Name of program Fiscal year 1975 cost Legislative authority II. FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS HAVING A LAND USE IMPACT-Continued Implementing agency Description of program G. RURAL DEVELOPMENT-Con. Appalachian region-Highway and Appalachian Regional Commis- Project grants to be used for preliminary engineering, right-of-way $164,052,000. access road development (2 Programs). sion. acquisition and construction of highways and access roads to enhance access to, and in, the Appalachian region. Guaranteed/insured loans to aid communities in developing needed public facilities such as fire and rescue service buildings, transportation, traffic control, community, social, cultural, health, and recreation facilities, as well as business and industrial facilities. Project grants to be used for construction of new facilities, or for acquisition, remodeling, alteration, or expansion of existing facilities for use as a mental health center. Guaranteed/insured loans to rural electric cooperatives, power Project grants to provide a portion of local share of Federal Sec. 201; Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, Public Law 89-4, as amended by sec. 106, Public Law 90-103 and sec. 103, Public Law 91123, and sec. 204, Public Law 92-65. Guaranteed/insured loans to qualified organizations to supply or Total of 2 programs: $140,000,improve telephone service in rural areas. 000 (total of loans insured), $160,000,000 (total of direct loans). Development Act of 1965, Public Law 89-136, as amended by Public Law 90-103 and Public Law 91-123 and Public Law 93-46. Titles II, III, and IV of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended. Water and waste disposal systems for rural communities. Agriculture, Guaranteed/insured loans and project grants for the installation, Department of repair, improvement, or expansion of rural waste treatment Farmers Home Administration. systems. Indian tribes and tribal corporation loans. do. Project grants to help farmers, ranchers, and forest owners carry out approved soil, water, and forestry conservation practices, to assure wise land use and protection of agricultural lands. Guaranteed/insured loans and direct loans to assist rural families to obtain decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings. Funds may be used for construction, repair, or purchase of housing or building sites. Guaranteed/insured loans to acquire land for lease to tribal members, grazing units, or for use for recreational and commercial purposes. Appalachian health demonstra- Appalachian Regional Commis- Project grants for comprehensive, multicounty health planning $34,000,000. sion. Veterans' Administration, Department of Veterans Benefits. and implementation of those plans through service and construction projects. Project grants and direct loans for water and sewer systems, access roads to industrial parks, development of port facilities, railroad spurs and sidings, tourism facilities, vocational schools, flood control projects, and industrial park site improvements. Direct loans and guaranteed/insured loans to provide up to 65 percent of cost of fixed assets, including land, buildings, machinery, and equipment, including land preparation and building purchase, construction, or rehabilitation. Guaranteed/insured loans to assist veterans in acquiring property facilities and equipment necessary to conduct farming operations. Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, sec. 306, Public Law 92-419. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, Public Law 74-46. Housing Act of 1949, as amended, secs. 523 and 524, Public Law 89-117, Public Law 89-754. Public Law 91-229. Sec. 202, Appalachian Regional $132,000,000 (grants) $3,000,- Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, 000 (direct loans). Public Law 89-136, as amended. Do. $17,000,000 (direct loans) $450,000 (guarantees). $100,000 (total loans guar- 38 U.S.C. 1812 and 1814. anteed). and Department of Agriculture, Soil Project grants and advisory services to assist in the development $24,347,000. and implementation of local resource conservation and developConservation Service. ment programs, including flood prevention, erosion control, public water based recreation, rural water supply and waste treatment facilities, and other purposes. Development-Public works impact projects. Farm ownership loans. Project grants for the construction of public facilities in order to None.. provide immediate jobs to un- and underemployed persons in project area. Guaranteed/insured loans to farmers and ranchers to enlarge, im- $350,000,000. prove or buy family farms, refinance debts, provide water facilities, provide soil treatment, construct buildings, improve or establish a farm-forest enterprise, buy and develop land for forestry purposes, and other measures. Food and Agriculture Act of Public Works and Economic Consolidated Farm and Rural 11. FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS HAVING A LAND USE IMPACT-Continued Description of program Fiscal year 1975 cost Legislative authority Guaranteed/insured loans for the construction or rehabilitation of $123,929,000 (total loans in- National Housing Act, as amend- Guaranteed/insured loans for the construction or rehabilitation of $89,551,000 (total loans in- National Housing Act, sec. 232, State and local development com- Small Business Administration... Direct loans; guaranteed/insured loans to assist small business with equity capital and long-term financing. Funds may be used $60,700,000 (direct loans), $57,300,000 (guaranteed loans). Project grants to States to assist in construction of State home $9,026,000. Formula grants to aid States in construction of public libraries to None (no funds requested).. Formula grants for construction of area vocational education school None (fiscal year 1975 funding $111,748,000 (grants), $9,075,- Formula grants, direct grants, and guaranteed loans for construc- Block grant program for development of viable urban communities $2,500,000,000. of 1959, Public Law 86-372; Small Business Investment Act School assistance in federally affected areas - Construction. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Health Resources Administration. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. Guaranteed insured loans to provide guarantees of up to 90 percent of non-Federal construction loans to private, nonprofit nursing schools, and to reduce the interest rate on initial permanent financing of projects. (Fiscal year 1975 estimate not Public Health Service Act, title presently available). Project grants for the construction and equipping of urgently $20,000,000. needed minimum school facilities in districts which have had major increases in school-age population an attendance as result of increased Federal activities or where replacement of facilities is necessary because of a disaster. Deaf-blind centers-Handicapped Department of Health, Educa- Project grants and con racts for the establishment of regional $12,000,000.. innovative programs. tion, and Welfare. centers (including construction to serve deaf-blind children). Project grants and contracts to build new, or expand existing $5,000,000. Sale, exchange or donation of property for use by State or local $3,197,000. Project grants to aid States and substate governments in prepara- $220,000,000. Guaranteed/insured loans to develop land and water resources; $1,500,000. repair or construct buildings; buy land or equipment, livestock and related recreation items to enable farmers and ranchers to convert a portion of land to recreational, income-producing areas. VIII, sec. 809, Public Law 78 410, as amended by the Nursing Training Act of 1971, Public Law 92-158. Federal Impact Areas, Public Law 81-815, as amended. 52-052-75 Project grants and advisory services for acquisition of land, site $310,000,000.. preparation, construction or alteration of runways, construction of lighting facilities, navigational aids and offsite work, safety equipment for airport certification, security equipment, and other uses. Project grants and research contracts for research, development, $48,250,000.. and demonstrations, including materials, vehicle propulsion and control, construction of guideways, communications, etc. Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, Public Law 91-258, amended by the Airport development Acceleration Act 1973, Public Law 93-44. Department of Transportation Act of 1966, Public Law 89-670; High Speed Ground Transportation Act of 1965 amended, Public Law 89-220, Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970, as amended, Public Law 91-458. L. TRANSPORTATION II. FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS HAVING A LAND USE IMPACT--Continued Description of program Fiscal year 1975 cost Legislative authority Formula and project grants for planning, surveying, right-of-way $4,462,000,000. Formula and project grants for beautification of highways by help- $44,035,000. Federal-Aid Highway Act of Highway Beautification Act, 72 Total of 2 Programs-$39,224,- Urban Mass Transportation Act Total of 2 programs-$1,350,- Project grants to develop effective civil defense facilities in several Direct loans and guaranteed/insured loans to construct, expand, or $70,000,000 (direct loans). convert facilities, purchase building materials or equipment, or $2,632,000,000 (guaranteed).. for working capital. |