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TREATY of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748, referred to in Article


VII of the preceding Treaty.

(Translation.) Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship, between His Britannic Majesty, the Most Christian King, and the States General of the United Provinces; concluded at Aix-la-Chapelle, the 18th day of October, N. S. 1748; to which the Empress Queen of Hungary, the Kings of Spain and Sardinia, the Duke of Modena, and the Republic of Genoa, have acceded.

ART. VII. In consideration of the Restitutions that His Most Christian Majesty, and His Catholic Majesty make, by the present Treaty, either to Her Majesty the Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, or to His Majesty the King of Sardinia, the Dutchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla shall, for the future, belong to the Most Serene Infant Don Philip, to be possessed by him and his Male Descendants, born in lawful Marriage, in the same manner, and in the same extent, as they have been, or ought to be, possessed by the present Possessors; and the said Most Serene Infant, or his Male Descendants, shall enjoy the said 3 Dutchies, conformably and under the Conditions, expressed in the Acts of Cession, of the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and of the King of Sardinia.

These Acts of Cession of the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and of the King of Sardinia, shall be delivered, together with their Ratifications of the present Treaty, to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Catholic King, in like manner as the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of the Most Christian King, and Catholic King, shall deliver, with the Ratifications of their Majesties, to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the King of Sardinia, the Orders to the Generals of the French and Spanish Troops to restore Savoy and the County of Nice to the Persons appointed by that Prince to receive them; so that the Restitution of the said States, and the taking possession of the Dutchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, by or in the name of the Most Serene Infant Don Philip, may be effected within the same time, conformably to the Acts of Cession, the tenor whereof follows:

Act of Cession of the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, 1748.
WE, Maria Theresa, &c. make known by these Presents :
Whereas, in order to put an end to the fatal War, certain Preliminary
Articles were agreed upon, on the 30th of April of this year, between the
Ministers Plenipotentiaries of the Most Serene andMost Potent Prince,
George II, King of Great Britain, and the Most Serene and Most Po-
tent Prince Lewis XV, the Most Christian King, and their High

Mightinesses the States General of the United Provinces, which have been since ratified by all the Powers concerned: the tenor of the IVth Article whereof is conceived in the following manner:

"IV. The Dutchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, shall be yielded to the Most Serene Infant Don Philip, to serve him as an Establishment, with the right of Reversion to the present Possessors, after that His Majesty the King of the 2 Sicilies shall have succeeded to the Crown of Spain; as also in case the said Most Serene Infant Don Philip should happen to die without Children."

And whereas, a Definitive Treaty of Peace having since been concluded, the several points relating to this affair have been, by virtue of the Articles thereof, explained by the common consent of the Parties concerned, in the following manner.

"In consideration of the Restitutions that His Most Christian Majesty and His Catholic Majesty make, by the present Treaty, either to Her Majesty the Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, or to His Majesty the King of Sardinia, the Dutchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla shall, for the future, belong to the Most Serene Infant Don Philip, to be possessed by him, and his Male Descendants born in lawful Marriage, in the same manner, and in the same extent, as they have been or ought to be possessed by the present Possessors; and the said Most Serene Infant, or his Male Descendants, shall enjoy the said 3 Dutchies conformably and under the conditions expressed in the Acts of Cession of the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and of the King of Sardinia.

"These Acts of Cession of the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and of the King of Sardinia, shall be delivered, together with their Ratifications of the present Treaty, to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Catholic King, in like manner as the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of the Most Christian King and Catholic King shall deliver, with the Ratifications of their Majesties, to the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries of the King of Sardinia, the Orders to the Generals of the French and Spanish Troops, to restore Savoy and the County of Nice to the Persons appointed by that Prince to receive them; so that the Restitution of the said States, and the taking possession of the Dutchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, by or in the name of the Most Serene Infant Don Philip, may be effected in the same time, and conformably to the said Acts of Cession."

