovering
Payment of certain Instalments of the Money advanced under the Acts for esta-
blishing Tithe Compositions in Ireland.
Approvement and Inclosure of Commons.
[ No. I. ] 1 & 2 W. IV. c. 42.-An Act to amend an Act of the Fifty-ninth Year
of His Majesty King George the Third, for the Relief and Employment of the
[ No. II. ] 1 & 2 W. IV. c. 59.-An Act to enable Churchwardens and Overseers
to inclose Land belonging to the Crown, for the Benefit of poor Persons residing in
the parish in which such Crown Land is situated. 123
[No. III. ] 2 W. IV. c. 42.-An Act to authorize (in Parishes inclosed under any
Act of Parliament) the letting of the Poor Allotments in small portions to indus-
trious Cottagers.
[ No. IV. ] 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 35.-An Act to remedy certain Defects as to the Re-
covery of Rates and Assessments made by Commissioners and other Pe sons under
divers Inclosure and Drainage Acts after the Execution of the final Awards of the
said Commissioners.
[ No. V. ] 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 87.-An Act for remedying a Defect in Titles to Mes-
suages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments allotted, sold, divided or exchanged
under Acts of Inclosure, in consequence of the Award not having been inrolled, or
not having been inrolled within the Time limited by the several Acts; and for
authorizing the Appointment of new Commissioners in certain Cases where the
same shall have been omitted.
Joint-tenants, Coparceners, and Tenants in Common.
[See post, Part III. Class 8, 3 & 4 W. IV. c. 27, s. 12 & 36. ]
Mortmain and Charitable Uses.
[No. I. ] 1 & 2 W. IV. c. 34.-An Act for appointing Commissioners to continue
the Enquiries concerning Charities in England and Wales for Two Years, and
from thence to the end of the then next Session of Parliament
[ No. II. ] 1 & 2 W. IV. c. 57.-An Act to continue and extend the Provisions of
an Act passed in the Fifty-ninth Year of his Majesty King George the Third, for
giving additional facilities in Applications to Courts of Equity regarding the Ma-
nagement of Estates or Funds belonging to Charities; and for making certain Pro-
visions respecting Estates or Funds belonging to Charities.
[ No. III. ] 2 & 3 W. IV. c. 115.-An Act for the better securing the Charitable
Donations and Bequests of his Majesty's Subjects in Great Britain professing the Roman Catholic Religion.
[ No. IV. ] 5 & 6 W. IV. c 71.-An Act for appointing Commissioners to continue
the inquiries concerning Charities in England and Wales, until the First Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven.