J. JESWUNT RAO HOLKAR. Treaties with Great Britain. Peace and Page Amity............1805 1806. 220, 222 L. LAHORE. Rajah of. Treaty with Great Britain. Friendship. Umritsur, 25th April, 1809. 229 .... .... .... cilies.. ....... 8th December, 1816. 560 LETTERS. See CORRESPONDENCE, REPORT, POST OFFICE. LOUISIANA. Correspondence between Spain and The United States. 1816, 1817. 321 M MACHERRY. Rajah of. Treaties with Great Britain. Friendship and Alliance. ........ 1803, 1811. 194, 236 MANDAVIE. Dewan Hansraj of. Engagement with Great Britain. Friendship. Suppression of Piracy. 28th October, 1809. 235 .... .... state of the Country.. Buenos Ayres, 14th Feb, 1817. 983 MARRIAGE of The Princess Royal of Great Britain with the Heredi- ......... tary Prince of Wirtemberg. Treaty. of..do..do. Additional Articles. London, 3rd May, 1797 369 ........... ........... Order in Council 10th July, 1818. 568 ............ Page MEMOIR. See CORRESPONDENCE. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ of..do..to..do. Neutral Obligations towards Belligerent Great Britain during the War. 7th February, 1817. of..do..to..do. Subjects of Controversy with Spain. 267 22nd February, 1817. 321 22nd December, 1817. 972 of..do..to..do. Military Establishment. of the King of Wirtemberg to the States. Royal Project of See also SPEECH. REPORT. ...26th May, 1817. 976 MOLEMBO and Cabinda. Declaration between Great Britain and London, 3rd April, 1819. 116 Portugal. Slave Trade. ........ ...... Convention with Sardinia. Commerce. 905 Peronne, 14th September, 1641. MYSORE. Rajah of. Treaties with Great Britain. Friendship and NEPAUL. Rajah of. Treaty with Great Britain. Peace. NETHERLANDS. Segowley, 2nd December, 1815. 255 Convention with Prussia. Abolition of the "Droit de Détraction" and Tax upon Emi- Brussels, 26th August, 1817. 746 with Wirtemberg. Abolition of do. The Hague, 4th October, 1817. 747 ..... .... gation..Copenhagen, 10th July, 1817. 959 vigation with Denmark, 1701. 960 Speech of the King. Opening of the States General. NEUTRAL RELATIONS of The United States. Acts of the Congress of Page The United States..1794, 1817. 339.839 NEWFOUNDLAND. Importation of Provisions into, from The United 1817. 729, 951 NEW GRANADA. Sce SPANISH AMERICA. April, July, 1817. 980 ORDER of the King of Portugal. Fitting out of Spanish Slave Ves- ...... sels in Portuguese Ports prohibited. Rio de Janeiro, 17th Feb. 1817. 126 of the King of Spain. Liberation of an American Citizen, im- ORDERS IN COUNCIL. (British.) Exportation of Gunpowder, Arms, &c. to Afric Africa, to the West Indies, Trade between Foreign Countries 1st March, 1817. 565 Disposal of, and distribution of 11th July, 1817. $47 See also АсT. DECREE. LAW. ORDINANCE. ........... ......... ......... Slave Trade....... 8th January, 1817. 755 See also AcT. DECREE. LAW. ORDER. OUDE. Vizier of. 1 Criminals and Delinquents. Turin, 3rd July, 1817. 751 with Tuscany. Arrest and deliver- Florence, 2nd August, 1817. 820 with do. Arrest and delivering up Florence, 2nd August, 1817. 866 with do. Abolition of the "Droits Florence, 2nd August, 1817. 926 PENSIONS of certain high and efficient Civil Officers. Act of the Bri- and British Notifications... April, July, 1817. 980 1802, 1803. 186, 195 PLACENTIA. See PARMA. 3rd March, 1817. 760 ....... 25th June, 1817. 784 Friendship Santa Cruz, 24th November, 1813. 118 Decree. (do.) Punishment of Disturbers of the Peace. Correspondence with Buenos Ayres. Occupation of Monte Video by the Portuguese Forces..1816, 1817. 989 2nd March, 1817. 995 Royal Order. Prohibition of Spanish Slave Vessels from Note of the Plenipotentiaries of the Five Powers. PORTUGAL. Notifications. (Portuguese and British.) Blockade of ......... Page April, July, 1817. 980 Convention (Additional) with Great Britain. Slave .......... Trade.. London, 28th July, 1817. 85 Annexes. Form of Passport for Portu- ......... guese Vessels... 95 ........ Instructions for Ships of War.. 98 .... Regulation for the Mixed Com- missions 104 Paris, 28th August, 1817. .... 818 Ordinance of The King of France.....6th Nov. 1817. 467 PROCEEDINGS of the Spanish Council of the Indies. Abolition of Buenos Ayrean. Of the Supreme Director. Pro- French. Commercial Relations between Bourbon and the Mauritius.....10th July, 1818. 568 vernment.... Corfu, 9th Nov. 1816. 623 Portuguese. Entrance of the Portuguese Troops into Monte Video...... Nov. 1816. 982 Spanish American. Capitulation of Amelia Island Fernandina, 30th June, 1817. 814 See also DECLARATION. MANIFESTO, ORDINANCE. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ [1816-17.] Army of Occupation in France. Paris, 10th Feb. 1817. 824 Decree. Organization of the Council of State. ......... 3 U |