American Society of Consulting Planners, submitted by Prof. George M. Raymond, chairman of ASCP legislative committee_ 553 Bailey, James F., legislative advocate, United Brotherhood of Car- 218 Beidler, Jack, legislative director, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW). Brown, George, National Crushed Stone Association.. 328 Brune, Dee E., president, Texas Association of Soil and Water Con- 621 Chamber of Commerce of the United States, by James C. R. Graham.. Colvin, M. Calhoun, president, National Forest Products Association_ Cunningham, T. A., president, Independent Cattlemen's Association Cutler, Eliot R., general counsel and director of government affairs, 458 Datt, John C., director, congressional relations, American Farm 266 Davis, W. G., Forest Farmers Association, Bryson City, N.C. Doenges, William C., Association for Land Use Planning by Land- Edwards, Howard L., vice president and secretary, the Anaconda Co., 186 433 274 (III) Green, Kass, Friends of the Earth.. 397 Harrington, James E., secretary, North Carolina Department of 344 Hart, John C., first vice president, National Association of Home 470 Hartray, John F., chairman, Commission on Environment and Design, American Institute of Architects - Honkala, Adolph U., American Institute of Professional Geologists – Horton, Robert S., president, National Lumber and Building Material Hooser, L. A., legislative aide, Liberty Lobby. Ivey, David L., director of communications and research, National 560 620 325 Jenkins, Dr. Robert E., vice president for Science, the Nature Con- 491 Johnson, Dr. M. Bruce, professor of economics, University of Knecht, Robert W., Assistant Administrator, Office of Coastal Zone Krones, Budd, chairman, Legislative Committee, National Association 180 Livingstone, Fred J., member of the Special Committee on Housing 232 Council on Environmental Quality report, Part V-Summary and Long, Hon. Robert W., Assistant Secretary for Conservation, Research 241 87 Miles, Riley S., chairman of the board, National Environmental 568 Mississippi Forestry Association, board of directors, Jackson, Miss.. Morton, Hon. Rogers C. B., Secretary of the Interior_. 44 201 Mount, Dr. P. R., executive director, Southern Appalachian Multiple 569 National Air Conservation Commission of the American Lung Associa- O'Halloran, Hon. Mary, State Representative, Iowa State House of 157 Osborn, Robert, member, board of directors, Virginia Forests, Inc... Pach, Donald M., Pacific Legal Foundation... 251 Pryor, Nelson A., former State Representative, Democrat of Berlin, Peterson, Hon. Russell W., chairman of the Council on Environ- 133 614 Remmel, Peter J., executive secretary-treasurer of the Central Labor 435 Siegan, Bernard, professor of law, University of San Diego. Smith, Dr. Spencer M., Jr., secretary, Citizens Committee on Natural Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association, College Park, Ga__ Stahl, David E., executive vice president, Urban Land Institute_- Steelman, Hon. Alan, a Representative in Congress from the State Steuart, Arthur B., first vice president, National Association of Stimpson, William H., chairman, Gulf Lumber Co.- Stoddard, R. Jack, president, Stoddard Enterprises, on behalf of the Associated General Contractors of America. Swift, George Robin, Jr., Alabama Forestry Association_ Train, Hon. Russell E., Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Udall, Hon. Morris K., a Representative in Congress from the State Uhlman, Hon. Wes C., mayor, Seattle, Wash Wagoner, E. R., executive vice president, Texas Forestry Association Walsh, Albert A., president, the National Realty Committee, Inc. - Washington, Hon. Robert, State delegate, Virginia State Legisla- ture__ Werz, Mrs. Alex, chairman, United Citizens Team Force of Minnesota_ Zero Population Growth, Inc__. Barlowe, Richard, professor, Michigan State University, to Repre- sentative Alan Steelman, dated April 21, 1975_ Corbett, Jack Elliott, Board of Church and Society of the United Duckworth, Robert P., president, National Capital Area Chapter, American Institute of Planners, to Hon. Morris K. Udall, dated 323 210 384 1 150 618 531 418 573 574 Farmer, Robert E., chairman, land-use planning committee, Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning, to Rep. Morris Udall, dated Foster, W. A. "Bill," mayor, city of Palm Springs, Calif., to Hon. 558 Hachler, Loyd, president, American Retail Federation, to Hon. Morris Udall, dated April 14, 1975 (plus attachments). Horton, Robert S., president, National Lumber and Building_Ma- 560 Meir, Louis L., Washington counsel, American Society of Civil Engi- neers, to Hon. Morris K. Udall, dated April 18, 1975- Mickey, Margaret S., Concern, Inc., to Congressman Morris K. 573 Pomeroy, Kenneth B., National Association of State Foresters, to 550 216 Additional information: Act 250 faces serious constitutional attack in Wildlife Wonderland Chapter V. Present status of State planning, prepared by the Heritage Examples of cooperative soil survey programs in selected States (plus tables) (submitted by Mr. Long). Federal development assistance programs having a land use impact Police Power, Just Compensation, and Legislative Alternatives, by Donald M. Pach and Edward J. Connor, Jr. Status of State activity related to Land Use Management, April 1975 Texas Assembly on Land Use-(draft report) December 8, 1974, conducted at Texas A. & M. University, by W. D. Moore and John Bebout, codirectors, Texas Assembly on Land Use, College Page 126 108 50 332 63 H.R. 3510, H.R. 634, H.R. 4342 LAND USE AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION LEGISLATION MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1975 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met pursuant to notice, at 10 o'clock a.m., in room 1324, Longworth House Office Buildings, Hon. Morris K. Udall (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Mr. UDALL. The Subcommittee on Energy and Environment will come to order. This morning the subcommittee opens hearings on land use legislation. Our witness today will be the Secretary of the Interior, Secretary Morton. I have a statement that at this point I would like to have submit- . ted for the record. [The prepared statement of Mr. Udall follows:] STATEMENT OF HON. MORRIS K. UDALL, A REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF ARIZONA This morning the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment opens hearings on pending land use legislation, a subject that is not a new one for most Members of the Committee, nor one without controversy. I am pleased that the Secretary of Interior will be here today to open this debate and discussion. Secretary Morton will, I am sure, provide the Committee with some insight and answers concerning the Administration's policy on this vital subject. In the last Congress, this Subcommittee held eight days of hearings on land use legislation, and over the past four years there have been dozens of hearings and innumerable Committee sessions devoted to this legislation, both in the House and the Senate. Indeed, in the 92nd and 93rd Congress, the Senate passed a land use planning bill, only to have the House fail to act. Last year, H.R. 10294, which I co-sponsored, was reported favorably by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs but was narrowly defeated on the floor of the House on the question of the adoption of the rule. Despite the controversy and the setback in the last Congress, our land use problems are not and will not disappear. I am convinced that this is an issue that the Congress must address and which deserves national attention. In introducing a new land use bill in the 94th Congress, Congressman Steelman and I, along with 65 other Members, have expressed our concern and commitment to this vital legislation. I believe, as I am sure many Members do, that federal legislation and leadership in the area of land use is both necessary and wise. This legislation would provide the stimulus and incentives for land use planning on the State and local levels and also the mechanisms for coordinating federal decision-making concerning land use. |