Wherefore, in order to fulfil those things to which we have bound ourselves by the Articles before inserted, and in the firm hope that the Most Christian and Catholic Kings, and the future Possessor of the aforesaid 3 Dutchies, and his Male Descendants, will, on their part, bonâ fide, and punctually, fulfil the tenor of the Articles above-mentioned, and will likewise restore to us, within the same time, the States and Places which are to be restored to Us in consequence of the IInd and XVIIIth Articles of the same Preliminaries; We do yield and renounce, for us and our Successors, under the Conditions expressed in the above-mentioned Articles, all rights, claims, and pretensions to us under any Title or cause whatsoever belonging, upon the aforesaid 3 Dutchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, formerly possessed by Us; and transfer the same rights, claims and pretensions, in the best and most solemn manner possible, to the Most Serene Don Philip Infant of Spain, and his Male Descendants to be born in lawful Marriage, absolving all the Inhabitants of the said Dutchies from the allegiance and Oath which they have taken to Us, who shall be obliged for the future to pay the same allegiance to those to whom we have yielded our rights; all which, however, is to be understood only for that space of time that either the said Most Serene Infant Don Philip, or one of his Descendants, shall not have ascended either the Throne of the 2 Sicilies or of Spain; for at that time, and in case the aforesaid Infant should die without Male Descendants, we expressly reserve to ourselves, our Heirs and Successors, all rights, claims, and pretensions, which have heretofore belonged to Us, and consequently the right of Reversion to the said Dutchies.

In witness whereof, &c.


Act of Cession of the King of Sardinia, 1748.

CHARLES EMANUEL, &c. The desire we have to contribute, on our part, to the most speedy re-establishment of the public tranquillity, which lately induced us to accede to the Preliminary Articles, signed the 30th of April last, between the Ministers of His Britannic Majesty, His Most Christian Majesty, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces, which we did, on the 31st of May last, by our Plenipotentiary accordingly accede to, inducing us now to accomplish as much as is to be performed on our part in pursuance of them; and particularly for the execution of what is contained in the IVth Article of the said Preliminaries, by virtue whereofthe Dutchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla are to be yielded to the Most Serene Prince Don Philip, Infant of Spain, to hold, as an Establishment, with the right of Reversion to the present Possessors, as soon as His Majesty the King of the 2 Sicilies shall have succeeded to the Crown of Spain, or that the said Infant should happen to die without Issue Male; We, in conformity thereto, do, by the present Act, renounce, yield and transfer, for Ourselves and our Successors, to the aforesaid Most Serene Infant Don Philip, and to his Male Issue and their Descendants, born in lawful Marriage, the Town of Placentia, and the Plaisantine, (whereof we were possessed) to be held and possessed by him as Duke of Placentia; re

nouncing to this end all rights, claims, and pretensions, which we have upon them; reserving, however, expressly to Us and our Successors, the right of Reversion in the cases above-mentioned.

In witness whereof, &c.


ADDITIONAL CONVENTION between Great Britain and Portugal, for the prevention of Slave Trade, signed in London, the 28th of July, 1817;-and Separate Article, signed in London, the 11th of September, 1817.

Convenção Addicional do Tratado de 22 de Janeiro, de 1815, entre Sua Magestade Britannica e Sua Magestade Fidelissima, para o fim de impedir qualquer Commercio Illicito de Escravos por parte dos seus respectivos Vassallos. Feito em Londres, aos 22 do mez de Julho, 1817.


SUA Magestade el Rey do ReyUnido da Gram Bretanha e Irlanda, e Sua Magestade el Rey do Reyno Unido de Portugal, do Brazil, e Algarves, adherindo aos principios que manifestaram na Declaração do Congresso de Vienna, de 8 de Fevreiro de 1815; e desejando preencher, fielmente e em toda a sua extenção, as mutuas obrigaçoens que contractaram pelo Tratado de 22 de Janeiro de 1815, em quanto não chega a epoca em que, segundo o theor do Artigo IV do sobredito Tratado, Sua Magestade Fidelissima se reservou o fixar, de acordo com Sua Magestade Britannica, o tempo en que o Trafico de Escravos deverá cessar inteiramente e ser

Convention Additionnelle au Traité
du 22 Janvier, 1815, entre Sa
Majesté Britannique, et Sa Ma-
jesté Très Fidèle, - à l'effet
d'empêcher toute Commerce illi-
cite d'Esclaves de la part de
leurs Sujets respectifs. Signée
à Londres, le 28me Juillet,
1817, dans les Langues An-
glaises * et Portugaises.

Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, et Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de Portugal, Brésil, et Algarves, adhérant aux principes qu'ils ont énoncés dans la Déclaration du Congrès de Vienne, du 8 Février, 1815; et désirant remplir fidèlement, et dans toute leur étendue, les Engagemens mutuels qu'ils ont contractés, par le Traité du 22 Janvier, 1815, en attendant l'époque où, selon la teneur de l'Article IV du susdit Traité, Sa Majesté Très Fidèle s'est réservée de fixer, d'accord avec Sa Majesté Britannique, l'époque où le Trafic des Esclaves devra cesser entièrement, et sera prohibé dans ses Etats; et

• See English Version of this Convention. Vol. 1823, 1824. Page 689.

prohibido nos seus Dominios: e Sua Magestade el Rey do Reyno Unido de Portugal, do Brazil, e Algarves, tendo-se obrigado, pelo Artigo II do mencionado Tratado, a dar as providencias necessarias para impedir, aos seus Vassallos, todo o Commercio illicito de Escravos; e tendo-se Sua Magestade el Rey do Reyno Unido da Gram Bretanha e Irlanda obrigado, da sua parte, a adoptar, de accordo com Sua Magestade Fidelissima, as medidas necessarias para impedir que os Navios Portuguezes, que se empregarem no Commercio de Escravos, segundo as Leys do seu Paiz e os Tratados existentes, não soffram perdas e encontrem estorvos da parte dos Cruzadores Britannicos; suas ditas Magestades determinaram fazer huma Convenção para este fim; e havendo nomeado seus Plenipotenciarios, ad hoc, a saber:

Sua Magestade el Rey do Reyno Unido da Gram Bretanha e de Irlanda, ao Muito Honrado Roberto Stewart, Visconde de Castlereagh, Conselheiro de Sua dita Magestade no seu Conselho Privado, Membro do seu Parlamento, Coronel do Regimento de Milicias de Londonderry, Cavalleiro da Muito Nobre Ordem da Jarreteira, e seu Principal Secretario de Estado encarregado da Repartição dos Negocios Estrangeiros;

E Sua Magestade el Rey do Reyno Unido de Portugal, do Brazil, e Algarves, ao Illustrissimo e Excellentissimo Senhor Dom Pedro de Souza e Holstein, Conde de Palmella, do seu Conselho, Capitão da sua Guarda

Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de Portugal, Brésil et Algarves, s'étant engagé, par l'Article II. du susdit Traité, à adopter les mesures nécessaires afin de reprimer tout Commerce illicite d'Esclaves de la part de ses Sujets; et Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande s'étant engagé, de son coté, à adopter, d'accord avec Sa Majesté Très Fidèle, les mesures nécessaires afin d'empêcher que les Vaisseaux Portugais, qui feraient le Commerce d'Esclaves, selon les Loix de leur Pays, et les Traités existans, n'éprouvent des obstacles et des pertes de la part des Croiseurs Britanniques; leurs dites Majestés ayant résolu de procéder à l'arrangement d'une Convention à cet effet, et ayant nommé leurs Plénipotentiaires, ad hoc, à savoir:

Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, le Très Honorable Robert Stewart, Vicomte Castlereagh, Conseiller de Sa dite Majesté en son Conseil Privé, Membre du Parlement, Colonel du Régiment de Milice de Londonderry, Chevalier du Très Noble Ordre de la Jarretière, et son Principal Secrétaire d'Etat ayant le Département des Affaires Etrangères;

Et Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de Portugal, Brésil, et Algarves, le Très Illustre et Très Excellent Seigneur, Dom Pierre de Souza Holstein, Comte de Palmella, de son Conseil, Capitaine de la Compagnie Allemande

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