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ART. XIV. Neither of the States shall per-1831 mit the Deserters mentioned in the preceding Article, to serve under its Flag.

ART. XV. Peruvian Soldiers enrolled in the Army of Bolivia, and Bolivian Soldiers in that of Peru, shall be allowed to return to their Country, pon manifesting, in a legal form, their wish o do so.

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ART. XVI. A Commission shall be named by oth Governments, for the purpose of drawing p a topographical Map of their Frontiers; and nother the statistics of the Population located upon them, in order that, without detriment to the 2 States, such cessions may be reciprocally made, as may be necessary for an exact and natural demarcation of their Boundaries; which shall be formd by the rivers, lakes, or mountains; it being understood, that neither_Bolivia nor Peru will reuse to make such transfers as may conduce to this bject, on condition of their mutually giving such mpetent indemnifications, or compensations, as nay be satisfactory to both Parties.

ART. XVII. Until the fulfilment of the preeding Article, the existing Boundaries shall be ecognized and respected.

ART. XVIII. The claims that may be presented by each of the 2 States, shall be acknowledged and liquidated by 2 Bolivian, and 2 Peruvian Commissioners, nominated by their respective Governments. Should those Commissioners not agree upon the justice or legitimacy of any one or more of the claims, they shall abide by the decision of an Arbitrator. Both Governments readily nominate and recognize as such, the Government of the United States of North America, whose consent they will opportunely solicit.

ART, XIX.. Should any misunderstanding, interruption of amity, or rupture, at any time unhappily occur, between the Republics of Bolivia and Peru, the Citizens of each, who may be in the Territory of the other, shall have the right of remaining there, and of continuing their affairs, without being subject to molestation in any manner, so long as they conduct themselves peaceably,

1831 ducta los haga sospechosos, y que los Gobiernos respectivos se vean obligados à ordenarles que se retiren, se les acordará para este fin un término de 6 meses, durante el cual puedan verificarlo, con sus familias y sus bienes.

ART. XX. Si por cualquiera de las Partes Contratentes se infrinjiere alguno ó algunos de los Articu los contenidos en este Tratado, ocurrirán á la Potencia que los garantiza, para que declare cual de estas ha recibido la injuria, y en union de esta, exija de al otra la satisfaccion ó indemnizacion debida.

ART. XXI. Las Partes Contratantes recabarán del Gobierno de Chile, ó en caso de negarse, éste del de los Estados Unidos de Norte América, ó en su de fecto, del de cualquiera Nacion libere Europea, que garantice el complimiento de todos y cada uno de los Articulos del presente Tratado.

ART. XXII. Una y otra República conservarán Ministros residentes cerca de los respectivos Gobiernos, ó en defecto de éstos, Encargados de Negocios, que mantengan las buenas relaciones establecidas por este Tratado.

ART. XXIII. Mientras el presente Tratado fuese constitucionalmente ratificado, será obligatoria para las Partes Contratantes, con la sola aprobacion de los respectivos Gobiernos.


ART. XXIV. El presente Tratado será aprobado, las aprobaciones canjeadas en el término de 40 dias, contados desde la fecha, ó mas pronto si fuese posible; y constitucionalmente ratificado 20 dias despues de la reunion de cada Congreso.

En fé de lo cual, nos los infrascritos Ministros Plenipotenciarios de las Partes Contratantes, hemos firmado el presente Tratado de Paz y de Amistad, refrendado por los Secretarios de ámbas Legaciones, en la Ciudad de Arequipa, á 8 dias del mes de No

the event of their conduct exciting suspicion, 1831d of the respective Government finding itself obed to order them to withdraw, a term of 6 nths shall be granted to them for this purpose, ring which they may do so with their families d property.

ART. XX. If any one or more of the Articles tained in this Treaty be infringed by either of Contracting Parties, they shall apply to the Powthat guarantees them, to declare which of them received the injury, which, in conjunction with injured Party, shall exact from the other due isfaction or indemnification.

