21 1 may be impacted by key facilities and major improvements 2 and access features of key facilities to protect the public in 3 vestment in such facilities. 4 5 DEVELOPMENTS OF REGIONAL IMPACT SEC. 306. The State program shall include policies and 6 procedures to consider the environmental, social, and eco 7 nomic impact of developments of regional impact. 8 ENERGY CONSERVATION AND SUPPLY 9 SEC. 307. The State program shall include policies and 10 procedures to encourage development and land use patterns 11 and practices designed to conserve energy on a long- and 12 short-term basis, and to consider regional, State, and National 13 demand for adequate and secure energy sources. COORDINATION AND CONSISTENCY SEC. 308. The State program shall include (a) methods for coordinating the State land use program with other State programs administered pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 and following), section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 (40 U.S.C. 461), the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. 4001 and following, and other Federal assistance programs; (b) methods for the coordination of the planning activities of all State agencies (insofar as such activities relate to land use), the regulatory activities of all State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 agencies enforcing air, water, noise, or other pollution standards, and the planning activities of area wide agen cies designated pursuant to regulations established under section 204 of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 3334) and other regional agencies, if any; and, (c) methods for assuring that State and local agency programs and services which significantly affect land use are consistent with the State land use program. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES SEC. 309. (a) The State program shall include proce12 dures to assure that processes for the consideration of pro 13 posals for development shall be conducted and decisions ar14 rived at in a fair and reasonably uniform and expeditious 15 16 manner. (b) In developing procedures under this section, the 17 State shall consider (1) the need for rules of procedure to promote fair hearings and the disclosure of the precise reasons for decisions based on the record made at such hearings or upon other public records, (2) the need for maintaining sufficient records to provide complete public information on the policies and procedures governing land. development, and 52-052 O-75-3 ADDITIONAL LAND USE PROGRAM ELEMENTS SEC. 310. The State program shall include 1 2 23 (3) avoiding, to the maximum extent feasible, mul tiple or duplicative hearings and permits from State and 3 local agencies on a single proposal for development. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 221 13 14 15 16 17 18 (a) development of an adequate data base including methods for collecting, revising, exchanging, and using geophysical, biological, demographic, economic, social, and environmental data; (b) consideration of the impacts of the State land use program on the rights of private property owners; (c) consideration of the impacts on the local property tax base and revenues of State land use policies and programs developed and implemented pursuant to this Act and the impacts of State and local tax laws on land use policies and programs; (d) methods to assure that public lands within the State are not damaged or degraded as a result of incon 19 sistent land uses on nonpublic lands in the same immedi (e) methods for the timely resolution of conflicts arising from implementation of the land use program including an appeals procedure; and, (f) technical assistance and training programs for appropriate State and local agency or local government 5 6 LANDS FEDERAL ACTION WHERE STATE INELIGIBLE SEC. 401. (a) Where any major Federal action sig7 nificantly affecting the use of non-Federal lands is proposed 8 after four calendar years from the date of the enactment of 9 this Act, in a State which is not eligible for grants under 10 section 301 (a), the responsible Federal agency shall hold a 11 public hearing in such State not later than one hundred and 12 eighty days before the proposed action. Such hearing shall concern the effect of the action on land use, taking into 13 14 account the relevant considerations set out in title II, and 15 shall make findings which shall be submitted for review and 16 comment by the Secretary. Such findings of the responsible 17 Federal agency and comments of the Secretary shall be made part of the detailed statement required by section 102 (2) 19 (C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 18 222 (42 U.S.C. 4332 (2) (C)). (b) Subsection (a) shall not apply to any action where 22 the President determines that the interests of the United 23 States so require. 24 25 CONSISTENCY OF FEDERAL ACTIONS SEC. 402. (a) Federal activities significantly affecting 26 land use on non-Federal land (including permits, leases, li 25 1 censes, grant, loan, or guarantee programs) shall be consist2 ent with land use programs which conform to the provisions 3 of this Act, except in cases of overriding national interest as 4 determined by the President. 5 (b) Any applicant for a required Federal license or per6 mit to conduct an activity significantly affecting land or 7 water uses in an area or for a use subject to State policies and 8 procedures developed pursuant to a land use program which 9 meets the requirements of title II shall provide in the applica10 tion to the licensing or permitting agency a certification that 11 the proposed activity complies with the State's program and 12 that such activity will be conducted in a manner consistent 13 with the program. At the same time, the applicant shall 14 furnish to the State or its designated agency a copy of the 15 certification, with all necessary information and data. Each 16 State shall establish procedures for public notice in the case of 17 all such certifications and, to the extent it deems appropriate, 18 procedures for public hearings in connection therewith. At 19 the earliest practicable time, the State or its designed agency 20 shall notify the Federal agency concerned that the State con21 curs with or objects to the applicant's certification. If the 22 State or its designated agency fails to furnish the required 23 notification within six months after receipt of its copy of the 24 applicant's certification, the State's concurrence with the cer25 tification shall be conclusively presumed. No license or per |