Treasurer ESTIMATE of Appropriations for 1817.- Continued. Clerks and Messenger Commissioner of the General Land Office Clerks and Messenger Commissioner of the Revenue Clerks and Messenger Register, including arrearage of 1816 (600 Dollars) Clerks and Messenger Secretary to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund Stationery, Printing, and all other contingent expenses of the Offices of the Treasury Department Dollars. 3,000 5,850 3,000 12,360 3,000 9,410 3,600 17,528 250 28,225 1,700 Provisional Security of the Records and Buildings of the Treasury Department Clerks, Messenger, and contingent expenses in the Office of the Commissary-General ESTIMATE of Appropriations for 1817.- Continued. CLERKS TO THE COMMISSIONERS OF LOANS. Salary of the Commissioner of the Public Buildings in Washington 2,000 GOVERNMENTS IN THE TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES. MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY.-Governor, for his compensation as such, and for dis ILLINOIS TERRITORY.-Governor, for his compensation as such, and for discharging MISSOURI TERRITORY.-Governor, for his compensation as such, and for discharg. MICHIGAN TERRITORY.-Governor, for his compensation as such, and for discharg 800 Vermont Massachusetts 1,600 Rhode Island 1,000 Connecticut 1,000 New York, (2 Judges, 1,600 dollars each,) 3,200 New Jersey 1,200 Pennsylvania 1,600 Delaware 1,200 Maryland 1,600 Virginia 1,800 Expenses of the Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts of The United States, including the District of Columbia; also, for Jurors and Witnesses, in aid of the Funds arising from fines, forfeitures and penalties incurred in the year 1816, and preced. ing years; and, likewise, for defraying the expenses of prosecutions for offences against The United States, and for the safe keeping of Prisoners TOTAL FOR THE CIVIL DEPARTMENT..... MISCELLANEOUS. Dollars. 40,000 1,049,940 Annuities and Grants 860 Military Pensions to Invalids MINT ESTABLISHMENT. Wages of Workmen at the different Branches of melting and refining, coining, carpenters' work, millwrights, machinery and smiths' work, including 600 dollars per annum to an assistant engraver 100,000 5,000 ESTIMATE of Appropriations for 1817.- Continued. Incidental and contingent expenses and repairs Lead, steel, aqua-fortis, vitriol, potash, candles, tallow, and a variety of other articles Wood and coals used for the steam engine, &c. Melting-pots, crucibles, muffles, and ironmongery Stationery and fire-wood for the different Offices Wastage on silver and gold coinage Copper to coin into cents LIGHT-HOUSE ESTABLISHMENT. Dollars. 750 400 1,200 400 250 1,500 15,000 Light-houses, and other establishments for the protection of navigation: 28,000 gallons of oil, iron-binding, &c. Keepers' salaries for Light-houses Stakeages on the Coast of North Carolina, and in Warren and Providence Rivers 25,000 16,273 820 chains, and si..kers, and repairing piers in Delaware River 14,000 Incidental expenses, repairs, and improvements to Light houses, &c. 15,000 Freight and transportation of oil, &c. and Superintendents' commission 2,400 Cape Look Out, in North Carolina 20,000 Light-house on the south point of Cumberland Island, in Georgia 4,000 Light house on the south point of Sapelo Island, in Georgia 4,494 Buoys and beacons at or near the entrance of the Harbour of Beverly, in Massachusetts 350 Buoys, as deemed necessary, at the entrance of the Harbour of Edgar Town, in Two Light-houses on Lake Erie. viz. on or near Bird Island, and on or near Presque Isle 1,443 4,000 Beacon on a point of land near New Inlet, in North Carolina 1,800 Commissioner of claims for property lost, &c. Salary 2,000 Clerk and contingent expenses 1,500 Contract for Ships' registers 5,000 Ascertaining and adjusting Land titles in Louisiana 50,000 urveying lands in the States of Ohio and Indiana, and Territory of Michigan 10,000 Surveying townships in the Creek purchase 38,400 Surveying public lands on water-courses, &c. in Louisiana 15,000 Salaries of 2 Deputies (principal) in the State of Louisiana 1,000 Conveyance to the Seat of Government of the votes of the Electors of President and Vice-President of The United States 2,400 Miscellaneous Claims, not otherwise provided for 4,000 TOTAL FOR MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Dollars. 394,241 INTERCOURSE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS. DIPLOMATIC. Salaries of the Ministers to London, Paris, St. Petersburgh, Rio Janeiro, Stock holm, Madrid, and the Hague.-9,000 each 7 Secretaries.-2,000 each Contingent expenses of those Missions Contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, including the loss of exchange BARBARY INTERCOURSE. Salary of the Consul-General at Algiers Salaries of the Consuls at Morocco, Tunis, and Tripoli.-2,000 each Contingent expenses of do.. Contingent expenses of intercourse with the Barbary Powers 63,000 14,000 10,000 70,000 4,000 6,000 12,000 50,000 Deficiency in 1816, in consequence of ESTIMATE of Appropriations for 1817.-Continued. Salaries of 3 Commissioners of Boundaries, under the Treaty of Ghent. 4,444 44 each Salaries of & Agents,-3,000 each Salaries of 3 Surveyors, -2,000 each Contingent Expenses Dollars. 13,333 9,000 6,000 6,000 8,000 50,000 Dollars. 321,333 Salaries of the Agents for claims, on account of spoliations, and for seamen, at Lon don, Paris, Copenhagen, and the Hague, -2,000 each Relief and protection of American seamen TOTAL FOR INTERCOURSE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. Pay of the Army, including Allowance to Officers who are entitled to Money in lieu of Subsistence and Forage, and for Subsistence and Clothing of their Private Servants, and for Half-pay Pensions to Widows and Orphans. no Appropriation having been made 2,736 6,736 6 Assistant Commissaries Military Storekeepers 161 Private Servants 7,800 28,320 15,000 9,660 11,753 Clothing. 5,982 Dollars. 122,044 46,34 34,302 |