ART. XXI. The Contracting Parties shall preAupon Government of Chile, or, in the event of refusal upon that of the United States of North erica, or, failing the latter, upon that of any free opean Nation, to guarantee the fulfilment of and each of the Articles of the present Treaty.

ART. XXII. Both Republics shall accredit reent Ministers near the respective Governments, in the absence of them, Chargés d'Affaires, in er to maintain the friendly relations established this Treaty.

ART. XXIII. Until the present Treaty shall constitutionally ratified, it shall be obligatory on Contracting Parties, with the simple approbaof the respective Governments.

ART. XXIV. The present Treaty shall be apved, and the approvals exchanged, in the term 40 days, reckoning from this date, or sooner if ssible, and shall be constitutionally ratified 20 ys after the meeting of each Congress.


In faith whereof, we, the undersigned MiniPlenipotentiary of the Contracting Parties, we signed the present Treaty of Peace and Friendip, contersigned by the Secretaries of both LegaOils, in the City of Arequipa, on the 8th day of le month of November, in the year of our Lord

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1831 viembre año del Señor de 1831, 21o de la Independencia de Bolivia, y 12o de la del Perú.

MIGUEL DEL CARPIO, Secretario de la
Legacion Boliviana.

tario de la Legacion Peruana


Traité de commerce entre les Re publiques de Péru et de Bolivia Signé à Arequipa, le 8 Novembre 183

(American Annual Register.)

Texte original.


Conociendo las Republicas de Bolivia y del Pe rú la necessidad de fijár sobre bases sólidas é inalte rables, la Paz felizmente restablecida entre ellas, animadas del mas vivo deseo de contribuir á su mútua prosperidad y engrandecimiento, han determinado arre glar sus relaciones comerciales de un modo que conci lie los intereses comunes, y produzca reciprocas ve tajas à ambas Naciones; y hallandose al efecto debi damente autorizados por sus Gobiernos, los infrascri tos Ministros Plenipotenciarios, á saber: por parte la República Boliviana, el Señor Miguel Maria de Aguirre, declarado bene mérito de la Patria en grado eminente, Prefecto del Departemento de Cochabamba y Coronel de la Guardia Nacional; y por parte de la del Perú, el Señor Don Pedro Antonio de la Torre, Jefe de las Secciones Primera y Segunda del Ministe rio de Estado en el despacho de Hacienda; despues de haber reconocido, y canjeado sus respectivos Ple nos Poderes, han convenido, bajo la mediacion de Señor Enviado Estraordinario y Ministro Plenipoten ciario de la República de Chile, cerca del Gobierno del Perú, Don Miguel Zañartu, en los Articulos siguientes:


21sth of the Independence of Bolivia, and 1831 12th of that of Peru.

the Bolivian Legation.

cretary of the Peruvian Legation.


Traité de commerce entre les Républiques de Péru et de Bolivia. Signé à Arequipa, le 8 Novembre 1831.

(American Annual Register.)

Traduction authentique.

The Republics of Bolivia and Peru, being convinced of the necessity of settling upon solid and unalterable bases the Peace happily re-established between them, and animated with the most lively desire to contribute to their mutual prosperity and importance, have determined to regulate their commercial relations in such manner as may promote their common interests, and produce reciprocal advantages to both Nations; the undersigned Ministers Plenipotentiary, duly authorized by their Governments for the purpose, namely: on behalf of the Bolivian Republic Señor Miguel Maria de Aguirre, declared well deserving of the Country in an eminent degree, Prefect of the Department of Cochabamba, and Colonel of the National Guard; and, on behalf of the Republic of Peru, Sen or Don Pedro Antonio de la Torre, Chief of the First and Second Sections of the Administration of State in the Department of Finance; after having recognized and exchanged their respective Full Powers, have agreed, under the mediation of the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Chile, near the Government of Peru, Don Miguel Zannartu, upon the following Articles:

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