in his service any British Subject, nor the Subject of any European or American State, without the consent of the British Government. VIII. In order to secure and improve the relations of amity and peace hereby established between the 2 States, it is agreed that accredited Ministers from each shall reside at the Court of the other. IX. This Treaty, consisting of 9 Articles, shall be ratified by the Rajah of Nepaul within 15 days from this date, and the Ratification shall be delivered to Lieutenant-Colonel Bradshaw, who engages to obtain and deliver to the Rajah the Ratification of the GovernorGeneral within 20 days, or sooner if practicable. Done at Segowley, on the 2nd day of December, 1815. No. 36.-TREATY with the Rao of Cutch. -Bhooj, 16th January, 1816. Articles of a Treaty of Alliance between the Honourable English East India Company, and His Highness Maharaj Mirza Rao Bharmuljee, of Cutch; agreed to by both Governments. ART. I. A firm and lasting Peace and Amity shall hereafter exist between the Contracting Governments. II. The People of the Cutch District of Wagur having committed unprovoked depredations in the Mahals of their Highnesses the Peshwah and Guicowar, in the Peninsula of Cattywar, the Maha Rao engages to reimburse the losses sustained by their aggressions, and also to defray the military expenses incurred in consequence, according to a Separate Deed, by which the Maha Rao engages to abide. III. His Highness the Maha Rao engages to become responsible to the Peshwah's and Guicowar's and Honourable Company's Governments, for any loss which their Subjects may hereafter sustain by depredations from Subjects of the Cutch State. IV. The Subjects of the Cutch State shall on no account cross the Gulph or Runn for hostile purposes, neither shall they cross to act against the Subjects of the Honourable Company, or those of Shrimunt Peshwah or the Guicowar. The Subjects of the aforesaid 3 Governments shall (in like manner) not cross the Gulph or Runn for hostile purposes against the Rao's Subjects. The Fort of Anjar, &c. having been ceded to the Honourable Company, no objections exist to Troops and stores crossing the Gulph or Runn for that Place. [1816-17.] S V. His Highness the Rao binds himself to suppress, in the most effectual manner, the practice of Piracy throughout his Dominions and Coasts, and engages to make good any losses sustained by Vessels sailing under the pass of the Honourable Company, by Piracies committed from the Ports in Cutch. The practice of confiscating property wrecked on the Coast shall from this date be suppressed, and His Highness engages to cause all property thus sequestrated to be returned to the legal Owner. VI. His Highness the Rao engages, that no Foreign European or American Force of any description, or Agent of any of those Powers, shall be permitted to pass through or reside in the State of Cutch. VII. The Rao binds himself to prohibit the admission of Arab Mercenaries into Cutch; Arabs resorting for mercantile purposes shall not be permitted to leave any of their Followers. They shall return with the Merchants. This shall be particularly attended to. In consideration, however, of the situation of Luckput, on the borders of Scind, and for the object of keeping the District of Wagur in subjection, the Rao shall retain in his service Arab Sebundy, not exceeding in number 400 men. VIII. The Honourable Company, in consideration of the distracted state of the Government of Rao Bharmugee, and its inability to fulfil the above obligations without aid, engage to cause such Possessions as have been alienated by the treachery of his Servants, to be restored to His Highness's authority; any of the Servants above alluded to returning to their allegiance, through the mediation of the Honourable Company, shall have their affairs arranged in a manner meeting the wishes of both Governments. IX. The District of Wagur, a Dependency of the Cutch State, will require to undergo a thorough reform. The prohibition which exists to the Rao entertaining Arab Sebundy beyond a limited number, disables him from effecting a settlement of that District satisfactorily to the Honourable Company. The latter, therefore, agree to aid His Highness with a Force, to arrange this Talookain a manner suitable to the objects of both Governments, so that it remain obedient to the Rao's authority, who binds himself, as in Article III, to be responsible for the future acts of the People. X. As a friendly return for the essential services thus engaged to be performed, His Highness the Rao agrees to cede to the Honourable Company, in perpetuity, the Fort of Anjar, with Villages, including Tooreea Bunder, and, in addition, engages to pay in perpetuity an annual sum of 2 lacs of cowries in cash to the Honourable Company. The particulars of this Article are contained in a Separate Deed. XI. The slaughter of cows and bullocks being directly at variance with the religion of the Jahrijahs, and the greater portion of the Natives of Cutch, the Honourable Company engage to abstain from the slaughter of those animals within the limits of Cutch, and from violating the religious prejudices of the Rao's Subjects. XII. His Highness, the Rao, engages not to allow a Bharwuttia of the Shrimunt Peshwa, Guicowar, or Honourable Company's Governments, to reside within his Territory, and (in like manner) the above 3 Governments engage not to permit a Bharwuttia of the Rao's Country to reside in their Mahals. In the event, however, of a Bharwuttia residing within a Foreign State, and committing acts of depredation from thence, the Power affording him an asylum shall be considered responsible. XIII. A Representative of the Honourable Company's Government shall reside with the Rao in the Capital, in order that all questions which may arise between the Contracting Governments be discussed in a friendly manner, and the Engagements of both Parties be watched over and preserved