26 1 mit shall be granted by the Federal agency until the State 2 or its designated agency has concurred with the applicant's 3 certification or until, by the State's failure to act, the con4 currence is conclusively presumed, except in cases of over5 riding national interest, as determined by the President. 6 (c) Subsection (b) shall not apply in the case of a 7 local government which certifies that a plan or description 8 of an activity for which application is made by the local 9 government has been before the State land use agency or 10 the Governor for a period of sixty days without indication 11 of the views of the State land use planning agency (estab12 lished pursuant to section 301 (a)) or the Governor. 13 (d) Federal agencies conducting or assisting public 14 works activities in areas or for uses within a State which 15 are not subject to State policies and procedures developed 16 pursuant to a land use program which meets the require17 ments of title II (as determined by the Secretary) shall, to 18 the extent practicable, conduct such activities in such a 19 manner as to minimize any adverse impact on the environ20 ment. 100 21 22 PUBLIC LANDS INVENTORY AND IDENTIFICATION SEC. 403. (a) Each public land management agency 23 head shall prepare and maintain on a continuing basis, to 24 reflect changes in conditions and identifications of resource 25 values, and inventory of all public lands and other resources 27 1 under his jurisdiction, giving priority to fragile or historic 2 lands, and important acquifers. 3 (b) As funds are made available, each agency head shall 4 ascertain the boundaries of the public lands under his juris5 diction, provide means of public identification thereof includ6 ing, where appropriate, signs and maps, and provide State 7 and local governments with data from the inventory for the 8 purpose of planning and regulating the uses of non-Federal 9 lands in proximity to the public lands. 10 11 PUBLIC LAND USE PLANS SEC. 404. (a) Each public land management agency 12 head shall develop, maintain, and, when appropriate, revise 13 land use plans for the public lands under his jurisdiction. (b) In the development of land use plans, each agency 14 15 head shall (1) use a systematic interdisciplinary approach to achieve integrated consideration of physical, biological, economic, and social sciences, (2) give priority to the designation and protec tion of significant resource areas, lands, (3) consider present and potential uses of the public (4) consider the relative scarcity of the values involved and the availability of alternative means (in 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 cluding recycling) and sites for realization of those values, (5) weigh long-term benefits to the public against short-term benefits, (6) indicate the manner in which various objectives of land use are to be satisfied and the rationale for selecting a particular course of action, (7) provide for compliance with applicable pollution control laws, including State or Federal air, water, noise, or other pollution standards or implementation plans, (8) consider State land use programs, as well as State, local governments, and private needs and requirements as related to the public lands, and (9) when not inconsistent with the purposes for which the public lands are dedicated and administered, coordinate the land use inventory, planning, and management activities of or for public lands with the land use programs of the States within which the public lands are located. (c) Whenever existing statutory authorities are inade22 quate to permit the management of public lands in accordance 23 with a land use plan developed under this section, that fact, 24 together with recommendations, shall be reported by the 25 agency head to the Congress. 29 1 2 CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT SEC. 405. Each public land management agency head 3 shall, on a continuing basis, provide for substantial and mean4 ingful public involvement and participation of the appro5 priate officials or representatives of State and local govern6 ments in the development, revision, and implementation of 7 land use plans, guidelines, rules, and regulations for the 8 public lands under his jurisdiction. 9 10 11 TITLE V-ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF LAND USE ADMINISTRATION SEC. 501. (a) There is established in the Department 12 of the Interior an Office of Land Use Administration (here13 inafter in this Act referred to as the "Office"). 14 (b) The Office shall have a Director who shall be 15 appointed by the President, by and with the advice and 16 consent of the Senate, and shall be compensated at the 17 maximum rate as may be from time to time provided for 18 level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 19 5 of the United States Code. The Director shall have such 20 duties and responsibilities as the Secretary may assign. 21 22 225 22 23 24 25 (c) The Secretary shall, through the Office (1) administer the grant-in-aid programs estab lished under this Act; (2) maintain a continuing study and analysis of the land resources of the United States and their use; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 (3) maintain a continuing study and analysis of the methods adopted by the public land management agencies, and the State and local governments, to implement the requirements of this Act; (4) cooperate with the public land management agencies, the States, local governments, and interstate agencies, in the development of standard methods and classifications for the collection of land use information; (5) develop and maintain a Federal land use information center with such regional branches as the 11 Secretary may deem appropriate compiling such infor mation pertaining to land use as the Secretary deems appropriate and useful; (6) consult with other officials of the Federal Government responsible for the administration of Federal land use planning assistance programs to States, local governments, and other eligible public entities in order to coordinate such programs; (7) conduct a study, and report within two years to the President and the Congress the results thereof, of means to reduce the number of delays in obtaining, and conflicting requirements for, licenses, and other governmental decisions which serve as prerequisites to pro posed development activities; with particular emphasis |