TABLE OF FEES TO BE TAKEN IN THE COURT FOR DIVORCE AND MATRI MONIAL CAUSES. On every citation On entering appearance Filing a petition Filing an answer Filing a reply Filing any further replication to a petition Filing application for an order for the protection of a wife's earnings and property Filing application for discharge of such order Filing answer of each deponent to interrogatories On every motion by counsel, inclusive of filing the case for motion Entering order of the Court on motion Summons to attend in chambers For entering order of Court on summons On depositing the record For the settling of the record by one of the Setting a cause down for hearing or trial If exceeding five folios, per folio of seventy-two words Entering decree or order in pursuance of a written judgment from the Judge of an Ecclesiastical Court Entering any decree or order for alimony Entering order directing how damages shall be applied 1 Entering order providing for custody, mainte- If either of the above orders exceed five folios, On withdrawal of a cause after same is set down for hearing, to be paid by the party at whose instance it is withdrawn On the hearing or trial of a cause : From the plaintiff From the defendant or defendants If the hearing or trial continues more than one day, for each day: From the plaintiff From the defendant or defendants Producing the Judge's notes Bill of exceptions signed by the Judge 050 050 020 0 2 6 . 050 1 0 Entering on the record the finding of the Jury or the decision of the Judge On every subpoena On a certificate under the hand of the Judge Search in court books, if within the last two years If at an earlier period than within two years 996 522 000 1010 2 6 0 10 0 Filing exhibits, not exceeding ten, for each ex- Exceeding ten, but not exceeding twenty 2 2 0 10 1000 1 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 0 Office copies of minutes, orders, or decrees, cause: If five folios of seventy-two words or under 0 26 If exceeding five folios of seventy-two In case the same are under seal of the court, Filing every affidavit or other document brought If three folios of seventy-two words or If exceeding three folios of seventy-two When taxed, as between party and party, When taxed as between practitioner and For administering oaths to each deponent. 006 050 . 0 2 6 ADDITIONAL TABLE OF FEES TO BE TAKEN IN THE REGISTRY OF THE COURT FOR DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES. £. s. d. 50 For marking each Exhibit annexed to an affidavit 0 1 0 For settling the form of advertisements of citations or other advertisements For taking the evidence of one or more witnesses before the Registrar, for each day, and within three miles of the General Post Office If beyond that distance If for part of a day only, such smaller fee as For entering order for the protection of a wife's For the order under seal of the Court 340 3 0 5 5 0 050 0 10 0 For entering an order of the Registrars of For each appointment of a Commissioner. 1 0 0 050 FEES TO BE TAKEN FOR THEIR OWN USE BY THE PROCTORS, SOLICITORS AND ATTORNIES. Practising in her Majesty's Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Citations, Subpænas, Writs, and Service of same. Citation, including præcipe Citation to see proceedings, including præcipe Subpoena ad testificandum and præcipe Subpæna duces tecum, if five folios of seventytwo words or under, and præcipe If the subpoena exceeds five folios in length, for scrvice If beyond that distance and not exceeding Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service, if If above for every additional folio, including In cases in which the person to be served shall £ s. d. 7727 26666 40000 Instructions. Instructions for citations, petitions, answers, or other pleadings, for interrogatories, special affidavits, or applications for an order for protection of a wife's earnings and property Ditto to defend suit Ditto for brief, or case for hearing If there are several witnesses examined, Pleadings. Drawing and engrossing petition, if ten folios of If exceeding ten folios, for every additional Drawing and engrossing answers, replications, If exceeding ten folios, for every additional Copies of petitions, answers, and other plead- If any exhibit or other document to be copied, or any part thereof contains pencil marks or writing, or the copy thereof, or any part thereof, is required to be made fac simile, in addition to any other fee for the copy: For every folio of pencil marks or writing, or copy fac simile, or part of a folio Drawing the record, if fifteen folios of seventytwo words or under, including copy to file If exceeding fifteen folios, for every additional folio of seventy-two words, including copy to file Engrossing record to file, at per folio of seventytwo words, exclusive of parchment For case for motion, including fair copy for Judge If necessarily more than seven folios of seventytwo words in length, for every additional folio, including copy for the Judge .0 1 4 |