inviolate. This Vakeel shall not listen to any complaints, either from the Rao's Bhyaud or his Minister; at the Rao's request, however, the Seriar will afford him its best advice. The above 13 Articles of Treaty shall be adhered to by the Rao, his Heirs and Successors, and the Honourable Company. Done at Bhooj, on the 16th day of January, A. D. 1816. [Seal] JAMES MACMURDO, Employed on a Mission to Cutch, by the Bombay Government. DEED executed by Maharaj Mirza Rao Bharmuljee, of Cutch, in favour of the Honourable English East India Company. (Translation.) ART. I. My Sircar, as a friendly gift, has for ever done over to you by Deed the Fort of Anjar, with Villages, including Tooreea Bunder, according to the following List: According to the above List, I have given you the Fort, and, Bunder inclusive, 24 Villages, and surrender to you all Sovereignty, control, and produce in those Places that my Sircar has enjoyed. Any charitable, religious or other ancient gifts of my Government shall be investigated by the Honourable Company, and on authentic Papers being produced, the Honourable Company's Government shall continue them. Grassias, who have enjoyed grass from ancient times in the Pergunnah, or in Anjar, shall not be obstructed by the Honourable Company in receiving their produce. Disputes regarding Villages, Boundaries, or disputes of any kind, between the Subjects of the 2 Governments, shall be adjusted by 2 Persons on the part of the Sircars, agreeably to justice; one Sircar shall not send orders or moksils on the Subjects of the other. Subjects or Inhabitants of the above Places, coming to me to complain, I shall not listen to them. II. In addition to the above Deed, I have agreed to pay to the Honourable Company from my Government an annual sum of 2 Lacks of Rao Shai cories. This cash is to be paid in 2 kists, as follows: 100,000, 1 lack, cories on Asar Sood 2nd. 200,000 In this manner I am to pay 2 lacks of cories annually for ever. And should the cories not be paid on the stipulated dates, I am to pay interest at the rate of 9 per cent. per annum. I have given these 2 Articles in writing to the Honourable Company's Sircars, of my own free will. I and my Heirs and Successors are to abide by them. Done at Sumwut, 1872 Poshwud, 2nd Tuesday, 16th January, 1816. No. 37.-TREATY with the Vizier of Oude. Lucknow, 1st May, 1816, Treaty between His Excellency, the Nabob Vizier Ool Mamaulik Refaut Ood Dowlah Ruffee Ool Moolk Ghauzee Ood Deen Hyder Khaun Behauder Shahaumut Jung, and the British Government, for the transfer to His Excellency of the District of Khyreegur, and of certain Lands conquered by the British Government from the Rajah of Nepaul, in commutation of His Excellency's second Loan to the British Government; and for the exchange of the Pergunna of Handia, belonging to His Excellency the Vizier, for that of Nawaubgunge, belonging to the British Government; settled by His Excellency the Nabob Vizier, on his own part, and by Richard Strachey, British Resident at the Court of His Excellency, on the part of the British Government in virtue of Full Powers vested in him by His Excellency the Right Honourable the Earl of Moira, K. G., Governor-General in Council, &c. &c. &c. ART. I. The British Government hereby cedes to His Excellency the Vizier, in full and perpetual Sovereignty, the District of Khyreegur; also the Lowlands between Khyreegur and the Hills, and those between His Excellency's Territory further to the Eastward, and the Hills; that is, the whole of the late Goorka Possessions below the Hills, extending on the West from the River Gogra to the British District of Goruckpore on the East, and bounded on the South by His Excellency's Possessions and the District of Khyreegur, and on the North by the Hills. The Goorka Orders of surrender of that Tract will accordingly be made over to His Excellency the Vizier; and the British Government hereby engages to establish His Excellency's authority in the above-mentioned Territory. II. His Excellency the Nabob Vizier, in return for the Cession mentioned in the preceding Article, hereby annuls the debt of the British Government to His Excellency, of 1 crore of rupees, being the total amount of His Excellency's Second Loan to the Company during the last year; the interest of which Loan will cease from the date of His Excellency's receiving possession of Khyreegur and the conquered Lands above-mentioned, when the Acknowledgments granted to His Excellency will be returned. III. His Excellency the Nabob Vizier hereby cedes to the British Government the Pergunna of Handia, (otherwise called Kewye,) which forms part of His Excellency's District of Pertaubgur, and which intervenes between the British Districts of Jaunpore, Murzapore and Allahabad; and the British Government cedes to His Excellency, in exchange, the Purgunna of Nawaulgunge, which forms part of the District of Goruckpore; or a piece of Territory, the revenue of which may be equivalent to that of the Pergunna of Handia. IV. The British Government engages that, after the establishment of His Excellency's authority in the District of Khyreegur, and in the conquered Lands abovementioned, if any disturbances arise, from whatever cause, they will effectually suppress them; and if, notwithstanding the co-operation and support of the British Government, His Excellency should be deprived of those Possessions, other Lands, yielding the same revenue, shall be given to His Excellency. This Treaty, consisting of 4 Articles, having been settled by His Excellency the Nabob Vizier for himself, and by Richard Strachey, Resident at the Court of Lucknow, on the part of the British Government; the Resident at Lucknow has delivered 1 Copy thereof, in Persian and English, signed and sealed by him, to His Excellency the Vizier; from whom he has received a Counterpart, also duly executed by His Excellency. The Resident engages to procure and deliver to |