Page BARBARY STATES. Declaration of the Bey of Tunis. Exception of Bardo, 19th October, 1817. 819 BAVARIA. Convention with The Netherlands. Abolition of the Brussels, 26th August, 1817. 746 BERAR, Rajah of. Treaties with Great Britain. Peace, Friendship, and Limits... the British Parliament.. 1803, 1806. 198, 226 1st April, 1806. 225 BHUNGA SING. Agreement with Great Britain. .......... .......... ..1803, 1805. 194, 207 .. April, July, 1817. 950 Notifications. BONAPARTE. Lucien. Application of, for Passports for The United BOUNDARIES. Correspondence between Spain and The United States. ......... ............ ............ .....1816. 1817. 321 (Floridas, Louisiana.) Paris, 28th August, 1817. 818 .. (Extracts.) Treaties, do... 1713, 1809, 1815. 818 ....... between The United States and various Na- See UNITED STATES, The King of France..........19th December, 1817. 567 ....... BRAZIL. See PORTUGAL. BUENOS AYRES. .............. ...... ....... .............. .............. .............. Proclamation of the Portuguese Commander-in- 1817. 989 Correspondence with Portugal. Occupation of 1000 Page BUENOS AYRES. Publication of the Supreme Director. Proceedings .. Buenos Ayres, 21st July, 1817. 774 See also SPANISH AMERICA. CABINDA and Molembo. Declaration between Great Britain and Portugal. Slave Trade........ London, 3rd April, 1819. 116 Treaty with Great Britain. Alliance against CAPITULATION. See TREATIES. CEDULA. France and Persia...... See DECREE, .17th June, 1809. 233 CHEROKEE INDIANS. Treaty with The United States. Cession and Limits...Cherokee Agency, 8th July, 1817. 786 CIRCULAR. See CORRESPONDENCE. Berlin, September, 1817. 17 Anjekanall, 6th May, 1809. 229 COLAPORE. Rajah of. Agreement with Great Britain. Peace and ..... Friendship..... ......... ......... The United States and the. 1801 to 1816. 393 (Spanish-American.) Account. Exports from Great Britain to the.... 1807 to 1816. 571 See also BERMUDA, GUIANA. MAURITIUS. NEWFOUND. COMMUNICATIONS. See CORRESPONDENCE. Application of Lucien Bonaparte for Passports for ... ............. 1816. 552 562 Law of The King. Privileges of the Island of Sicily. ........................ of the Ionian Islands. 3rd March, 1817. 760 CONVENTIONS. See TREATIES. ................. of CORRESPONDENCE. Great Britain and The United States. Dis- ........... ............ ............ Page tressed American Seamen in 1815, 1816, 268 and Sicily. Changes in the Sicilian Sept. Dec. 1816. 552 and The United States. Islands 1816, 1817. 805 Portugal and Buenos Ayres. Portuguese Occu- pation of Monte Video... 1816, 1817. 989 ..... ..... 17 ade of the Ports of Santa Fe.1815, 1817. 478 1816, 1817. 321 and do. Imprisonment of an American 1816, 1817. 599 Superintendence and Relief of distressed American Merchant Seamen in Foreign Ports. 1815, 1817. 734 Neutral Obligations towards Belligerent Powers. 1816, 1817. 833 relative to the Slave Trade. See SLAVE TRADE. Convention between Parma and Sar- dinia.....Turin, 3rd July, 1817. 751 CUTCH. Futteh Mahomed of. Agreement with Great Britain. Friend- ...... Rao of. Treaty with Great Britain. Alliance. Bhooj, 16th January, 1816. 257 D. DECLARATION of the Bey of Tunis. Exception of Tunisian Ships ............ ............. from the British Channel. of the Commander-in-Chief of the Spanish American Fernandina, 21st August, 1817. 817 See also PROCLAMATION. TREATIES. ........ Portuguese. ..... .. Page Prussian. Organization of the Council of State. ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ment... Kingdom. .... 8th December, 1816. 562 Spanish. Establishment of a General System of Finance. 1st June, 1817. 571 See also Аст, CONSTITUTION, LAW, ORDER, ORDINANCE, REGULATION. ......... vigation...Copenhagen, 10th July, 1817. 959 tion with The Netherlands, 1701. 960 DESERTERS. Delivering up of. Convention between Prussia and Sax- .... ony.....Dresden, 18th April, 1817. 841 cany.. Florence, 2nd August, 1817. 866 See DROITS. DETRACTION. DROITS DE. EMIGRATION TAX. See DROITS D'AUBAINE, DE DETRACTION, &c. Congress of The United States....... 5th June, 1794. 339 ........... in do. Act of do..... ....3d March, 1817. 839 Page ENLISTMENTS in the Contest between Spain and Spanish America. ............ 27th November, 1817. 488 Correspondence between Spain and The United States. 1816, 1817. 321 F. FLORIDAS. Correspondence between Spain and The United States. ......... 1816, 1817. ..Capitulation of the Spanish Troops at Amelia Island to 321 814. Fernandina, 21st August, 1817. 817 FOREIGN OFFICE. Correspondence with Foreign Powers. See GREAT BRITAIN. FOREIGNERS. Property of. See DROITS D'AUBAINE, DE DETRACTION, &C. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Rome, 11th June, 1817. 514 Annex. French Declaration. Interpretation with Portugal. 818 Rome, 15th July, 1817. 516 ..... .. Paris, 10th February, 1817. 824 of the Five Powers to Portugal. Mediation be- Instructions to the Prussian Minister at Paris. Private 17 Berlin, September, 1817. Proclamation of the Authorities of Bourbon. Commercial 5th November, 1817. 726 Treaty with Monaco. Protection of the Principality by ...... France ....... Peronne, 14th September, 1641. 909 17th June, 1809. 233 |